Western hypocrisy thread
You're so used to it, you can't feel it anymore
Western hypocrisy thread
You're so used to it, you can't feel it anymore
retourne en bougnoulerie
J'y suis deja
Nobody on Sup Forums likes kikes or Israel Ahmed
that dosent change the fact the islam is the worst religon possible
>French flag
Why am I not surprised?
Flag checks out.
Israel isn't muslim
What goes around comes around mohammed.
Hope you get nuked soon.
I don't like niggers breeding with white women but can't keep my dick out of asian women
When did Americans/Trump say Arab states were obligated to take in jews?
Answer is never. Stop watching your propaganda streams.
That's not hypocrisy, that's consistently hating muslims.
without Isreal there would be not muslim terrorism today
>Consistently he said
They're both shit. Go back to Africa and leave France alone before we help the frogs purge you.
he supports Israel right to exist
So america is against immigration ?
If all those muslims are dead or imprisoned in the end isn't that consistent?
The hypocrisy is in the fact Jews want Muslims in the western world but won't accept them in Israel.
ah yes, that turned out really well for the natives didn't it?
They sold it for shiny beads by the way
So Europeans colonized land savages lived in, and this is somehow a pro-immigration argument?
We conquered your shit fair and square redskin. You find those missing women yet? :^)
not with saudi arabia and qatar, no
the common point with those leaders is that they were supported by Russia
Are you trying to make the US hate all muslims equaly? That's what trump is doing, I see no problem here
nice once
They won't even take syrian refugees when they justify their existence from being refugees in WWII
>They sold it for shiny beads by the way
hey the french are the ones who flooded us with their immigrants in the first place
At least we have the decensy not to emmigrate anywhere else,
So this means millions of slimes will die? Sign me up senpai
neither Colombia,Venezuela,Ecuador nor Peru were British colonies ever
He should drop support for saudi arabia and Israel, but he clearly won't, dont fool yourself
>Muslim homeland
>what happened over 100 years ago is still relevant to the subject today
What you're saying is really on the same caliber as black people complaining about being enslaved.
rightful conquest =\= immigration
and the number of colonists (which brought over their technology to you faggots) was way less than the amount of you who live as an underclass in their country today. But hey, maybe you wouldn't have to immigrate if you didn't declare independence.
Also those are some facebook tier macros holy shit
they already are dying, where have you been in the last decades ?
muslims are the first victims of islamic terrorism fare before any other religious groups
it's a war, why would they give a shit about the other side?
it's still relevant when I see you keeping taking credit for it
You're right it's very different
We dont come to france by killing people and taking their land by force
>assuming my position
those murdered people are supposed to be on your side, those are the westernized pro demorcracy arabs
Instead you support religious nutjobs
I take you for the ambassador of the west jst like people take me for the ambassador of the third world
welcome to this stupid crazy world and endure
Israel isn't killing people for drinking alcohol
yeah because you know you live better under their ruling
they only wanted the land, you need their society
>Giving a shit what happens in your own country
>giving 2 copper what happens elsewhere
>Israel isn't killing people for drinking alcohol
you dont like that ? because neither do the arabs
then why do you support Saudi arabia ?
Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds and promoter of Salafist jihadism,[108] which forms the ideological basis of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS and others.
>you need their society
and they need cheap workers
it's only the beginning, more immigrants are coming
>muslim homeland
could you be any more full of shit?
>giving 2 copper what happens elsewhere
then why do you intervene in Israel ?
Muslims are able to refuse Jews in Saudi arabia, iran, iraq, etc. Their actual homelands.
Or do you mean the places that brutally raped and conquered in the levant?
>blond haired blue eyes people speaking polish
>Belonging to the middle east
could you be anymore deluded ?
not hypocrisy, the only land mudshits deserve is a mass grave
Trump doesn't represent the west, Achmed.
except in Palestine obviously
so do the slav according to that guy
If a country is manipulated by jews, what will happen if the jews in another country needs help?
Neither does Usama ben laden for the muslims
Wanna know how I know you're a Muslim?
>they need cheap workers
they don't. The elites like it, but their society is better without you
Or probably Muslims have other senses Achmed.
On the long run pic related will happen
he should
>their homelands
>lost it in a war
The war was just a prank bro, gimme my country back!
Nah, jews want to replace, destroy and exterminate everything that was built.
Your culture is the one helping this.
Try 200
100 years ago is still relevant today. The modern geopolitical landscape was shaped in the era of WW1.
That photo makes me rage so hard. It perfectly encapsulates the monumental earth shattering drool ridden stupidity of the rightists
They always keep coming back.
your society is in deline anyway, we are just ahead of the curve
you're welcomed
didn't he say he was going to be neutral on the Palestinian question?
the weak should fear the strong
Prepare your ass for China then
if jews want european jews in their country its for them to decide.
the arabs had their chance for a 2-state solution, they chose war, they lost. Fuck them its the jews country again.
Israel is doomed anyway, it's just a matter of time before they get thrown in the sea
the arabs are proud people, they will never forgive, they will never forget, and USA will not manage to protect them forever, the world is becoming multipolar now
The hundreds and thousands of jews immigrated to Palestine illegally. Then they stole the land from the native Muslims.
The west actually supported this illegal immigration so call it karma that the same shit is happening to western nations now.
Wrong. Ever heard of Israel-Palestine? It wouldn't be a problem right now if it weren't for European powers divvying up land in the early 20th century.
Mizrachi Jews were kicked out of their homes in the 30s and 40s by the larger muslim population. Jews were living in iraq, syria, Lebanon and the entire middle east hundreds of years before the invention of Islam.
I say that as A second generation American with half Palestinian lineage. My home is the USA and I don't want it overrun by illegals or Muslims. Islam is a plague and it should be treated like one.
...you don't really think this is true. R..right?
thank you for correcting the record
This is gut.
none of the shit in your picture matters. do you want to live under a shariah regime y/n?
No Jews are trying to mass invade the Arabian Peninsula.
Arabs are the invaders here, and we are pushing them back, just like the Spaniards did with the reconquista, which finished 800 years after the Muslim conquest of the peninsula.
>It wouldn't be a problem right now if it weren't for European powers divvying up land in the early 20th century.
it would not be a problem if european powers weren't capable to do so, amirite?
This picture is how it should work though.
Good work genius. He's a liberal.
(Protip: That's why cites rights that don't exist and ignores those that do.)
>brings civilization to savages
>are rightfully pissed off when savages want to fuck it all up again.
Meanwhile in the real world there are plenty of caricatures criticizing Jews. But it's when Muslims get criticized that the bodies hit the floor.
>No Jews are trying to mass invade the Arabian Peninsula.
you sure about that?
Can't I agree with both?
>implying I care what muzzies and kikes do in their lands
jews has no land, just brits setted them in the middle of palestinian country
the Jews had a chance to create a homeland in the Caucasus region and failed because the majority of them choose a cosmopolitan lifestyle
and now it's our fault?
Arab invaded this land, Arabs get pushed back to the Arabian peninsula.
You have to go back to you dunes, sand monkey.
I'm sure that the Muslim terrorists in China, Philippians, Indonesia, Niger, India, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Thailand and Mali only operate for the sake of the Palestinians.
>implying Syrian raprefugees are anything but barbaric rape machines.
The Islamic Jihad and Muslim brotherhood sure do sound democratic and westernized organizations desu.
Most common place fort suicide bombings in Iraq and the levant is in Mosques. Shia killing Sunni and Sunni killing Shia. So they're basically culling the most religious.
rage comic faces were pretty unnecessary
>then why do you support Saudi arabia ?
Can you support your lies with actual evidence? While there is some cooperation between Israel and KSA we are closer to being enemies, with the Saudis supporting and funding the Palestinians and anti Israeli propaganda. Which is much more successful than your half assed attempt might I add.
For example Saudis fund the Human rights watch NGO, which then attacks Israel instead of concerning itself with the much much much more severe human rights violations in the Arab world, namely Saudia: