Child Rearing

This will be a thread devoted to ideas about child rearing. I'll give my model as concisely as I can.

1. No TV/video games/internet browsing. Maybe some video games, but not beyond a certain age, as they become atrophying.

2. Forced to learn Latin and perhaps Greek. Possibly Spanish, but hopefully in won't be necessary in the future.

3. Home schooled. The purpose will for him to get as many 5 as possible in almost all the AP tests and get the highest scores he can in the ACT and SAT tests. Maybe a few classes on how to do well in college. The goal is to get him into HYPSM. Even though only graduate school really matters and HYPS are nothing but kike indoctrination centers with prestige, this prestige still matters and will help him in the future.

4. If the parent is religious, by to encourage the children to be so without pressuring him too much or making him a zealot.

5. He will be permitted to have friends, but only those who won't have a negative influence on him.

6. He will learn an instrument, preferably the piano.

7. He will join a sports team, which will help him to make friends in absence of attending a school.

8.He will kill himself at 15 because you refuse to acknowledge he was assigned the wrong gender at birth

Fucking lol op, they will just rebel and start doing the opposite.

K, but we won't be seeing any of that insane ideology in my home. If I buy him toys, they'll be gender neutral in the sense that they'll be designed to "really make him think," and he'll still come out fairly manly I think.

There are countries where the kids have it much worse where there probably much less likely to rebel than in America. If kids rebel, it's probably due to too little control than too much.


I've worked with kids.

You can't make kids do something, you have to spark their interest, so that energy to learn an instrument or a language comes from within, rather than without.

It is not easy and most parents are too dumb to do this.

You have to literally manipulate your kids into liking something, not force them to do something, it will only backfire.

How do Asian parents get their kids to do it, then?


by only showing affection upon the completion of a task or goal

9. Will be deadly with a ninja zword and other ninja weapons
10. Will be in peak physical shape
11. No masturbation or at leqst limited mazturbation
12. Psychic

I don't think that's accurate. Asian parents are known to be much more strict with their children and to stress the important of academic achievement, though showing appreciating for success it important.

What exactly is unreasonable from what I'm asking? He has to learn a language for most universities, it might as well be Latin because that improved English more than any other language. Getting fives on AP exams aren't that difficult, especially if you don't mind taking the corresponding course. Plenty of kids learn the piano. I'm assuming he will find a sport that he'll enjoy, as I'm only doing it so he can stay fit while enjoying himself.

Is child rearing fucking them in the rear doggy?

I can get behind that

This is the third time I've made this thread, but have only got that joke like five or six times.

they do it, but they show intense resentment against their parents.

>show intense resentment against their parents.
I think this is a meme. I've yet to come across an adult Asian who thinks they were wrongly raised.

If I could only maintain one of these points, it would either be the religious one to give them a moral base or the one about having them homeschooled and just learn how to pass AP exams, which is preferable to how extraordinarily inefficient most schools are with using the time of the students.

I do think that homeschooling does seem like a good idea though in today's standards.

I wouldn't want all this social marxism bs forced down my kid's throat.

When I was in school, I passed each year with 87 average or higher while just sitting in class with my headphones on not listening ever.

High school was a total waste of time for somebody with half a brain.

>High school was a total waste of time for somebody with half a brain.
This so fucking much. I wish we basically had two kinds of classes: acing AP exams, and scoring well on the ACT and SAT. This would have given me much better opportunities for college and unlimited challenge. Obviously, I fucking regret the fact that I wasn't motivated enough to do much better, but unfortunately, I wasn't born with Asian parents.

Didn't you have this exact same thread yesterday?

Not quite exactly. I changed some of the points and intend to keep changing them until I have a system that I believe withstands scrutiny.

>no TV/videogames
>kid plays sports
>****joins**** a sports team

So you're fine with watching your kid get absolutely cucked by the AAU/Select Dindu All-Stars?

Protip: if you "join" a sport and suck shit you're going to get picked on unless you're likable/affable - which your no-TV, no-videogames, humorless AP wunderkind is guaranteed to not be.

Just be real and say you're trying to pad his résumé and not trying to "make him friends". Can you be more transparently Asian lol

Being too strict is a good way to raise a fuck up.

>I want my kids to be zombies the post

It may be a joke but I'm not kidding

The point of him joining a sports team is so he can make friends and stay fit while having fun. I'll suppose I'll try to find a sport he would most flourish in.

>Just be real and say you're trying to pad his résumé and not trying to "make him friends".
I honestly don't mean to put that much emphasis on sports and I don't think college care that much. I'm only doing it because plenty of anons said he should stay physically fit while having fun and they said he should still have friends, which sports should help to this end.

>Can you be more transparently Asian lol
I'm literally not Asian, but I wish I knew more about how they raised their kids.

As I've said many times, I would have to be much more strict if I were preparing him for the Gaokao or having him do hard labor.

Chinese students have it much worse and they aren't "humorless." Also, I would all him plenty of leeway for him to pursue innocent passions.

>He will join a sports team, which will help him to make friends in absence of attending a school

>Other kids invite the kind of weird guy over to chill, play some vidya or watch some TV
>Sorry, I can't, daddy says it's bad and won't give me any good boy points. I'm going to save the white race one day!

All the kids I knew who were raised according to their strict parents' ideals turned into massive fuck ups and social misfits all the way into adulthood. Fortunately, you'll probably grow up and mellow out by the time you're old enough to stick it in a woman.

The easiest way to get into an elite college is to be a smart athlete. If your kid has a nice crossover and a 1400 SAT he can get into an Ivy. There are tens of thousands of classics-studying, 12 AP-having applicants. There are maybe 75 between all eight Ivies that can play a sport at a D-1 level + comprehend Tolstoy.

The whole point of HYP and other elite schools is alumni connections - not prestige. You get those by playing a sport (squash master race), not by shooting the shit about Catullus' cutting prose with an associate professor.

Come on guys

You'll never not be a virgin, so why make such a stupid thread?

>daddy says it's bad and won't give me any good boy points.
I think the solution to this is that I let him play some video games when it's contributive to socializing, but the problem I see is that the child develops a dependence on it. I firmly believe that the straightest and surest way to success is through academic achievement, which I'm trying to ensure by having him rack up so many fives on AP exams and doing well on both the ACT and SAT. If I were living in poor enough conditions, I would have to force my child to do manual labor, which would be much harder. In my case, why can't I force him to do extremely well academically?

>raised according to their strict parents' ideals turned into massive fuck ups and social misfits all the way into adulthood
I would have to consider what the ideals were and what their success was, but I doubt their were as sensible as mine.

>I'm going to save the white race one day!
Clever, but that's not really my angle, even though I understand why you would assume that based on the trends on this board.

>why can't I force him to do extremely well academically
Because IQ is influenced by genetics.

>The easiest way to get into an elite college is to be a smart athlete.
Questionable. Even then, I think what colleges are looking for is someone who can excel academically while having other interests in order to determine who can deal with the workload well.

>1400 SAT
Slightly too low

>12 APs
lel, try 22 and with all 5s. It's not that difficult, especially if you start in sixth grade with the easiest test, (Psychology), and spread the rest of the tests throughout middleschool and high school.

> alumni connections - not prestige.
There is a value to prestige, but I consider the alumni connections worth it.

>implying adoption is impossible

I get the implication, but what I'm demanding isn't that difficult. He would just have to work slightly longer academically meaning he would have less free time.

Is showing your sons German gay porn gonna make them manlier?

is this a comprehensive list of things your father didn't do for you?

if you're not catholic why learn latin?

if your not chinese why learn piano?

this list is incredibly stupid and your child would hate you.

heres a better one: swimming lesson, summer camp, hockey team, ride a bike, do homework and household chores.


>is this a comprehensive list of things your father didn't do for you?
My parents made me join sports, but I rejected them. I should have said, "If he wants to," because I only care that he's fit, not so much that he did sports. Other than that, you're correct, I wish I were raised better, but this isn't crying over spilled milk as much as wanting a better form of child rearing for my children.

>if you're not catholic why learn latin?
In previous threads, I said he would be raised Catholic, but too many fedora tippers wouldn't shut the fuck about it, so I only said he would be raised religious if the parents were religious. Also, universities require a foreign language credit, while the only practical languages today in the US are Spanish and Chinese, and I don't want my kid learning either, while Latin is know to improve English skills better than any language.

>if your not chinese why learn piano?
Probably the same reason the Chinese would learn it.

>this list is incredibly stupid and your child would hate you.
Doubt it. As I've said many times now, life would be much more difficult in some other countries.

> swimming lesson, summer camp, hockey team, ride a bike, do homework and household chores.
This does too little to ensure a virtuous child with excellent prospects. I dissent.

OP , why do you want to be such a nazi with your child ? Planing all this shit for his "academic success" , life is not just about how much successful you're in the society . I mean , that's very sad , it's like you're not planing on raising an human being , just some kind of success machine. Also learning a dead language like latin is not a good idea imo , at least make them learn a useful language so if he want to move into another country or whatever he can . Oh and yeah , not anybody can home school their children , you must be smart enough and competent enough as a teacher , don't forget about this.

If I thought I were being too strict, I would lighten up. Three things are not negotiable.

1. Making my son either religious, or develop a moral character through reading literature on the subject. As /pol shows daily, humans are not naturally virtuous or immunized from degeneracy.

2. Homeschooled and taught in a way to score well on tests. While I find the Chinese reliance of a single test determining the future, there is something admirable about having such a clear and simple, (if indeed extremely demanding), way to succeed. The closest Americans have are the ACT and SAT tests and AP exams. Studying just for the test is far more efficient than modern education that relies on arbitrary grading, which wastes so much time of the students. Also, homeschooling permits to me to make the teaching as efficient as possible, and also to place a huge emphasis on self-leaning. This has the drawback of giving him less exposure to socializing and making friends, but since we make usually far more friends in college and student populations often have a negative more of a negative influence than a positive one, this drawback is considerably than it first appears.

If you're really interested in giving you're kid a language advantage then force them to learn Mandarin and German. Romance languages are generally easy for English speakers, Mandarin isn't so it helps for them to learn it when they're young.

Knowing German then makes learning Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Afrikaans easier.

you cannot force a child to be successful, and if you pressure them too much they will rebel.

the most a parent can do is give them oppurtunities.

the more wealth you have the more oppurtunities they will have, that will determine their success.

its crazy to make a plan how to raise a perfect child. it will never work.

all of the things you said, can improve a childs future. but children are cruel, it is more likely they will be bullied for being "different" and grow to resent you.

thats why i suggested a less rigid plan.

think about it.

this is much more practical advice

I'll also add that teaching yourself Latin is a bitch. The language is too complicated and there are too many exceptions to it's rules to make really effective books for it.

Really you NEED a professional teacher for Latin or Koine Greek.

>it's like you're not planing on raising an human being
By this logic, we shouldn't force our kids to do anything and let them naturally develop. (See pic related). I have a pretty good idea what my child should learn and I'm making him learn it. What's the problem with it?

>, life is not just about how much successful you're in the society
I want to give my child the best chance he would have at success, and I would think means him going to a top university for matriculation, and I think I'm following the straightest path there.

> Also learning a dead language like latin is not a good idea imo , at least make them learn a useful language so if he want to move into another country or whatever he can .
Latin is useful to improve English, more than any other language. Also, what language could I possibly teach him based on guessing what country he would want to live in? The current lingua franca is English. South and Central America are dumps.

>, not anybody can home school their children , you must be smart enough and competent enough as a teacher
Maybe he would spend pre-k in a private school, but it's not as difficult as it sounds. Tutors are not that expensive and eventually he would learn to teach himself, which again, is not as difficult as it sounds.

>learn Mandarin and German.
>le Mandarin is useful meme
Unless he intends to live in that shithole or do business with subhumans, there is no practical benefit to learning Mandarin. Unless he intends to go to Germany, there is little practicality in learning that.

>Knowing German then makes learning Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Afrikaans easier.
Too bad there's little practical benefit in learning those languages. In learning Latin, it makes learning Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian easier, which I wouldn't care for, but those languages are certainly more relevant, (with the exception of Romanian), than any of the ones you mentioned.

>muh degeneracy and muh fairytales in the same line

Damn dude you ate up Sup Forums Nazi memer fag memes

>you cannot force a child to be successful, and if you pressure them too much they will rebel.
So if your kid was bringing home failing grades, you wouldn't do anything because "you cannot force a child to be successful"?

>the more wealth you have the more oppurtunities they will have
It's more based on the achievements of the child, but wealth undeniably helps, but less so because of the generous endowments some colleges have.

>its crazy to make a plan how to raise a perfect child.
Nonsense on stilts. There are better and worse ways to raise a child, and I think this way is the best.

> it is more likely they will be bullied for being "different" and grow to resent you.
Then I would remove him from social situations in which he would be bullied. He can make friends in college, while learning how to socialize at dinner parties and such.

Not true. Latin isn't that much more difficult than other Romance languages. Lingua Latina is a great resource for self-learning Latin.

>Unless he intends to live in that shithole or do business with subhumans, there is no practical benefit to learning Mandarin.

Its one of the most dissimilar languages to English on the planet, and it makes learning any East Asian language easier. Practicality is my concern here.

>Too bad there's little practical benefit in learning those languages. In learning Latin, it makes learning Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian easier, which I wouldn't care for, but those languages are certainly more relevant, (with the exception of Romanian), than any of the ones you mentioned.

Then by all means pick any of those as all of them would give more of a benefit in learning the others than Latin.

But like I said English speakers don't struggle with Romance languages, we've borrowed so much from them that English damn near is one. Germanic languages are more difficult for us.

Tip harder, faggot. I'm not going to trust my child turns out just fine without making any effort whatsoever to form his moral character.

I'm not saying you can't, but it requires much more dedication than Spanish or French, both of which are, in essence, simplified bastardized Latin.

>Its one of the most dissimilar languages to English on the planet, and it makes learning any East Asian language easier.
Okay? The dissimilarity part is an argument against, not for learning it. This might change in the future, but China is still mostly a shithole and the more developed and relevant they become, the more their English fluency will increase, which applies to not only the rest of Asia, but the rest of the world.

>Then by all means pick any of those as all of them would give more of a benefit in learning the others than Latin.
Again, because I'm an American, there's little practical benefit in learning any foreign language except fulfilling a language requirement. If I were a foreigner, I would place great stress on making sure my child knew English well, but that isn't the case. My child's first language would be English, which just happens to be the world's lingua franca.

>Germanic languages are more difficult for us.
This is questionable. The pronunciation is more difficult for romance languages.

>tip meme now too

God I hope you're too young to have children right now so maybe there is still some hope.

you are one gullible son of a bitch.

>simplified bastardized Latin.
I'm glad you acknowledged this, and it's partially why I have a great esteem for Latin, from which, "the most polished of the present European tongues are nothing more than barbarous degenerations." It's also because there is almost nothing more traditional in Western education in teaching the Latin language, which was compulsory in Western curriculums for nearly a millennium, even after the derivative languages started to develop.

Again, it's not as hard as you think, especially if the only goal is to have the child learn to read Latin texts and not be fluent in it.

Again, I'm looking to have discussions about child rearing, not debate the merits of religion. If you think children are turning out a-ok today and don't need any moral guidance whatsoever, then we'll have to agree to disagree.

Children need some guidance they don't need a prison cell.

I don't mind too much having him socialize wither other people. I just don't want him to pick up bad habits or learning to slack off, which is a problem that plenty of children have today.

Which you won't be able to stop. You can gently guide them but you can't lock them up or force them to think your way. That will never work out right.

Also people aren't machines, some people require more cooling off and breaks than others, some can handle having the heat up for a long time. You'll never know the kind of person he is until you let him grow and find himself, not find the person you want to force him to be.

(1) Cub scouts and Boy Scouts or Brownies and Girl Scouts, with you and your wife as visible and influential leaders in either group. No child should grow up without spending time in the out doors.

(2) Video games are allowed, but they are a privilege. If grades start to slip or a homework assignment isn't turned in video games will be taken away. Preferably games like Pokemon that are simple and encourage exploration but still challenging.

(3) Every punishment will directly relate to the offense. In most cases (unless swift action is required) you should sit down with your kid and discuss an appropriate consequence together so they understand why they are experiencing the consequence.

(4) Public school or a private religious school so your kid developed proper social skills.

(5) Sports are a must. In middle school they should choose one sport they really like and focus on that one. They should also join one or two clubs.

(6) Speech/Debate is a must

(7) When they are 9 or 10 I'm going to hire a hooker and pay her $400 to come to the door. When she gets there I'm going to scream at her while she screams back that this never would have happened if she had just married a respectable white man. And then I'll turn her away and talk with my kids about how they need to make sure they respect their bodies, marry a decent white person, and come to me for help if they ever need it so they don't end up like the hooker.

I'm not sure how I would be locking them up. If my kid said he wanted to leave at 12:00 AM to join an interracial gangbang and I said no, I would be doing the same thing in this case, but slightly stricter. Again, if I had to force him to do manual labor, which would be necessary in some countries, it would be much more difficult, but it happens all the time in some societies.

>Also people aren't machines, some people require more cooling off and breaks than others, some can handle having the heat up for a long time. You'll never know the kind of person he is until you let him grow and find himself, not find the person you want to force him to be.
I expect to have the same success rate as Asians do, which is fine by me.

Lmao this abstract child of yours is going to grow up to be a huge pussy. "Remove him from social situations from which he would be bullied." i.e. all of them. Let your kid stand up for himself you dumb fuck.

You have no idea that humans can't just be molded into whatever you want them to be. Don't reproduce, you're an idiot.

> Preferably games like Pokemon that are simple and encourage exploration but still challenging.
Pokemon stops being challenging after age 10 and hopefully earlier.

>. Preferably games like Pokemon that are simple and encourage exploration but still challenging.
I like this, but sometimes it can become a hassle and the child eventually has to learn that the parents will should be followed while figuring out the reason eventually. I think the best discipline system that exists now is 1-2-3 Magic.

>Public school or a private religious school so your kid developed proper social skills.
I can speak from experience that private religious schools aren't nearly good enough in developing virtue or diligence, or at least it's not a guarantee.

>When she gets there I'm going to scream at her while she screams back that this never would have happened if she had just married a respectable white man. And then I'll turn her away and talk with my kids about how they need to make sure they respect their bodies, marry a decent white person, and come to me for help if they ever need it so they don't end up like the hooker.
This sounds ludicrous, but it reminds me of the practice of the Spartans in dissuading their children from drunkenness by giving wine to their slaves and showing what fools they become while inebriated.

>Speech/Debate is a must
Because I don't think it's good enough to send the child to school, (unless it's a place that I don't think I'll be able to afford), I can't really wholly approve these, but I like having the child debate and thus learning how to not only express their ideas with conviction and persuasion, but also learning good elocution.

is this just a bad shitpost

>Lmao this abstract child of yours is going to grow up to be a huge pussy.
First post to make me laugh.

>"Remove him from social situations from which he would be bullied." i.e. all of them.
Even social occasions like dinner parties?

>You have no idea that humans can't just be molded into whatever you want them to be.
I want the same success rate.


>Pokemon stops being challenging after age 10 and hopefully earlier
Then you played it wrong. And regardless, its okay for kids to have a fun outlet where they can just sit back and relax for a little bit. As long as they're also playing outside and playing games with the family there's nothing wrong with playing a bit of video games.

>I can speak from experience that private religious schools aren't nearly good enough in developing virtue or diligence, or at least it's not a guarantee
I also went to a religious school, and it's not the schools obligation to make you into a perfect Christian. That's the job of the family. But I want my kid raised in an environment that shares my morals. And at least at a Catholic school he wouldn't be exposed to Muslims or people who will aggressively shoot down their beliefs. Besides, most homeschooled kids are barely capable of functioning socially and that's a burden on the parents that is totally uneccesary. We have a school system and there's no logical reason not to use it.

>Then you played it wrong.
Really? This isn't Sup Forums, but what is intellectually demanding about Pokemon?

> its okay for kids to have a fun outlet where they can just sit back and relax for a little bit
I would like to find ways to join profit with pleasure.

"To join profit with pleasure, has been an old precept among men who have had very different conceptions of profit. All have agreed that our amusements should not terminate wholly in the present moment."

> As long as they're also playing outside and playing games with the family there's nothing wrong with playing a bit of video games.
At some point, I think it's excessive, especially to the extent that the vast majority play games.

>and it's not the schools obligation to make you into a perfect Christian.
I didn't say that. The very least they should do it make you diligent and hard-working and somewhat dignified, and they failed at that for me, (though I consider myself dignified, but not because of that school).

>That's the job of the family.
Which is what I'm proposing here.

>he wouldn't be exposed to Muslims or people who will aggressively shoot down their beliefs.
This is fairly rare in society, but naturally, I would send him to a private school over a public school, even though the private schools that offer a significant improvement over public schools are probably out of my price range.

>Besides, most homeschooled kids are barely capable of functioning socially and that's a burden on the parents that is totally uneccesary
Then I would take steps to prevent this.

>We have a school system and there's no logical reason not to use it.
Except when they aren't good enough, and I can say from experience that they're not. If I had complete control of the curriculum, it would be fine, but I don't. Most schooling is an incredible waste of time for students, which should be preparing the students to do as well as possible on the SAT and ACT and get as many fives on AP tests, if perhaps in-line with their interests.

Teach your kids how to survive. Teach 'em how to string a bow, strip a rifle, cook good meat, track game. Elementary stuff, so they can live a fully self-sufficient life, of the grid, if they so wish.

Teach them old stories, like siegfreid and brunhilda, the old story of Robert the Bruce and the spider. Stuff that'll inspire him.

Tell your sons, your daughters, that they should live well and do what good they can. Give them wisdom and teach them the way of the pen and the sword, equally.

If you must go and die, in war, or as your duty, or honor compels you, die well and leave your offspring with every honest reassurance.

If you must bury them, do it yourself. Do it quickly. That is for you, not for them.

lol your kid is going to be a social retard

>Teach your kids how to survive. Teach 'em how to string a bow, strip a rifle, cook good meat, track game. Elementary stuff, so they can live a fully self-sufficient life, of the grid, if they so wish.
These sort of skills would have been completely used by most inhabitants in the Western world for the last several centuries.

Physical work, especially in skilled trades and basic cleaning, so they can grok Sapir-Whorf. That is, they must grasp as early as possible the idea that objective reality exists, that it always escapes and defeats our models of it, and that no matter how good your model is reality is still reality. This is the defining trait of leftists, progressives, "liberals" and NWO statists: they have excessive faith in their "solutions."

Even if that were the case, I'm sure they have classes for that.

Have him take some sort of martial art (a white one) so he can defend himself and stay in shape.

I suppose I could do this, but self-defense usually isn't necessary if you live in a safe area.

And by usually, I mean all the time.

