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t. Nazi faggot



Really kys


t. Nazi refugee

Comrade Xi unironically bringing it back gradually.

They had to become the capitalists and beat them out from china, but since the means are pre-seized in state capitalism it should be easy to turn the communism up gradually as they can afford.

The magic of an actual DotP

Chinks are not THAT stupid

Thread theme

I'm not saying they were good people but I doubt there were nazis stupid enough to take refugee in Guatemala. All went to Argentina, Chile, South of Brazil, Urgay...

t. stassi

Keep it coming brainlets.


Communism will NEVER happen in your life time lmao



Marx legitimately was a leech on his parents though.

FACT: Marxists are the lowest form of life

/leftypol/ poorfag detected

Feels good to be chad bourgeoisie
Clean my shoes, prole


I miss you...


prepare for another autistic fit featuring the canadian spammer that LARPs as "successful"


Not even commie.
Just want her back so USA can glass it!

Look at all those capitalist pigs escape to the glorious DDR


shame they weren't run over by t-72s

communism has been tried
and every time it has not been achieved
that's all the argument you need

the spd-kdp split is literally what led hitler to power

the irony is that none of them came back after glorious capitalism won.. i wonder why.. climate difference?

>that's all the argument you need
Easiest way to know you're talking to a retard. I won't be replying to you anymore since you've made it clear that you don't actually intend to make any arguments.

Stalinism is nearly as bad fascism/natsoc i can't really say I blame them, especially since they didn't have the luxury of hindsight.

fun fact: biggest nazi refugee country is actually Canada. followed by USA and first then by Argentina. also: soviet union had biggest nazi population after WW2. only in Soviet Union 70% of nazis were gone trough the punishment system. 99% of them were released by ukrainian fuck Chrutshov and integrated themselves into the soviet system. The shit went on such outrageous level that nazis were attempting the opening of WW2 victims memorials, who the nazis killed themselves.

In Canada they still celebrate nazi happenings paid by canadian tax payers attempted by canadian high ranking politicians and state employees.

>who the nazis killed themselves.

the same ones nazis killed before. (killers attempted to the memorial opening of their victims they killed few years ago)

sorry my ipad swallows to much text and replaces it how it wants.

What the fuck are you talking about

not an argument ;)

drop dead you piece of shit.



>make a thread about soviets and communism
>naziboos rush to their masters defense

This image is all you need to look at to know where you belong naziboo subhumans


Yes I want it back too, so you’ll be quarantined again

haha get fucked commie

What do Ukrainian immigrants here have to do with Nazis? How are we a Nazi country?

You really want to make this a "post deformed fatasses with opposing ideology" thread? Think hard.

I'm miss the duality between communism and fascism. I wish they both could have just split the world and created their own separate utopias.

>Everyone who thinks commies are retards is a nazi!!!!

To the good old days



You obviously are desu. I'm 99% you're that korean hapa.

There was one Ukrainian SS division so now all Ukrainians all nazis, apparently

Communism was so fucking unbelievably shitty many Ukrainians fought for the nazis even though it meant their subjugation.

fucker.. i will not waste my time to teach you how to think by punching your shitmug. just drop dead you piece of gay nazi shit.



>hate USSR
>post pics of bourgie western anarchists


They fought with the nazis because they wanted a nationalist revolution and the fascists were the other game in town. Plus they hated jews a lot and the nazis were killing jews for free.

Don't bother, the nazi is incapable of logic thought

woah crazy how communism do dat

muh class warfare

Ronny bitte

Are you telling me capitalism... is more profitable than communism?

This is... huh


How paranoid are you when you look at my flag dude?
Ukies live in the prairies not here in the maritimes. I don't have a problem with them but yeah Canada as a country officially recognizes the holodomor as a man made famine now. That's pretty funny how it pisses off commies.

WTF Canada is the fourth reich now

Crazy right
nigga my mind yo

>That's pretty funny how it pisses off commies.

Not as funny as their rage when the government announced the "Victims of Communism" memorial lmao.

They know nobody can afford communism

lol..especially when communist countries are banned from international market and your stats dont show Debt vs GPD.

c*pitalist pigs want to take away THIS beautiful architecture

communism couldve been good

russia couldve been good too, but some things are just impossible

man fellow communist the chinese are true COMMUNIST against the c*pitalist PIGS

but it was good before 20th century

ohh no.. what should i only do now.. ohh main gott!

sing me please another lied of jew and glorious capitalism..

Yes, you are right.

Vladimir go to bed already

crazy how nature do dat

I really want to give all my belongings to glorious leader and eat notorious worm infected vegetables

ohh nooo.. you got such great argument my white nigger..

getting desperate now

The only good way to live.

glorious communit country my fellow COMMUNISTS fuck c*pitalist pigs

That and the public services the money went to instead of ammassing maximum capital. It's poor, but east germoney has tons of good public housing for instance. And that's now 30 years later.

tribalism is woke

>he doesn't understand the NEP

Nationalism is tribalism 2.0

only c*pitalist pigs dont want to live in GLORIOUS communist housing

the no-eating pact?

In your opinion, to live in dugouts, to starve, to be an uneducated and battered by master is that good?

glorious leader give black man COCA COLA
he is very rich!!

WE all know that glorious leader was in swiss so he can see how WRONG c*pitalist life is!!

>not being the master



NK is a judge country though? They removed communism from their constitution

Why are fascists always so assmad? Look at all those exclamation marks...

DARE not insult glorious leader for he is TRUE communist like USA is TRUE c*pitalist (not corporatism)

WHY are you insulting glorious leader he is not F*SCIST pig!!

The aristocracy was hereditary. No chance to become a "master" to most of population. All lovers of tsarism think that they will be princes, but this is impossible.

Do you think you're funny?

this unironically looks like a comfy place to live in, gives off a sense of community
the neighboors probably knew each other at least

Previously, in the USSR all neighbors of the house belonged to one group of community. For example, all war veterans or all same factory workers. Now there is no commonality, people are not friends even with those who are in the next door. The yard is occupied by cars, drunks, whips and gopnik. Most Russians would prefer private housing today, but it's usually impossible because commyblocks housing everywhere and even today it being building.

>but this is impossible

>all neighbors of the house belonged to one group of community. For example, all war veterans or all same factory workers.

I could never thrive in that environment, but I wish I could. My atomized lonely upbringing has damaged me.

I wish I could have lived in a communal commieblock.

Is it true multiple families shared one huge apartment?