Hello CTR shills!

Daytime raid go go go

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You sure they're really there? And it's not just UPS workers?

ive been waiting for this all morning.
go chimp out

Anyone looking out the windows?

Post Photos of Shills looking out of Windows

hey yall some nice user made a cute pic of who funded ctr
also here's proof it's real

Most excellent

captcha ready for popcorn



Kek confirms.

Enjoy your paranoia ctr

lol posting stupid CTR poster
only one i got any more?

Needs the 4th dnc investigator


Kek confirms it should be burnt to the ground

Hey look another thread where you circle jerk over passive aggressive pictures OP secretly took but nothing gets done. How many threads will this go for now? 5?


Shill or no shill?

bump for pilling shills and newfriends.

newfriends and shills tbis is a board of peace. please ask questions.

everyone think for yourself please.


is this shit fucking real? it cant be.

also calling out mid level shills with reasoning rustles their jimmies. had a couple of midshills admit their shilliness after getting jims rustled.

At least go up and say you're there for the interview. Then ask if it's AIPAC and they'll just direct you down the street. Try to record it.


congrats, they have your face now.

If you become a problem for them you'll find yourself suicided