>Uruguay's 6-months presidency on mercosur is finishing and they have to give it to Venezuela
>Paraguay opposes since right now the Mercosur is talking for a free-trade agreement with the European union and Venezuela's Democracy is on fire. Seeks to Argentina to take the place instead of them
>Uruguay commie govermnent rejects the proposition and say they will give them the presidency anyway
>President Mauricio Macri of Argentina supports the Paraguay goverment and so President Temer of Brazil
>Venezuela's government going nuts and says there is "triple alliance" and a new Plan Condor against their govermnent
>The absolutely mad man just said "We wait for you here, here we will fight you and win because this is our presidency"
>The whole mercosur is on fire since they can't believe he actually said that
>Paraguay ambassador is soon to leave Venezuela
>Diplomatic relations between Paraguay-Venezuela just broke
>Nobody knows what to do now
Thoughts? Shit is going down soon.
>Venezuela denounces a triple alliance from the """Extreme right""" of the Mercosur
>Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil rejects Venezuela 6-months presidency on Mercosur
>Paraguay vs Venezuela. Paraguay's Chancellor Lozaiga totally rejects Venezuela and a big tension just started between this two states
More links in English and information will be appreciate.
More like CommieSur
Oh my, guess this time you will be playing in the winning team, isn't that nice, amigo?
Anyway, Venezuela is a shithole, the only reason why Brazil never invaded it to annex it is because it is such worthless clay that we would not profit anything by doing so.
Mercosul as a whole should be dismantled, it never worked as intended and needs some heavy changes in order for it to help the member countries to prosper.
Also :
See this gorilla talk shit about our "beloved union"
>President Macri already in Rio for the Olympics ceromony and talk to President Temer about the crisis on mercosur
It's just funny to see my country becoming somehow relevant
I don't mercosur should be dismantled, we just need to get rig of all the commies governments and focus on good trade deals
Macri is making some really nice job for our union
It never worked because we had decades of leftist presidents. Now is changing hopefully
No, it never worked because it was supposed to be a trade union in which you could perform free trade with the member countries with no restrictions. The problem is that pretty much every country created protectionist measures to restrict said free trade, resulting in a retarded situation in which there are more exceptions to the rule then countries following it.
It is a failed system, we should scrape it and create a new one, and demand that member countries adjust themselves to the requirements before joining.
Or just try and fix the system, but that is easier said than done, because worthless communist countries just won't cooperate.
could this affect oil price if yes in what way
t. oil stock kike
>could this affect oil price if yes in what way
they are very welcome to bomb our political capital
I want this shit to end.
It never helped us with anything, it's a failed globalist experiment developed by shitty populist leaders with no knowledge of economics.
Create a new one doesn't sound bad. Still i support thiss stupid restrictions between our countries
The Alliance of plebcific is fucking our asses though
Can we colonize Venezuela if we go to war, please? I want that oil.
Well good news! your dream could become true anytime soon with the whole shit is happening lately
>Still i support thiss stupid restrictions between our countries
Make up your mind, either join a trading agreement to grant free trade or don't join one and have your stupid restrictions. It is rather pointless being in such an agreement if you are going to go ahead and restrict trade anyway.
>Can we colonize Venezuela if we go to war, please? I want that oil.
Not worth the trouble, if we have no choice but war I guess we could, but we would profit more with a peacefull diplomatic resolution to the problem.
This thread is dommed just like this shitty economic bloc.
I hope some massacre on today's Olympic presentation.
just scrap it and join the pacific alliance separately
free travel,free trade ,no commies (except Chile)
Venezuela,Ecuador,Bolivia,Nicaragua stay out till they change their commie ways
i meant "i support you in this*"
why so rude with my thread? :(
>i meant "i support you in this*"
I see.
It really is a failed system, it never brought us any real economical advantage or acted as a diplomatic unity to bring our countries closer togheter.
We need to either reform mercosul seeking to integrate our countries economies in a way that we all would benefit from it and grow our economies togheter, or we need to scrape the entire thing and make a brand new one.
Changed my mind, I think south Brazil should form a coalition with Uruguay, Argentina and Chile and we should honor our european roots and conquer this rotten continent already. Genociding negros and commies will do massive good in the long run, you know.
Fuck that... I don't want Venezuelans, we have enough leftists here.
But we'll keep the venezuelan plastic bimbo bitches
well venezuela is gonna end somehow and I'm pretty sure it will end in war somehow anyway.
You guys want more commies? Don't you have enough?
Already changed my mind mates, see here God damn it Argie, no racemixing now.
Previusly known as:
Maniac Conquered Shitskins
Gonna impregnate some hot venezuelan hotties to clean the mess they have let them get away with.
>Calling anyone shitskins
This is what venezuela needs, communism needs to be eradicated from south america.
Venezuela military is left-wing as fuck now. No chance at all of a right-wing dictator eradicating commies there.
what is that meme called?
When will venezuela impeach Maduro already?!
Or people are going to just lay there until they die without food like africans?
>Changed my mind, I think south Brazil should form a coalition with Uruguay, Argentina and Chile and we should honor our european roots and conquer this rotten continent already. Genociding negros and commies will do massive good in the long run, you know.
I don't think that would quite work...
The south is not nearly as unified in the matter as gauchos would like to believe.
And Uruguay, Argentina and Chile not necessarily have the same interests in mind, many of which might be conflicting with others.
>what is that meme called?
Paraguay war mate, we killed 90% of paraguays male population.
it seems that they have lost the will to fight.
Isn't Venezula's military shit? Pretty sure Paraguay could kick their ass.
Paraguay, Brasil and Argentina need to declare war on those commies.
Triple alliance war all over again but against venezuela.
The point is: We don't have anything to gain from it.
We won't fight an expensive war if we are not forced into it.
Just wait for them to starve to death, nothing of value will be lost.
> mercosur
Paraguay wtf are you even talking about. Is that like the EU of the rain forest or something?
Mercosur is a sub-regional bloc. Its full members are Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Its associate countries are Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Suriname. Observer countries are New Zealand and Mexico.
Its purpose is to promote free trade and the fluid movement of goods, people, and currency. The official languages are Spanish, Portuguese and Guarani.
And Venezuela is falling apart so they want to have their turn running it and nobody wants to let them?
It's not like they could actually fight right? Their country is a wreck
>new zealand
>free trade
What's the logic behind all those words mixed together?
>No incentives
>Full of Oil
War economy is also really great, we could take all those black homeless people and send then there
Its our big cahnce user, will you fight for it?
>we could take all those black homeless people and send then there
>Temer, Macri and Cartes declare war to Maduro
memes aside, what would you do if this actually happen?
>Killing communists
>Nothing to gain from it
Definitely enlist in the military.
My favorite South American immigrants.
They are all very Conservative for some reason.
Unlike Bolivians and Peruvians.
I like how Uruguay isn't doing anything in the meme, just like real life.
Anyway, Mercosur is a waste by now, if we can't do anything great with it I hope we just leave yknow
As for Venezuela, I also hope the new Triple Alliance is real. With our future new USA base, we are going to create a big army and kill Maduro. Let me dream.
Thanks argiebro, i really like your country.
And yeah, most of us are super conservative.
so what, blacks fighting blacks happens every day
fucking Venezuela just destroyed the Mercosur (that's kind of our EU free trade bloc concept for the Southern Cone, for everyone reading this thread that has no idea about our politics)
back in 2012 when our presidents were commies in Argentina, Brazil and URGay, they decided to let Memezuela into the Mercosur, because "muh left pink friends" reasons
now, turns out that its their turn to "preside" the organization (it's rotated by alphabetic order) for a couple of years, but Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay (now they have kind of right-ish leaders) are opposing it because Venezuela is a leftard dictatorship shithole that can't even rule themselves, and want to kick them out
this will end in the dissolution of Mercosur, mark my words, bacause our retarded leftist President refuses to kick them out and he even accepted the transfer of power to fucking Venezuela
so, either they kick Venezuela out, or they kick us, or it dissolves. In any case, I'm having a lot of fun with this shitstorm
was fun to know you Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina
How is crime rate though? I'm trying to move alone and find a good place, with conservative redpilled people and I don't think I will find any in here, too many liberals.
>War economy is also really great, we could take all those black homeless people and send then there
>Its our big cahnce user, will you fight for it?
Nah, fuck you. You don't understand how expensive it will be to fight such a war, the profits we would make out of the oil they have is not enough to cover the war costs.
We could just build a wall around their country and wait for them to starve to death, they are doing so a marvellous job at it already!
Why waste money waging a war if we can just raise a wall and defend it?
>As for Venezuela, I also hope the new Triple Alliance is real. With our future new USA base, we are going to create a big army and kill Maduro. Let me dream.
Just wait for the food to end and the people to starve, they will revolt on their own and kill him withoun't our help.
Just raise your defenses and get /comfy/ while their country falls to ruins.
don't ever think of coming here unless you like uneducated people that like to shit were they eat.
your country is light YEARS ahead of this shithole
Yes and cuba will nuke all
I don't want to let them starve.
South America need a good war m8, very boring stuff otherwise. Let just hope USA don't get involve, they always ruin the fun
Yeah but I want to raise a good conservative and christian family. Hard to find 10/10 redpilled women here.
Chile girls are meh.
>I don't want to let them starve.
>South America need a good war m8, very boring stuff otherwise. Let just hope USA don't get involve, they always ruin the fun
What does it matter how they die? All that matters is that they will disappear and stop being a problem to the rest of south america.
I don't really give a shit, just drop large quantities of nerve gas there and finish them off for good.
Feels great being in the right side of history for once. Memesul is a mess.
Don't listen to that dumbass he's the kind of people that love to shit on their own country without even knowing about it.
There are places here that are really safe and other places that are really dangerous, like in your country. The biggest problem we have here is corruption.
Knew a missionary from Uruguay. Told me about this hydro-electric dam on the Brazilian border. Told me it should have paid for itself, free electricity. Instead, corruption stole every bit of profit and electric bills are in the hundreds of dollars.
>What does it matter how they die?
He doesn't but that will mean we don't actually fire any gun you know... I want some pew pew.
Don't you have a bull to prepare, Sven?
Ok, go ahead and invade then, but casualties on our side should also be expected, as in any war.
we have no hydro dam on Brazilian border
he probably was talking about Itaipu and you probably confused Paraguay with Uruguay
We are the most christian country in south america
but where is the fun in that?
And in the irrelevant part of history as well. Alianza del Pacifico is a meme
Indeed, but we will use the shitskin to fight m8, like we did against Paraguay
Thanks, yeah, it was a brief conversation.
Don't be so salty, Brazil is indeed among the top 5 south american countries that should be nuked. It goes like this
1. Venezuela
2. Bolivia
3. Paraguay
4. Brazil
5. Guyana/Suriname
6. Argentina
7. Colombia/Peru
8. Ecuador
9. Chile
10. Uruguay
The best prostitutes and the worst weed from South America are Paraguayans.
I don't know man, an arab guy once told me he travelled across the world and he thought our weed was the best. He must have been pretty high then.
You're exagereting, i traveled a lot throught south america and i can tell you Paraguay is more safer than you think. While yes you can get robed easily here in Colombia they will murder you, even Chile i had so many bad times in Antofagasta
Paraguay is bad and poor at the end of the day but shit we can actually be good sometimes
I like it here, if you study, do a lot hard-work you will have a great time
Bullshit. Why you want to nuke us? We don't interfere in foreigner politics, we don't have a good army to be a threat to anyone, we are very good neighbors, let everyone enter our country free.
>but where is the fun in that?
The fun is getting all their oil and natural resources withoun't a fight.
>Indeed, but we will use the shitskin to fight m8, like we did against Paraguay
I would not use shitskins for anything above frontline infantry though, I don't want a fucking nigger driving a tank or helicopter.
So, you are just some clueles marroncito who played too much counter strike on a cyber?
how is everything going in uruguay?
you still have mujica? with macri and our economy on edge, is the only thing that the media talks here.
I hate people like him, they hate their own country and they glorify others.
People like him are the reason our country is in a bad situation, they rant about how much we need to improve yet they do nothing about it.
I don't really play games though. But I didn't live during the coup. All my politic life is corruption after corruption, boring stuff
Argies being a meme, never end.
i have a feeling if war happens it is going to make Bolivia disappear for being allied with Venezuela by having a death toll similar to the triple alliance war
Based Paraguay
>Venezuela declares war to Paraguay
>Paraguay allies with Argentina and Brazil
>Uruguay commie retarded goverment supports Venezuela
>we are going to war
>military coup in Uruguay
>civil war
>not seein since 1860's
Frente Amplio vs Partido Nacional/Colorado
Please be happening
What is the good party though? I don't know much about ur u gay politics. Frente Amplio or Partido Nacional?
Corruption is a staple of our politicians, it's not something you fix with a war.
Also, if you are bored, get a hobby. War is not some kind of entertainment.
nah, they're bro tier
should be number 3 and Colombia number 4
Say who? War-based economy. They stable countries, you just need to know how to do it.
>Not wanting a big happening
Frente amplio are dirty commies.
>i have a feeling if war happens it is going to make Bolivia disappear for being allied with Venezuela by having a death toll similar to the triple alliance war
This is likely, if Bolivia supports Venezuela during a conflict they will have to face Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay. Possibly Chile as well.
It would be un unwinnable war to them, so I guess Bolivia might just betray Venezuela and join us against it, in a cowardly maneuver to annex the Venezuelan territory in the aftermath of the war.
But then what south american nationality would we use as an insult?
This is gonna be fun.
A little bit of war allways help on the economy.
Lets go throw some shit to venezuelan fuckers and get rich in the swing.
Evo is not going to betray Venezuela though.
I'd be surprised if they have electricity in that communist shithole.
>a little bit of war
>Venezuela Airforce is more powerfull than both brazilian and argie ones combined
Oh man, i'd love for my country to go to war against bolivia again, this time we would get rid of them for once.
brazilian, like always
no, we went back to Vazquez
(in our country, a president can't have 2 consecutive terms) so the left is playing ping pong with the presidential seat, now we're having the last Vazquez term (one person can only have 2 terms)
since Mujica is too fucking old to get his second term, the left is probably getting kicked out pf power for good, all their historical leaders are dying.
Indeed, just today august 5th, the most respectable leader of the leftists guerilla, Fernández Huidobro just died, we're on "state mourning" today.
I even kind of liked the old man in the end, because in his last years, our leftard government put him in charge of the Defense Minister, because they thought it would be the ultimate joke upon the Military. Imagine the leader of the guerrilla movement in fucking charge of the military that he fought against. Well, it backfired and after 5 years in contact with the Military and their senseful rhetoric he changed his mind and every single public discourse he made was against the mindless left. Our leftard government is now today celebrating the death of the most respectable man in their files because he changed his mind. Kind of sick.
I'm gonna miss him. RIP in peace based old man.
Still Brazil alone can fuck them good. Is not just airforce
Don't forget about the U.S most likely military aid if it happens
>That feel when not a full member
So to who's going the Venezuelan territory after you flatten it?
i hope that happens desu
easiest way to kick the retarded leftards in charge
>Evo is not going to betray Venezuela though.
He might if his ass is on the line.
Either way, Venezuela can't win such a war alone, so unless they get some foreign allies to back them up, it is game over for them if they declare war.
>Venezuela Airforce is more powerfull than both brazilian and argie ones combined
We got excellent anti-air though. And we have numerical advantage.
>Oh man, i'd love for my country to go to war against bolivia again, this time we would get rid of them for once.
I find that hard to believe, considering your poor performance in the Paraguay war. But good luck I guess.
And even if true, air support is useless without ground units. And frankly there is no way in hell that Venezuela ground army could compete with Brazil OR Argentina.