There's An Injectable Estrogen Shortage That's Leaving Trans Women in Crisis

>"18 months ago, injectable estrogen at the 40 mg dosage—the highest dosage and the most frequently prescribed to trans women—went on shortage and never returned to market."

On a recent afternoon at Callen-Lorde, the LGBT community health center on Manhattan’s west side, a half dozen trans women waited anxiously on line at the prescription drop-off window.

“We’re only point one percent of the population. How could they run out?” one woman asked aloud.

“I’ve been on injectables for 16 years. I started my transition on injectables. This is not good,” said another.

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Something tells me that the estrogen they used wasn't FDA approved and supply disappeared once they busted the manufacturer.

it seems more and more omega heterosexual men try their luck as "transbians" these days

maybe the shortage will give them time to rethink their mental illness, who knows

>America can't be feminized fast enough

what if there are women out there that need these shots for legitimate medical reasons

these feminized men just fucked them over, disgusting.

A shocking amount of these people buy up sketchy hormones online and self administer.

Top reasons include:
>they "can't afford a doctor (that will give them the okay to start HRT)"

>they think the dosage prescribed by their doctor "isn't high enough," so they bump up their dose to "transition faster."

>they browsed a medical book at Barnes and Noble before a clerk asked them to put the book back if they weren't going to pay for it, so they know more than enough to treat themselves without some hoity toity doctor telling them what to do

Trans mutilation and hormone injections are brutal cruelty to the mentally ill and in 100 years we'll look back on surgically altering the mentally ill to reflect their delusions like we do the horrific Men Behind the Sun experiments.

Anything that impedes this absolutely immoral and cruel practice is good.

>looks like why ran out of the drug that let's you play out your fantasies

>I guess you'll just have to deal with reality now

Oh my kek

cant wait for these pretty linebackers to fart and sweat up my public restrooms

Most doctors say that pills and patches have the same effect, transwoman just won't accept it, saying the injectable transitions them faster, according to the article.

So I guess women that need it for medical reasons will be fine.


means nothing when they can just switch to pills

interesting maybe someone out there cracked down to buy us some time.

LOL good I hope they never get a replacement and have to start dealing with reality.

>Men Behind the Sun experiments
sounds spooky, what happened here?

I bet there's financial ties between the makers of this injection and the media groups pushing this learned mental illness on youth.

They kill the liver over the long term.

Please never speak again. Just work some menial job until your joints give out, then give the money to charity and euthanize yourself somewhere the children won't find you.


I'm not at all surprised.

Man, when will people realize that when so many people are trying to switch to easy mode in life that it will crash the server?????

Substitute potassium chloride and the problem is solved.

you're making your nation proud sven

>one woman asked out loud

If you're a man and want to wear a skirt, then just wear the god damned skirt.

Oh no! They will now turn back to men and will have to be productive part of society to get attention from others! The horror!


Can I convince a doctor I'm not masculine enough for my gender identity and I demand testosterone?

"BREAKING NEWS! Women get fucked by the agenda they push! Who would have guessed?

movie based on ww2 jap human experiments

>“We’re only point one percent of the population. How could they run out?” one woman asked aloud.
Admits they are a tiny minority, one step away from realizing their existence is fucking over 99.9% of the normal population.
Why can't they see the truth behind their mental issues?

What the fuck do these people do if the apocalypse or whatever begins?
Will they just accept that they are a man then?
What about all the post-op trannies who need to smear anti-bacterial shit on their ''vagina'' so it doesn't get infected?

I honestly can't wait.

This gives me an idea, hear me out.


Get to it folks, selling sugar water isn't illegal.

These same people probably only eat organic food because anything else added is unnatural. Then they shoot estrogen into themselves and think that makes them female. There is literally no greater illusion in the world.

why dont they buy 2 20mg dosages then

Japanese did extreme research on human anatomy using prisoners in WW2, stuff like live vivisection. One of the main doctors didn't believe in using anesthetic either as he thought it would contaminate the results.

Basically things that no doctor would do today and that's how doctors in the future will view amputating a mentally ill person's healthy organ. It will be especially bad as we get more long term data on post-op transsexual suicide rates.

what happens if you put the stuff in someone's drink?

Did you remember to give your autistic children bleach enemas today?

Just drink tap water lol



Go make my cheap end-tables, Sven

>shortage of injectible estrogen
>more concerned that there's not enough for men who want to pretend they're women than women with deficiencies from medical problems.
Just eat soybean

Times like these make me appreciate the mysterious Chinese bathtub hormone distributors on /fit/

>tfw permacruise 250mg of the finest UGL test-e

I literally want you, specifically, to die in a camp with your assets seized and your name and history erased from government records.

Bleeding out and suffocating in a pile of mewling, sobbing, praying bodies, some screaming incoherently from being shot in the knees; then the sound of the bulldozer and the pressure of the earth, followed by long hard minutes of suffocating in blackness and panic and incomprehension as to why you cannot simply DIE, PLEASE DEAR LORD LET ME AT LEAST PASS OUT before the mercy of death is given you

Mengele once sewed two children together back to back. They screamed for days before the parents found a way to kill them painlessly. I wonder how long two adult males would last?

We are your sisters, your brothers, your children, your co-workers. We hate you more than you can comprehend. We also control the government and the narrative. You will suffer, you will be spat on, you will be excluded, you will fail.

This is what is being done. Due to the mechanism of the lipid-based micro-granules however this means injecting much more volume, subcutaneously, which causes pain.

Furthermore we have the problem of even release over time - the injections model, more or less, the normal female hormonal cycle over one month.

Imagine how fucked their natural hormone balance must be. When you inject yourself with high doses like that constantly your body stops producing the estrogens entirely. They'll probably turn into big burly lumberjacks now.

thats edgy, very very edgy

when do you turn 14?

is this an issue for people that don't biologically require it?

Fuck off, retard.

You aren't helping prove that trans people aren't mentally ill and that all of its supporters are deluded with political correctness and/or autistic.

Sweden Yes!

Have a (You)

Until I can buy test over the counter no questions asked I just don't give a shit.

Haha holy shit, I can't stop laughing

Holy shit Sven. Kill yourself. You don't know anything.

>Whining like a bitch about having to double up a dose "which causes pain"
>Complaining about a subq injection
>Not even a weekly IM inject with scar tissue buildup

Holy fuck kys you stupid beta bitch. I'm glad fuccbois like you end up suicided faster than someone who has dirt on Hillary.

>Putting Horsey's name on that
I could have sworn that was one of Ben Garrison's.

Two children sewn together back to back is still more natural than those disgusting, twisted caricatures of women that transgenders are.

Shortage is because the E. Coli used to synthesize the hormone stopped working and eventually killed themselves



you'll die soon enough of suicide, tranny faggot

This is good pasta. Will be using it next time I need to pretend to be black and have to scapegoat some one else for my failures and lack of accomplishments.




They do. I am a "straight" transsexual. Meaning I like men. I was never going to be normal. Either I would be a gay guy or a transsexual.

These beta straight males that try to transition to get female privilege disgust me.

Also I hate that they often have children and therefore raise a new generation of white faggots. Fuck these people.
Tbh my dream is to raise a redpilled alpha son and take pride in him. But it's just a dream.

>Either I would be a gay guy or a transsexual.
>but being gay isn't special enough anymore so i'm a tranny

>Either I would be a gay guy or a transsexual.
You chose poorly.

You aren't a tranny, you just have autogynophilia, IE, a level 2 fag

Most supposed trannies are like this genuine gender dysphoria is one in ten thousand, tops

At least being a normal gay dude wouldn't cost you thousands and thousands of dollars and constant hormone therapy

>Either I would be a gay guy or a transsexual.
>not a choice



Oops, totally forgot what thread I was in, can never tell what with all these edgy cool "victim complexes" people are making up these days.


same here, but i don't seem to get any sides from 300-350 when im tapering down a cycle.. usually sit on that for a month or two

What he has doesn't need hormones, he's just a crossfressing fag, like most "transgenders"

No it's not about "being special". Its about being feminine. I hate being special. I just want to be feminine and be loved for femininity. Otherwise I may as well be dead.
Maybe you are right but most gays are Pathetic mentally ill bottoms that deep inside wish they could be women and that act like women in bed even the "masculine " ones. They aren't much better off than me. Their lives are a horrible pathetic contradiction of trying express their feminine sexuality in a masculine body.

At least some straight ish guys are into me. Unlike those fags

If you really wanted to inspire some children to become manly red-pilled alphas you should go maximum drag/transexual and take out as many muzzies as you can.

Then when the police report comes out, they will label the suspect for what he really was, mentally ill.

sauce pls

I browse /lgbt/ quite often, and I genuinely think these people are mentally ill. There's a "/femgen/" there for gay guys who want to look more feminine (e.g. borderline-trap). What do they do? Take massive amounts of estrogen, thinking it's some magic potion that'll give them a feminine figure/voice/mind etc. AND slow their aging (allowing them to remain twinks forever). The result? Unwanted, lopsided, underdeveloped breasts. Unexpected infertility. Crippling erectile dysfunction.

Estrogen is worshiped as some sort of divine and mystical relic when it's really a destructive hormone that has no place in the male body. It's retarded 2bh.

I didn't mean a choice you retards. I meant it as simply that there is no choice where my brain is concerned. You people are so stupid you really think there is this huge golf. Yes I am more feminine brained that typical gay guys but my point is I could NEVER have lived as a straight man comfortably.
I know far more about such terms than you. I am not agp. I have no agp fantasies. I only like straight masculine studs. Look up what agp is. Dumass.

You are definitely a pathetic chaser who believes there is some magical small "true" percentage of trannies. There isn't. There are just two groups stupid.

Sorry there is special true girl trans girl out there for you to assuage your sexuality issues with

>Trans women.

What a brave, reasonable and well adjusted individual you are

Trannys sure are sensable

But i thought they were born women. So why do they need drugs if they are already women?

That's great and all, but have these trannies considered that they are using up a supply of estrogen that is made specifically to help and treat issues non-trans people have, and that they are potentially killing someone just because they want to live out their fantasy?

They should man up.

>I just want to be feminine and be loved for femininity

>I want attention

>trans "people" suicide rate escalation in 3....2....

>I hate being special.
>becomes tranny, literally an attentionwhore broken brain fad

>I just want to be feminine and be loved for femininity
>I was born with a y-chromosome but I'm a woman, you shitlord!

>Otherwise I may as well be dead.
you know what to do

>I could NEVER have lived as a straight man comfortably.
>I lack the mental fortitude to do anything difficult in life so i'm a woman now

kill yourself.

As opposed to hot males who receive no attention ?

plz how can you let this qt die of estrogen thirst

hahahahaha its the new crack, but instead of blacks its for trannies.

"Chaser"? Fucking lol I wouldn't touch even a passing tranny with a ten foot pole. I'm a medical researcher you retarded faggot. You get off on the idea of being fucked by a girl, textbook AGP. Actual trannies have fucked brains and spines which make them feel like their body is put together wrong, a physical sensation more than anything, sort of like phantom limb pain. The conflation of gender dysphoria with autogynophilia is disgusting and leads people with a physical illness to make dumb lifestyle changes and experience self loathing due to association with turbofags like you.

>“We’re only point one percent of the population. How could they run out?” one woman asked aloud.

Uh. I do much more difficult things than most of the neets on this board. Channers are Pathetic losers. Iv worked much harder in my short life and achieved more.

You kill yourself you skinny beta freak. Go watch more porn while the girls you want chat with real men

Hey man, are you alright?

>transfaggotry isnt a mental illness they said

Why is Sup Forums always right?



>At least some straight ish guys are into me.

Nobodys "into you" m8
Suicide when?