Clinton mistakenly refers to Trump as her husband.
Clinton mistakenly refers to Trump as her husband.
Other urls found in this thread:
Donald's an alpha male. Who can blame her?
The bitch looks like shit, like she's sick.
This board was and always will be left leaning, and since Hillary is a centrist it is natural that she has such big support here.
I would recommend you to stop being so retarded and jump into the real world. She is our ally, not that fucking annoying orange!
Nanosecondly reminder
Here's the actual video.
You can't make this shit up!
>This board was and always be left leaning
She's not going to survive to election day.
Sorry video link:
Fuck out of here CTR. When we have WW3 because of her. I hope I find you the battlefield!
well shills? explain this
this woman is a variable cornucopia of Freudian slips
She looks ready to collapse
She is a 70 year old woman
She has no business leading in a high stress enviroment
Would anyone allow their grandmother to run a military opperation?
Alpha man conquers even sociopathic emapthless crooked womin brain!
Enjoy your two cents, shill
God Emperor Trump loves everybody equally, except shills.
>Has to mail order his wife
Top cuck
> variable cornucopia
Veritable is the word you want.
She's often confused
Wtf I love Trump now
Donald is 70 also dipshit
Me too.
She wants the D.
Sheeet even Hillary wants trump
cucks BTFO
That old snatch wants that alpha Trump
No one would care if it was a 70 year old man running for president you dumb piece of shit.
>We will raise taxes on the middle class
Lost my shit when she said that, I was there and saw several very confused faces cheering. A few people I tried talking to were obvious paid shills, too.
Yeah but he isn't a woman dumbass
But he only looks 50. Shillary looks like she's 80
No they wouldn't
Who is better in a crisis grandpa or grandma
>this post again
this is a shill copypasta, keep that in mind as you reply
*swings finger*
hillary is a mess
>trump does something stupid
>clinton does something stupid
>btw She also said she would work vigorously for immigration reform, hoping that Republicans would end the roadblocks when her victory sends “a clear message to our Republican friends.”