Friendly reminder
Friendly reminder
Spain is a shitty hispanic country
>utterly dominated south america
good stuff
You all seem to forget that those countries are no longer yours.
You have to go back to
Spain the english and portugal did more for european influence of the planet than all the others combined
forgetting Vietnam
Conquistadors are pretty cool desu, best fashion choices of all of them. Its the only good thing about my country ;_;
>and portugal
>and portugal
>united states
>and portugal
>and portugal
invented the atomic bomb, eye glasses, the internet, airplanes, the atom-smasher, and have the largest military and economy.
what has argentina done?
Yes you idiots, if you knew history you would agree. We mapped half the planet. We invented globalism. We were the reason the english got india in the 1st place. In 1600 our territory was bigger than continental europe. We inturduced firearms in japan. All this with 2 million population.
> and Portugal
> that id
Kept the foreskin intact
i'm not circumcised though
>We invented globalism
>Allowed to use this meme
>and portugal
Don't be so easily baited m8. Everyone knows Iberian's ushered the colonial/globalist age. Also, your Bacalhau is top tier.
t. 32% Iberian Barbosa.
> and Portugal
>and portugal
I like this image.
>And Portugal
>That fucking ID
>and Portugal
>America talking shit about Spain
Ignorant American piece of shit
Spain is first world compared, specially when compared with you
Spain has more history in a single fingernail than America in the whole obese body
And you should be more grateful with Spain asshole, thanks to them you are independent now
you are descendants of african slaves, the portugese and the irish have the highest percentage of negro dna
Not only this is factually true but also Kek confirms
>and Portugal
t. Alberto Barbosa
>and portugal
>t. alberto barbossa
> And Portugal is now a meme on the level of bravo estonia
more thanks to France
keep crying churroboy
i know all you people are trying to be le ebin memasters, but yes, Portugal had a significant role in the colonization of the Americas, and an important role in the colonization of Africa. the Portuguese anons list is right except i would include France in the list aswell.
Finally an image I agree with
Is this the begin of a new era?
In the name of the Kingdom of Castile you are a fucking faggot
And America is the lapdog of the jewish diaspora, gleefully doing their bidding for more than 70 years.
A useless cultureless runt is all you are.
Seriously there are people who mock Portugal? Show us the influence of your country on the world, to compare.
Italy did more than those combined
actually, what you did was fuck it up for europe, by forcing us to overextend our power, and become egalitarian.
>portugal conquers country, doesn't bring stinky natives in
>london is literally owned by pakistanis
just sayin. You don't see south american indians running portugal, do you?
This doesn't even cover our economic domination
>Not blue&white monarchy flag.
Go back to sell us your toallas, Ronaldo.
no i just like history
>military bases
>dat culture
Thanks for the big laugh.
Oh and you have no base in France since ages (but I'm not sure).
And most important you have much more to show about your influence on the world than stupid airstrips.
I just wanted to trell you, lads. I actually like burgers.
n shiet
Does that mean that you are responsible for the nightmare named China?
and lisbon is literally owned by niggers from africa, your point?
Your prime exports are shit posts and war
>blue&white monarchy flag
Yes, I'd make it myself if I had the skill
>Go back to sell us your toallas
Only if you let me jump off from your varanda
>and portugal
You can add wallonians and mountain jews
>and portugal
I'm Portuguese and even I think you're gAy
>unleashes Islamism to the world again to fight muh ebil gommunism
>affects Europe with it's degeneracy (Sweden is the biggest case)
>funds the chaos in the ME which backlashes on Europe
>top tier country
>country created around fighting Muslims
>started the discovery of the New World
>1st colonial empire and last to lose all of it
>created 1st world trade route, destroying the Ottoman Silk Trade with it
>fought Islam and expanded Christianity in Asia, Africa and the Americas
>not top tier country
sorry dad
but all the atom related stuff was made by an italian guy that emigrated in the usa because he was litterally a fag
>giving up real defensible geographical boundaries for the sake of arbitrarily defined boundaries based on race
1. You create those boundaries
2. niggers move into your new boundaries
3. You must create new boundaries
1. You kick the niggers out of everywhere defensible (push them out of gibralter, push them out of constantinople, and build walls on real actual geographical borders
pic related is the true map
>inb4 X peoples, white
The point is to build a defensible area then ethnically cleanse/ physically remove the ones you don't want within your boundaries.
Spain, UK, Portugal, France, Netherlands, US, and Italy are the only good historical countries
Russia was a backwater serf absolutist shithole until the communists and then it was a "progressive" shithole
Germany isn't even a real country, it's a unification of autistic dukedoms who share the same language
... you win this round, Jamal
>>country created around fighting Muslims
>>started the discovery of the New World
st colonial empire and last to lose all of it
>>created 1st world trade route, destroying the Ottoman Silk Trade with it
>>fought Islam and expanded Christianity in Asia, Africa and the Americas
>>not top tier country
all these sentences in past tense
>and lisbon is literally owned by niggers from africa, your point?
why thank you
you're in it and what do you have to show for it now? Debt, unemployment, no political stability, country about to break apart and an american like left party with more and more power
we're both in shit amigo, doesn't change the fact we have more historical importance than the US
Reminder that this is 100% accurate and only butthurt retards disagree
france in the 19th century did more for the world than spain and portugal for the last 2000 years lads sorry
we have great food, don't forget it
>Beaner trying to bantz
>When he's descended from Spaniards fucking the abbos of the Central American peninsula
>and portugal
I'm disappointed.
I wonder which six-legged lifeform could be behind this post
today almost 90% of those countries are shit :-)
Enrico Fermi, Szilárd Leó - Atomic bomb and Teller Ede the father of hydrogen bomb
Just banter, nothing personnel kid.
a hamburger considering himself a non-nigger is comedic. dont be insulted brother
you forgot Aragorn of Euorpe