Is it ogre?
Or is there still plenty of time to recover?
These are basically the states that matter
And anyone calling this a CTR shill thread is a fucking autist
Is it ogre?
Or is there still plenty of time to recover?
These are basically the states that matter
And anyone calling this a CTR shill thread is a fucking autist
>believing any sort of retarded internet poll
When was the last time you voted in one of these? The only people who regularly vote in this kind of shit are facebook slacktavists that like to think their hollow actions somehow make them a better person.
These are extremely small sample sizes trying to act like they represent tens of millions of people 5 months in the future.
The only poll that matters is the election. Just quit paying attention to this shit.
Fuck off shill.
kill yourself, I am not
I want Trump to win
Instead of acting like a 12 year old, give me reason why there's nothing to worry about
>believing skewed polls
See above.
>is a fucking autist
Polls fluctuate...hence Trump being down in June and for just about all of July.
The MSM has said he would never get the GOP nomination and now you start believing right.
You should know this if you've followed Trump. Maybe you're not trying to be a shill, but this is exactly the type of thread ctr would make.
We see what happened in 2012 when they did that
In all honesty if you look at this fucking graph its pretty fucking obvious they are rigging the polls. Its not subtle at all.
If we listened to polls then elections would be a forgone conclusion. We will see what happens in the next couple of months but if Trump is going to throw a shit on twitter everytime someone calls him a name then he is done.
Just w8 4 the deb8s m8, they'll be gr8, 8/8.
>94 days of this left
The thing to remember about these state by state polls
1) They are done rarely, so it is hard to get an accurate sample size, NH for example has only 3 polls for the entire year. By contrast there have been 15 national polls in the last week.
2) The majority of them are done by no name firms and with small sample sizes. I dont see can recogniable polling firms in the NH poll for example. This doesn't necessarily mean that they are wrong, but I don't trust literally who pollsters.
Saved, dear god that's insightful.
Don't worry, the polls are rigged. Trump is actually leading.
Yes. Dukakis was up by 17 at this point. He lost by 7.
I didn't know we had tiny ants browsing the board. I guess this manlet has autism.
>media reporting of polls
Try again medpack, with a better quality
this is only the 9043923234th thread on this topic, I think we still need to post it again
You can't look at raw numbers without context in polling.
>falling for shill polls
op is being a faggot again
Thanks that's going on my wall.