Hey Sup Forums
Are you free to deny holocaust in your country? I'm not...
Hey Sup Forums
I don't know desu. Our laws against "nazi speech" are so subjective that one might argue that going against the holohoax is a hate crime here.
I can. I just can't publish documents denying holocaust, iirc.
But it's a archaic measure, and should be repelled. Most of the survivors have already died off, and it's the best argument deniers have.
yes we are. legally anyway. you might get some SJW trying to ruin your life
Yes, and i live in the most opressed, SJW infested Scandinavian country.
And can you praise holocaust? Like say it was great and stuff?
(Not that it happened)
Yes. I thought it was a joke when I first heard it was illegal somewhere.
If you're a Muslim you're allowed to do it in Germany.
yes, in colombia you can and even a local politician here openly denies it..... it actually happened and is full swedish not to acknowledge it
Free to deny it. But why would I? Even you take the holocaust out of the equation the Nazi sucked some serious authoritarian nationalist ass.
Uh huh.
Think so. I've never seen anyone do that in a public sphere to be honest.
What is a genocide?
Sure can.
ofc not
Of course.
It comes with jail time here.
Nope, God bless our Surpeme "dude poker is 100% chance lmao xD" Court
less than 0.5% jews in france but you cant say shit about jews
and we didn't even get rid of them during the war like poland or germany
Jesus Christ I had no idea so many countries beside Germany have these kinds of bolshevik "laws"... wtf, are we actually ruled over by a global jewish conspiracy?? I thought it was mostly just a retarded German thing.
The legacy of Enlightenment is truly dead. We have regressed into the darkest medieval dogmatism without even noticing it, our thought and expression dictated not by rationalism, but by the will of cultists. The West has fallen for good.
Why would I?
yes but you'll get fired and social excluded.
We can deny it but as far as saying I'm glad it happened thats kind of muddy because we do have hate speech laws so I guess it would depend on the wording and where you said it although I highly doubt anything serious would happen as a result.
Well Europe itself lost the war, regardless of the "winning side". Everyone got mega cucked.
>a single tear
It's not illegal in the UK.
bring back uncle addy
Yep. People will think you're some Alex Jones-tier conspiracy theorist or edgelord though.
I don't know but I don't think you can do it on TV or something.
I mean, people on the street sure, most people I know praise the holocaust because here they hate Jews but politicians are very pro-Jews so yeah.