What would happen if someone did this?

what would happen if someone did this?

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Depends on who is flying the plane.

Probably a big war though. Muslims all around the world allah hu akbar-ing. Imagine, over 1 billion muslims chimping out.

How would they know that happened if the plane destroyed the black box?

if it was caught on video id be pretty satisfied

world war 5

No survivors crashing this plane i tell yah what.

it would be the ultimate test to the religion of peace

saudi arabia would declare war on isis but then buy oil from isis afterwards

I would throw a barbeque for the whole neighborhood, complete with fireworks, and a big projection screen with a video of the attack.

It'd become an annual holiday for me, and what an incredible Happening it would be.

Muslim uprisings in all countries

Then they would be subdued and kicked out of all non muslim countries

It would suddenly become all muslims.

Supreme justice.

There actually was an islamic sect that tried to destroy the kabba

In other words, Sup Forums's ultimate dream...
until the internet power/ internet goes down for long periods of time,
then contemplate suicide

The "moderates" would show their true colors, and leftists everywhere would try to provide them cover as poor victims.

Saudi Arabia declares war on Iran. Syria declares war on turkey. Iran declares war on Israel. USA declares war on Russia. Russia declares war on Europe. Europe declares war on racism. Sweden declares war on itself.

Hopefully, some sect of Islam does it to the mainstream Muslims and they have a big ass war that wipes millions of Muslims off the Earth.

Know this is a rhetoric question but realistically, it'd go like this:

>Imams will unanimously declare Allah allowed this, as nothing occurs against his will
>Historical accords of Kaaba being demolished by natural disasters and war will be circulated
>Some imams will say it's a punishment from Allah to test the belief of muslims
>Islamic State will claim it's a sign of end of times and use it as a recruiting tool

tl; dr: don't care lol.

Best orgasm
black out
miss the chimp out

2017 OP who won.

someone make a kickstarter already! buy a drone fill it with explosives and film it all first person


The Vatican would be destroyed regardless of the religion of the bomber.

For the 98th time, they really don't give a fuck about the cube. It's been built destroyed and rebuilt half a dozen times. That giant skyscraper hotel next to their devilchurch? They knocked down Muhammed's wife's house, standing since the 6th century AD and they didn't bat an eyelash. Sandniggers are natural vandals and they don't care about physical history and patrimony, even their own. All they care about is their book that says chop of heads and fuck little girls, and you can't destroy that with a plane.

they will win

Muslims would spin around like a broken compass when praying

Probably an uptick in terrorist attacks, some more cuck behaviour from Western leaders, and not much else.

that looks like a big plane

Saturn would be extremely upset




Kek knows banter


That's such an ominous looking planet

sand niggers would be sad and mad, or mad and sad. I wish some obscure nuclear shithole like Azerbaijan would do it.


Is it bad this got my dick hard?


Considering by far the majority of muslims are in absolutely shit tier countries, 1 billion of them chimping out wouldn't be that big a deal.

China and Russia alone could probably remove kebab once and for all in order to expand their influence into Asia.



1. Have someone destroy the mecca
2. Tell the arabs the nigs did it
3. ???
4. Profit


Thank you user. That made my day.

>then contemplate suicide

obviously Muslims start killing and white media start apologizing.
This would become "worse than holocaust" and now not only you have to specially treat niggers, Muslims need a share as well.

Did some jews conspire to blow up a rock in jerusalem and the shin bet stopped them? I remember something along those lines. Anyway, the jews pissed themselves so maybe we should.

100% true and massively underrated.

Ominous AND creepy sounding. I'm pretty convinced eldritch abominations dwell there

Please Kek

World war. There are billions of muslims on earth and two muslim countries are nuclear powers.



holy fuck another one

God my sides...

I'm thinking utter disbelief unlike the masses going for the "it would cause chimp outs".

It would piss on their beliefs so hard I don't think they'd be able to compute it.

Kinda like when they kill the head vampire and the curse wears off kinda thing.



Checked and kek'd


They'd do ISIS a favour.
ISIS proclaim to bomb Mecca and the Stone because it is Haram to pray to a Stone.

I'm sure that's not how it really "sounds" those are just waves put to audio. Still spoopy and totally hell.


based turkroach

would there be revolution in countries with distinctively high extremist / fundamentalist populations? i feel that though the legitimate followers of the deity would understand that the event is not catastrophic, but i cant imagine this would make more than 30% of the bulk of muslims

i would say that the middle east and the holy land in general would turn to shit, as terrorists would probably try to pay christians back even though they probably didnt even do it in the first place

We already know who's going to do this

This looks suspiciously like the Hajj. As in the very center is the Kabbah and millions of hajji circling it.

>Muslims and Jews confirmed acolytes of Saturn?



Wtf papi

You beat me to it


Arubafag where you at?
First time I see another guy here, probably a tourist

Too late nigga

The Great Holy War


First of all I would cry like a baby because I wouldn't be able to shake the pilots hand.

I read about this. Christ breaks us free of the matrix, correct?

this is not the only way to form a cube

>what would happen if someone did this?

The Muslim world would basically go on global Jihad and attempt to eradicate every non-believer. It would basically be a modern day Crusades

We would finally see whats inside the box

so Saturn's storm is actually billions of mudslimes running round in a circle?

galactic crusade when?

look at those lazy fucks at 1 o'clock.

No idea m8

We could be worshiping Saturn for all i know

Nice bantz m8

I'm in Noord papi where are you

Peace on Earth

Best case scenario is it happens and black lives matter takes the credit for it. They chimp out on each other and we sit back and watch the show

Two Jews made the superman franchise btw.

Soon as we develop powered armor, gene seed and bolters, brother

You should hear how it sounds


If it was a white man/Christian Europe would be fucking destroyed

I'm in noord too

I did.

Could be some convenient bullshit they made up to make people obey them too, who knows.

>Today, we are all muslim

What's the line?

A very small man can cast a very large shadow?


Oh shit are you by Figaroastraat


well i'm sure its not impossible why not find out?

very nice