
Nobody cares about the opinion of a Turk you stupid snownigger.

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This fucking "country" is up for consideration of becoming a part of EU, so their opinion counts, you stupid nigger.

>consideration of becoming a part of EU

lol don't be delusional. They will NEVER be a member of the EU.

Quick question, how come Turks are so hairy???

It's like Greece and Mexico came together to have a baby.

Social democrat foreign minister defending racist party.

Faggots always bow down to conservatives, what's wrong?

As a turkroach, just give Trump the nukes already and remove turkey and all the arab countries.



Ausbro, I hate to be a harbinger of doom but many events previously unthinkable are transpiring in front of our eyes, out in the open and with full support of general public. Don't be so foolish and proudy thinking that turkroaches wouldn't get admitted

I wipe my ass with the T*rkish flag and it comes out cleaner than it started.


The sad thing is that these monkeys know that accusations of racism are actually valid in the west

We are racists. Thats just the truth.

They would need the approval of every single EU member state to be able to join. Not gonna happen.

>They will NEVER be a member of the EU.

Bwahahaha, it's only a matter of months when they join this fucked up union.


what have you done to roaches?


Their juvenile foreign minister trapped in a twitter fight.

He said our FM's tweet was an "ultimatum" and it all went downhill.

>one more time


Based Austrians.

Why are roach politicians so fucking retarded? They violoate human rights in so many ways and then dare to fling shit in our direction? A shitty country lead by shitty politicians who are supported by shitty people. That sums up Turkey nicely.

>greeks are gonna bankrupt germoney
>turks are gonna overflood austria with sandniggers
what are you gonna do now aryans?


german people pretend to be liberal but are really hardcore racists. Why a single german hasn't died in all those terrorist attacks? Because they don't live with near non Germans.

Ikr? The liberals in Turkey are so wussy that they don't dare criticize Erdogan... that's how change is done! The dictator imprisons thousands of supporters and a public outcry will begin. The media will react outrageously! Freedom to the People!

>said while proudly sucking a somalian cock and watched his gf getting impregnated by a syrian refugee


Spend a day in Turkey, in cafe's and bars.

You live so far away that you don't know what we talk and bicker everyday.

So was he successful in Austria or in Germany? Pretty sure it wasn't us who made him big. Have fun with Erdogan and his retarded followers. :^)

Austrian crusader terrorists must be kicked the hell out of Turkey.

>Steinmeier bowing to Master Erdoroach
can't make that up.

I'm black (not Muslim) but that's besides the point.

Greek girls sell their bodies for a few euros. There was an article about this. And there are thousands of Syrian refugees in your country. I'm just saying...
Maybe in Izmir and Istanbul but outside West Turkey urban areas if you talk shit about Erdogan there's a 99% risk a APK-supporting monkey will engage in an argument that might turn violent.

Take your allah snackbars out of our countries first.

>a dirty turk is against Austria


Hitler was a pacifist. Friendly reminder that Europeans supported Salazar and Franco; you know who they are :^)

i also read an article about niggers having low intelligence and not being able to invent the wheel :)

Austria 3
Turkey 0

stay mad.

We were Christians before you. Historical reality is that there was an African named Petros or Basilos before Greece became officially Christian.


>talk shit about erdogan

Maybe you should try engaging them with sensical dialogue and understand why the support erdogan.

Is this too much to ask?

How many cheeks do you have, Sven?

You are holding against us our past, I am holding against you your present. Enjoy the future downfall of your country. :^)

Austrians should feel honored

First of all, if the leader of your country started cracking down on free press & the opposition. If your cousin got arrested & convicted to years in prison for making a meme about Erdogan.

My point is that you would be frustrated, worried and mad too.

I know why Erdogan is so popular. The economic boom the last 10 years for example. The fact that Turks want a strong, fearless alpha male leader. It's in your subconscious. Islamic awakening in Turkey as well. More women wear hijab today compared to decades ago.
bistra speed?

And you see why this is good.

That is sensible. I accept your superiority.

Not really. You see, our presidents, PM's were all came from lower classes. It's the speech and ability that gets the votes. We don't have "elitist democracy" , like, parties or strong families that control the nominees.

You need to do something positive to get votes. Menderes, Özal, Demirel, Ecevit, Çiller etc. all did something to get the votes, not because they're some relative of a powerful banker or diplomat.

That's why west can't stump Erdogan. People chose him. Not me, but the majority.

they are trying to foil my plans!


Wtf! Doesn't make that much sense as of Turkey's current state. Erdogan IS the elite! He built a 1000-room mansion for himself and cut down trees where it would stand.

And Erdogan's relatives benefit from him being Prime Minister or President. I think an elitist family will form because of how much power and influence Erdogan has in his hands

To boil it down, populists tend to have the Turkish people's support in elections.

Erdogan built a 1000 room mansion. Yes, that is gross by my own measure.

But not that gross to dismiss him or revolt against him.

He is a "krasniy mujik"; a courageous villager, by the words of Putin; he is not a double dealing politician; if there is no better man than to rule us, he deserve to rule us. Much better than any foreign emissary.

I'd rather have a ruler that has a 1000 room palace in woods than a Swedish Minister who lives in a 1 room ikea furnished room, giving orders to me.

What about the thousands of opposing parties votes found in dumpsters and garbage sites a few years ago?

What about them? You tell me. :^)

This is what I don't get. Even turks who claim to dislike Erdogan... and claim to have not voted for him. Even you guys have something good to say about him and his actions

Which brings me to the theory that Turks need a strong nationalist father figure to lead them à la Ataturk

It's funny how Erdogan is everything Ataturk dispised and fought against.

You need to learn a lot my goy, people always need a fathering figure.

Nations are found upon fathers. "Founding fathers" ring a bell? :^)

>a matter of months
Wake up kid.

Who did you vote for?

You are an idiot.

>:^) spam

Are you even trying?

They will never be able to join until they fuck off out of Cyprus. The fact that it's even a thought boggles my mind, they are literally illegitimately occupying Christian lands. What the fuck is wrong with you Eurofags?

Republican party. I don't vote for AKP because they're too islamist for my liking.

Franz Joseph shed a tear.

Muslims are the most intolerant minority oppressive cancer on the planet.


If trying to prevent the suicide of Western Civilization makes me a racist, then I'm happy to be racist.

People choose Hitler, too.

And they paid the price. But, truth to be told; they didn't vote for another world war and invasion of poland and czechslovakia, let alone USSR.

They voted for social security and stabilization of economy. Anything else was complimentary.

I know your name is Rasit Dincer ;)

Nope, you're trying to doxx? For what purpose? :)

Nah I was just matching a random first name & random surname

I don't give a shit about democracy as long as they keep arresting islamic cult members. Why do you even care?
Liberals had enough of cemaat. That's why they don't say anything.
Everyone is happy about the purge

Idk, I've read up on the Gülen movement and on paper they seem not so bad. They advocate a tolerant form of Islam that encourages interfaith dialogues. Better than conservative Islamism, no?

>they seem not so bad.
They don't seem bad because you're following western media. I'm living in turkey and they are literally brainwashing kids with islam in gülen schools

Since it's a school based on Islam, yeah obviously they'll teach Islam to the kids... but my point is that at least it's not radical Islam

>advocate a tolerant form of Islam

That doesn't exist

There's muslims and then there's a few holiday-muslims

>a tolerant form of Islam
Shut the fuck up Sven.

Ok, sure. I meant relative to Islam Gülenists are progessive


How come Austrians are the only people who are not afraid of being honest?

The leftists prioritize truth below tolerance and feeling good.

They love their sweet lies because they are too weak to face harsh truths.

Even our cucked leftists are saying very 'intolerant' things about turkey. I feel a little better about my country.

You stopped being important in our politics since 17th century.

Don't try to act like you're important. There are Bulgarians, Hungarians, Serbians and Croatians between us, don't nag on us because we sieged Vienna once or twice.

You are prominent because of us, never foget that :^)

Wtf, user, are 12?

Our left is still completely retarded, as is our chancellor

The problem with our new chancellor is that unlike the last few we had he's not actually stupid, he knows how to get the common retard to vote for him

They're just as retarded as every other subgroup that belongs to that religion

>You are prominent because of us, never foget that

nigger what

RAID Bomb Thread.
To many roaches
>shu schu

>capital of radical racism

I fucking wish.

I can't wait for the civil war in roach land.

Still too few turks and other exotic and diverse animals in Germany?


People deserve their rulers. Be stupid, pay the price.

When will turkniggers finally gas themselves?

Into the oven they go.