>in UK
>took MMB-CHIMACA (one puff)
>passed out (BP crashed)
>cracked head open (pic related)
>2 seizures, frothing at the mouth
>great wife and kids
>ambulance arived in 10 minutes
>air-lifted to London hospital
>woke up in ICU 16 hours later
>home the next day and all's good
>No charge (inB4 you pay taxes etc.)

Serious question for Americans; would you have receive a bill for this?

Yeah. Just the way it is. But we're used to it.

Depends on your insurance coverage.

>synthetic cannabis

please off yourself next time

Yup, depends on your coverage and whatnot on how much though

Yeah, we don't pamper degenerate drug users like you faggot Europeans. They should have let you seize and fry your brains.

No, the hospital would have submitted my bill to my insurance company, their Jews would tell the hospital's Jews to fuck off with their shitty prices, and I would have received a letter months later saying I need to pay up to my deductible.

>inb4 you pay taxes
You do, nigger.


Sorry you didn't understand the question

Yeah, I've got a high deductible health plan so I can set up a health savings account, so I'm on the hook for the first $3000 in medical expenses in any year, but I get to pay that tax free by using the HSA.

No, it doesn't make any fucking sense over here either, but it lowers my taxes

If you get cancer in america do you get help to get that shit sorted ?

>be american
>wake up and sing the national anthem while eating burger
>stub toe on bed
>ambulance sirens outside
>ambulance gets to my house
>$5000 trip to the doctors
>tip the ambulance driver
>be released
>immediately robbed at gunpoint
>get shot
>ambulance refuses to take me to the hospital even though it's 8 meters away from me
>pay another $5000 ambulance ride
>tip the ambulance driver

For a lot of americans this would put them in crippling debt. Being taken to the hospital would cost one to two thousand dollars.

lmao no if you poor you fucking die

Thanks for answering, appreciate it

Your degenerate ass would have free healthcare seeing as you are a worthless sack of shit "raising" the criminals of our next generation.

Maybe if we're lucky your wife cucked you and your kids have decent genetics

What i mean is do they fix you then you pay or you pay and then they fix you?

Is there any goverment support for that shit ?

how about you get a job you benefit scrounging scum then you can afford real drugs

>would you have receive a bill for this?

jobless NEETs can just say they have no income and the bill gets waived

>one to two thousand dollars
>crippling debt

Topkek i make that much in a week.

Yes, probably a bill upwards of 1k minimum.

>Taking random substances into your body

Haha dumbass

>no charge
>also my society and government are crumbling

For the judgemental twats on here
You live, you learn

>Be American

You MUST receive emergency medical care by law, only issue is that you're now in debt if you can't pay.

If you die anyway, your debt goes onto your next of kin too.

I second this sentiment.


fucking disgusting degenerate

t. amerifat

You disgusting degenerate.

And you even have a wife and kids while I haven't had sex for 4 years.

You don't deserve this!

Probably charged for puffing synthetic by the police on scene

then charged for the ambulance

then charged for the hospital room visit (this becomes a premium charge once it involves emergency or intensive care), the saline iv bag, the possible blood work, the pillow and sheets, and for every specialist, doctor, and nurse that was present.

Also OP, You've damaged your brain permanently with that synthetic - expect symptoms of psycho effective disorder and if schizophrenia is in your family - congratulations you just gave yourself it.

t. idiot that puffed synthetic once.

Good posts

I once overdosed on amphetamine and the ambulance brought me to the ICU where I spent one night and if I remember correctly the cost were something between 1000 and 2000 € of which I had to pay 10 € for the ambulance.

>I smoked experimental drugs and you had to pay for it lol


>Serious question for Americans; would you have receive a bill for this?

Yes, and then I would fill out a financial hardship form, and that would be it. My last hospital visit was almost 200k after a car accident. Hardship form, copy of 3 years tax returns. I ended up paying like 35 dollars for some random processing fee

How much speed did you take? I know I've imbibed massive amounts of amphetamine and I've never come close to hospitalization.

Have you ever wondered why you haven't had sex in 4 years, you boring bastard? I bet you haven't left your house in 4 years, that's why.

A lot. Probably about 500 mg, but no idea how pure it was. It was really weird stuff. The effects came delayed by two hours or so which is why I overdosed in the first place. I just thought I had weak gear.

500...jesus christ, even at 25% purity that would be a fucking punch to the face. I am so grateful for pharmaceutical grade amphetamines.

Must have been frightening for you when it kicked in, ehh?

Why do degenerates post here?

>>No charge (inB4 someone explains how i was charged)
You're paying the same as us. Difference is we only pay for it when we use it. You're paying for it even if you don't need it to fund the shitskins that do.

No government support for that but if you are not able to consent they will operate and make you pay later.
If you're life is in danger they are legally obliged to help you. There are government programs that will help you pay. This is yet another way illegal Mexicans fuck us over.

Oh, yes. Suddenly I notice how it keeps kicking in. It became more and more and I realized I was fucked. I believed I would die. At one point it felt like my heart exploded. Then I lost consciousness. When I woke up I could feel or move my body. All I felt was my brain tingling like crazy.

Free board. It ain't a fucking hugbox you faggot.

>1-2 thousand
That not even a lot. If you don't have at least 30k saved for bad days you are retarded. Even if you are a yuropoor.

Pre-obamacare I had emergency coverage that would have paid for it 100%. Now I have a high-deductible plan so I'm responsible for the first $12,000 in a calendar year. Of course I've never met my deductible before because the insurance rates in my state almost double every 6 months so my company has to get a new plan ever six months. I miss my good insurance.

Serious question,

Why did you take drugs that make you tweak and then drive and endanger everyone else's life you degenerate shit head?

In the USA you would of been arrested and then shot. Which should of happened

Did you do your research before using this compound?