Hey guys long time Trump fan here what is going on the last week? Drumpf is literally saying stupid shit every 5 minutes what's going on?
Hey guys long time Trump fan here what is going on the last week...
Other urls found in this thread:
He's controlled opposition. If you were woke like me you would've realized this from the start.
im starting to think he is a plant more and more
a plant is pretty loser position though. basically the bitch that makes the winner look good
I can't imagine somebody as vain as trump would drag his name through the mud just to ensure clinton got elected especially since he's likely lost a lot of business from voicing his opinions.
They have something on hill dog, she is going to get btfo right before the first debate with a huge release of data that trump has been reviewing for months.
>shill shill shill
He is a
That's why
dubs dont lie
>Drumpf is literally saying stupid shit every 5 minutes what's going on?
How is that any different from what he's been doing for years?
Do you believe that Sup Forums is being raided by the CTR shills?
Here is the link to the poll.
Let's get those votes!!!
Don't you think it is strange when the most hated women to ever run for president is guaranteed the nomination through corruption and fraud that an absolute hated buffoon becomes her sole opposition due to massive free advertising from the media that has historically buried actual good candidates ?
I think we're posting in one
He's making sure Hillary wins.
He never intended to win. His goal was to crash the Republican's chance of winning with no survivors.
Notice the posts in this thread. Notice the lack of arguments, instead the criticisms that he is but a controlled opposition. No mention of his proposed policies, just ad hominem attacks on him. "He says stupid shit every day" Okay, but you gave no examples, no proof, so why should people believe he says stupid shit? Are you actually aware of his positions and the arguments for those positions?
This is no doubt a shillery thread.
>Long time fan
This sounds plausible, the media will try to label anything Trump says as a "right-wing conspiracy" though.
>poll link
>3 sequential numbers and dubs
Not an argument. Try giving actual examples and proofs for the claims you make.
If I called you stupid no one would take that seriously right? Not unless I gave some substantial proof that you were in fact stupid. So I will give you guys the benefit of the doubt that you are not using shit throwing shill tactics and instead you are just inept at rational discourse.
>Shill thread!
>Shill thread!
But we're so fucking autistic that we'll bump it by posting in it.
The shills are really bad in this thread, let us bump this thread and show the whole board how easy it is to spot a shill of any ideology. Just look for the arguments and non-arguments, it's not that hard to do, anyone with an IQ above 110 could do it.
But how will they notice this particular shill thread on an entire board of shill threads?
Look at the media's reaction to Ron Paul
They did everything to cover his name.
While trump a long time personal friend of the Clintons has gotten billions of dollars worth of free media advertising and the second he got the nomination he has been going absolutely full retard seemingly attempting to lose the election