>Amount of women: 0
>Amount of actual economists: 0
>Amount of guys named Steve: 6
Make America Great Again, I guess.
>Amount of women: 0
>Amount of actual economists: 0
>Amount of guys named Steve: 6
Make America Great Again, I guess.
Other urls found in this thread:
how many kikes?
I smell 3.
3 obvious ones, you never know how many there are who are stealthy.
At least three, possibly 5 or 6.
Whats the third one I see (((Roth))) and (((Feinberg)))
Check out Steven Mnuchin's credentials
If you followed the advice of actual economists you'd just end up with more jobs overseas and more immigrants
i thought drumpf was supposed to be (((redpilled)))
I can't find any statistics on how many females versus males are in the field of economics.
Which means they aren't.
So, promoting the few that are, based solely on meeting quotas, is a very poor choice.
>He was an Investment Professional of Soros Fund Management LLC
congrats italia.
Trust Steve!
FACT: Steves are good with money.
My accountant is named Steve. Isn't yours?
Looks good to me, who cares about economists how often are they right anyway?
There a few jews that is good.
Let me guess: it's half hedge fund managers and half real estate investors.
Stephen Moore!!!
You always were a kidder, steve
Wtf I love Italians now
No. I like little men and yamikas handling my money
My step dad is an account. His name is Steve.
>no one cares
if they werent qualified they dont get the job. fuck whats the % of women in that field anyway? 3%?
>no one cares
i want them to be business men. i want him to explode our economy and make as many high paying jobs as possible
>no one cares
really? would it make you feel better if they were all bobs?
that devil is everywhere
More like 1 economics phd, 1 economic analyst and one economics writer. There are a lot of real estate dudes and tycoons of other sorts. doesn't sound bad at all.
>>Amount of actual economists: 0
So? What do (((economists))) know about the economy? All they know is marxist theories they were told in their leftists brainwashing facilities called universities. Trump has REAL economic experience from being an extremely successful businessman who became a billionaire from getting a small loan of a million dollars.
My account is also Steve
Maybe its in the name?
only 2 guys named steve the rest are stephen. correct the record
I am really sick of you calling everyone who has a German name a Jew.
The usual way to do it is to find economist who support your worldview anyways.
That's antisemitic, you could go to jail in your part of the world.
>Amount of guys named Steve: 6
Are you .... are you name-shaming?
How dare you?
You are delusional of you think all economists are the same.
Get a grip.
>t. His wife's son
>DNC talking point
>DNC talking point
>DNC talking point
fuck off, paid shill. your shekels won't buy you anything here.
>Steve Roth
Wait a dam second
she's very for universal healthcare still
>calls out out of control spending
>plans to increase the deficit by over a trillion dollars
trump is a fucking disgrace
while you meme out for the lulz, there are literally millions of americans who think trump is a competent individual
that's it I am bailing out.
Johnson 4TW
fuck off jidf
How do you even pronounce this.
>actual (((economists)))
How about people who have practical experience running businesses instead of theoreticians?
He said 0 ecomonists
>Steve Jobs
>0 economists
That's actually a very good thing.
That's a lot of Steves!
this x1000
shills are grasping at straws now
>If you follow the advice of people who devote their lives to studying economies you get something the generic republican voter doesn't agree with.
9 out of 13 are jews.
the other 4 are "greatest ally" tier good goys
Dude American politics has changed a lot in 20 years.
As if Bush Sr or Dole would of been any better on those social issues.
The economy did good and was socially liberal for the time, you can't get mad at someone simply for the consequences of age
how many of these people were manning the helm so to speak when 2008 hit?
>No Jamals
>No Leroys
>Not one Tyrone
Racist AF TBQHfam
Exactly. Economists have fucked this country with a knife.
>amount of legitimate criticism in OPs post: 0
Only 1t is quite measured when compared to what's going on. And 1t spend on what, on who? That's what makes the difference.
Also, source on your claim?
You guys had a rough few years there with that MTV show about the Oompa Loompa impersonators
># of women
Sorry, being an economist requires rational thought and analysis, of which the average women has none.
>Not an engineer
Literally 100% chance that it's a jew
Holy shit.
My best friend's dad is an Accountant for the Middle TN region who is also named Steve.
WTF is this sorcery?
Holy shit I live in Brentwood
>Amount of establishment stooges: 0
>Amount of PC tokens: 0
>Amount of gimmick appointments: 0
Ayyyyy nice house you got there. :^)
pls gib monies
>Amount of women: 0
So it looks like he was actually trying to pick talented people, then.
>Unironically not understanding what it takes to make economies great again.
Smells like a woman posting.
>a social science
Look at me, I'm smart
This rampant stevophobia has got to stop.
>n-no really please just give me a chance to #correcttherecord
Jesus Christ this is gonna be so sad if these men ever actually get into power
Plus isn't Trump trying to recruit Roger Ailes now that he's been thrown out of Fox for trying to dick everyone there?
>not wanting the Jews on your nationalist economic council
I want a Jewish accountant personally desu
Isn't that how Billy Joel got embezzled for millions?
>not an argument
From mid 50s to early 60s Steve was #14 or higher most popular name, and that's the era of greatness we're aiming for (partly)
Isn't Bush Jr the nigga that caused the housing crisis?
Home Ownership and President Bush
Bush On Low Income Loans To Encourage Buying Homes
Former president George Bush pushed the American Dream Downpayment plan to use taxpayer money to give loans to those with low income interested in purchasing a home.
Yeah, it's the Young Cucks but take the information as is, not from who says it.
Make America Steve Again
Enough to make us great again.
Trump is Right on Sovereign Debt
>hurhur Brushf single handedly caused the housing crash! Nothing to do with Clinton and his policies!
Bush backs Clinton now anyway idiot
Implying that roster needs economists.
>Trump is Keynesian
Lel, guess we are fucked after all
Short-term, America will lose money. Long-term, America won't get fucked in the ass by international corporations/governments.
>hurr durr you need a degree in woman studies to be competent about gender relations!!!
>At least he's not a Kenyan
I honestly never thought the Keynesian was completely wrong, just shirt bureaucracy and corrupt politicians fuck it up. If held to good standards it should be ok.
How many economists and women have fixed any country's economy in the last 30 year? Every single one of these experts have always been corporate stooges.
>Guy named Barrack
None of these are in the field of economics -- they are all Wall Street guys. He's rounded up all the foxes for hen-house guard duty.
This, tbqh
There are sufficient real reasons to make fun of Trump, and he adds more every day.
Making fun of his family name at some time in the past is just juvenalia.
I got a Brian and a Will handling my money -- how fucked am I?
>I want him to explode our economy
I could see him blowing it all to shit. Is that what you mean?
> 2 Actual Economists
> 9 wildly successful bussinessmen and bankers
(((Steve Roth))) - Chief Financial Officer (billionaire)- en.wikipedia.org
Harold Hamm - Oil magnate worth $11.3 billion
(((Howard Lorber))) - President and CEO of Vector Group Ltd
Steven Mnuchin (born c. 1963) is an American banker, film producer and political fundraiser.- amassed a fortune estimated at over $40 million while working for Goldman Sachs, where his father amassed a fortune as well (Mnuchin supported Mitt Romney during the 2012 U.S. presidential election)
Thomas J. Barrack Jr. - an American private equity real estate investor and the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Colony Capital
Steven Calk - Chairman and CEO of The Federal Savings Bank
John Paulson - American hedge fund manager and billionaire worth ~ $9.8 billion
Andy Beal - American banker, businessman, investor, poker player, and amateur mathematician. Worth $7.6 billion.
(((Steve Feinburg))) – Billionaire financier, who is active in hedge fundmanagement and private equity. He is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cerberus Capital Management, L.P., worth $1.25 billion.
David Malpass – . He is the founder and president of Encima Global LLC, an economic research and consulting firm based in New York City. He served as Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary under President Ronald Reagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under President George H. W. Bush, and Chief Economist at Bear Stearns. Malpass authors a column in Forbes magazine and is a regular contributor to the op-ed section of The Wall Street Journal
Peter Navarro - professor of economics and public policy at the Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine. Navarro holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University.
Stephen Moore- Economist and American economic writer and policy analyst. He founded and served as president of the Club for Growth from 1999 to 2004.
>>>Amount of actual brain surgeons on Trumps new nrain surgery team: 0
>So? What do (((brain surgeons))) know about brain surgery? All they know is cutting open people's actual heads that they learned in their barbaric brainwashing facilities called universities. Trump has REAL medival experience from being an extremely successful businessman who became a billionaire from getting a small loan of a million dollars.
>If held to good standards
Never happens.
lol drumpf is literally going to pack his cabinet with businessmen as clueless as he is so he rob the country blind and the cucks on here will say it's a good thing
good thing drumpf will lose