Britbongs, what is your opinion on Thatcher and are there any similar today?

Britbongs, what is your opinion on Thatcher and are there any similar today?

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Well her shutting down all the coal mines and fucking destroying the main industry that was keeping working class people fed in the 80s I don't have a very high opinion of her. It was funny when she died though people spray painted "Ding dong the witch is dead" everywhere so that was funny. Overall though Maggie was a twat

Fuck I said funny twice

Handled the Fawklands well.

Felt that success was measured by GDP. Bit of a failing, that.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the mining industry on the brink of collapse anyways?

It killed shauns dad though

She was the reason Brexit happened, in the long run. The British lower class was left with nothing, and the middle class in constant fear of becoming the lower class.

I don't know the history of this but I don't think government would have the ability to do that. Maybe they were receiving funding which she decided to cut? In which case, good. Fuck socialism in every form.

naha, Brexit happened because pigs like you gave British money to dogs like me.

>Fuck socialism in every form

but what about the form that wants to kill all the nonwhites?

She was a hero. The UK was a shithole in the 70s thanks to the socialists and she came in and cleaned things up. She restored national pride.

Nigel Farage is a Thatcherite who grew angry with the cucked Conservatives.

>mfw there's a bunch of dickheads dying for fookin' thatcha.

you silly cock

Owen Jones is that you?

News flash: the mines were almost all depleted

News flash: the mining shut downs were postponed several times by the unions

News flash: the mines were receiving subsidies

News flash: those areas weren't, aren't, and won't be the pinnacle of innovation.
If anything, the bitch should be despised for allowing open borders.

I used to think she was the biggest cunt ever, but then Tony Blair made the top spot

I had a street party when she died. It was a family oriented thing, kids all got a free cup of milk.

No, your country's suicidal rapefugee policy is more to blame. That and the fact we were in a losing minority more times than any other country.

Face it Hans, the reasons we left are completely justifiable. You can ether learn from it or more will follow.

>are there any similar today?


Can't tell if delusional Green or just trolling

Commie faggot

merkel's open borders policy was the reason brexit happened

Shutting down the coal mines and essentially destroying the working class was a stupid fucking move. But at the very least she told the Unionists to fuck off and had a hint of competence unlike Labour.

Our best PM in history

>muh coal mines/shipyards/other nationalised industry
They were getting (adjusted for inflation) tens of billions a year in government subsidies, plus even despite their closure total manufacturing output was greater in 1990 than it was in '79

Oh, it's almost as if market fluctuations have little to do with the party in power.

If anything, the Thatcher period saw the transition between volatility and stability. Silly me, what about this chart?

Can we do that with capitalism?


Labour closed more mines than Thatcher.

This is a fact.

It's almost as if there was a fairly steady decline in mining employment since WWII, despite who was PM.

Man power and output.
I only wish this included total mines as well
But user, look here!

You see, if you take away 80% of the remaining 57% of the pie after someone ate 43% of it, even though you only took away 45.6% of the pie, you're the ebil one!

You obviously learned your maths from some patriarchal professor.

I was agreeing with you, shh it's okay.

Conservative - Short term pain, long term gain

Labour - Short term gain, long term pain

What Thatcher did has worked well for driving the cost of products/services down. She was also extremely anti immigration and actually loved the country which is better than the shit the marxist labour party force on the people

The lower class was left with nothing due to labour. The price of products/services went down due to Thatcher. The cost of housing is directly linked to the immigration policy of the labour party. Prosperity of the working class will be linked to their ability to own property which labour has took out of reach.

I know bruh, I thought you would just like to make fun of Leftists with me.

Thatcher never allowed open borders, under Thatcher/Major we had a net immigration of 15,000. Under Blair/Brown we had a net immigration of 215,000. Open borders with countries of similar economic prosperity isnt bad, open borders with significantly poorer is.

I wonder if there is a map for the UK which shows the total size of the British Empire in terms of land mass by year, showing it decrease :^)

I found it

yew fookin paki bastahd!

She fucked up in a few ways.
Trashed manufacturing, thinking there was no future in it (hello Germany).
It was dumb luck that oil was discovered in the north sea when she became PM. That paid for everything she did. None of the money was put aside or invested.

This. Thatcher was an autist. Dumb bitch should have stayed in the kitchen.

I keep getting trips.

>celebrating a conservative politicians death

Lefty/pol/ will defend this

She destroyed the far-right National Front as well as the Conservative vote in Scotland. Went back on her promise to stop mass immigration. Helped fuck Rhodesia and South Africa right into the ground.

Not even mentioning how she started the trasformation of the white working class into a welfare dependent underclass

Thatcher is one of the good R6:S operators, m8.
Thatcher is still meta

She was lukewarm at best on migration policy, and under her it seems net migration broke even, then rose, priming her successors for true open borders.

I would like to take into account their children and fertility rate, but am having trouble finding racial composition data across census periods since 1945.

These are decent third positionist arguments.

>the majority of the UK is inhabitable frozen wasteland
Oh how the mighy fall