There is nothing more depressing to see than drunk white Westerners eating halal food after midnight. Nothing says the west has fallen more than a drunk Westerner eating shitty $5 fatty food at a time no one should be eating a large meal as they stumble around drunkly cradling their food as if it's a child as Muslims watch in disgust. Way to go western world.
There is nothing more depressing to see than drunk white Westerners eating halal food after midnight...
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Fuck you Sup Forums
holy shit that is a run-on sentence... its almost a run-on paragraph
Not my fault that white people are pussies and won't work during the night.
Muslims laugh at you as you drunkingly drop your rice and lamb on the floor since you are too drunk to function you may as well take halal dick in your ass at this point.
I don't drink, drinking is for working class plebs.
Fuck the Canadian
You're a special level of pleb, the rich and upper classes have always been heavy drinkers, among the most debauched in all society, they actually have the most in common with the working class. Your uppity Puritan ways mark you as a distinctly middle class social climber.
Wtf I hate the middle class now
>I'm against freedom
Rewrote that for you
>Halal stand
You fucking wish, every Halal place got wise to the fact that in a 5 mile radius of Manhattan they can charge whatever the fuck they want for Halal.
Fuck I was in LIC and they were charging hipsters 4$ for a shishkaba ,7$ for a sandwich and 12$ for what I'd call a gyro.
I've lived here all my life and they didn't start blatantly overcharging like this until 2010. Thats all NYC is good for now. Getting overcharged to eat at a restaurants and take pictures to show your hipster friends how worldly you are with out actually leaving the 5 boroughs.
>Will admit when a family member was paying went to this upscale Italian restaurant
>Had this rock shrimp I will never forget
>Cost almost 3 bills but I can say it was worth it
There is literally nothing wrong with eating a delicious meal of fried food truck food after a night of drinking. It's fun and delicious and you are a faggot.
Getting shitfaced and then binge eating at 3 AM is my god given right as an American
Get a tape measure.
What's your body fat % ?
Whenever I drink I lose my appetite, my body turns it into energy pretty efficiently. Also alcohol has mild hallucinogenic properties for me.
I don't drink anymore , because all of this leads to extreme quantities consumed while I'm still basically functioning and typing to you as I am right now
eh. that's more of a British/Australian thing.
I agree, excessive drinking is absolute degeneracy and willingly giving your money to foreigners will just encourage more of them to come.
How about you mind your business and I mind mine.
Nigga stop bitching about trivial shit like this you sound like an SJW
I work in lower Manhattan all the parts by me are no more than 6$ for lamb or chicken and only cost more if you go combo. Shut the fuck up liar.
Muslims serve me food because they are servile in these economies and they'll stay that way.
How fat are you
that specific halal spot in op is the best fucking one though..
Sup Forums angry man angry about people eating food.
wow u must be so hip irl , i can just imagine getting out of my car and hearing a drunk college student screaming to his friend
>damn that halal so so fucking dope yo , RIGHT?
I don't even do the binge eating anymore I just drink all the time. Not fat just gonna die of liver disease.
/fit/izen here, no homo, I'm at about 12%
Maybe it was because I was outside LGCC by 33rd Rawson street
College students were probably getting the cheaper options, but I still saw prices ranging up into the 12$ range
still 6$ is pretty expensive. Maybe unless your one of those plebs that eats out everyday. I bring my own lunch
Keep being subservient to Ahmed loser.
Is this for real?
I was in NY last week eating at the Halal guys stand on 53rd. $5 for a sandwich and $7 for the plate. It's pretty fucking cheap considering how much they toss on the plate.
$6 is below average for a fulfilling Manhattan lunch that isn't McFatties
Every fucking halal truck is the same stop with the hipster shit that your oily fatty meat and yellow carbs dispenser is better than any other one simply because he gives you a free deep fried falafel ball or whatever for free.
no.. every other halal spot is just a bit blander.
they'd be right too
Same thing goes for bums and panhandlers
You hate us 'cause you ain't us.
This is the only meme I like.
agree, Halal Guys is great. Only halal that people really eat in the city; all other stands feed tourists and poors
I make a point of avoiding ethnic food because I don't want to endorse our own dispossession. Argue about immigration with normies, and ethnic food is the first they bring up in support of it.
What I observed during my visit at one of these stands in Manhattan , was that the attendants were very persistent in offering customers the 'white sauce' . Almost everyone that had bought the food and was eating had their meals drenched in the sauce. My friends also pushed me to try the sauce to which I gave it a try. All I can remember from my visit was that the food was base and tasted stale , but the sauce made the food worth it.
I'm not sure what they put in the sauce considering that it's a secret recipe that is disclosed from the public but I assume they load it up with flavor enhancing ingredients, which keep in mind are neurotoxic, damage the brain and have been linked to neurodegenertive diseases in old age.
I'm not implying this is some conspiracy to hurt people but the manner and persistence of offering the sauce by the attendants that night that I visited one of these halal stands gave me a very bad impression. I'm sure they know what they're doing and why their customers keep coming back.
Just a warning for people who consume this stuff and haven't given it any thought. You're better off cooking this stuff yourself in advance the day of your night outing then buying this crap that will leave you disabled and retarded when you're old. If you even make it that long.
Are you talking about glutomate?
the sauce man... have you ever been to a kebab?... now that i think about it, after 30 years of kebab-houses here in europe, europe has been in steady decline...
and the main ingredient of a kebab is the white sauce....
Wew lad
Just so you know "white sauce" is goat semen. Anytime a sauce is named after a color it usually is.
This. It's Middle Class plebs that enforce our shitty diversity cult, while the based rich just tell them lies, and steal their pensions. Beady eyed, greedy, vulgar people.
t. neet.
Is it also middle class to have Muslims laugh at you as you are killing your liver and getting fatter every Saturday night?
wtf I hate my liver now
Which means you're still gonna die of a "fatty liver" (liver cirrhosis)
I think you are on to something if I was a Muslim I would do this.
actually thats a pretty good idea go get drunk in europe then go buy shit in places muslims will be. drive them away.
>yea this is hows its going to be ahmed. you dont have the numbers to kill us all and we will keep coming here being belligerent.
>they dont got enough room in prisons for all of us and you cant kill all of us. suck it goat fucker
fuck off you ignorant fucking puritan faggot
döner is life. especially at midnight when youre sloshed.
fuck off
Keep sucking Allah's cock infidel.
ah eat a fucking hotdog yuh cultureless white mashed potato eating fuckin burger. you have about as much of a culinary education as a toenail clipping
go eat some fried chicken xD
From where I am sitting right now there are 6 Michelin star restaurants within 3 miles of me so you kindly shut the fuck up you faggot. I know about fine cuisine cock sucker.
ah go suck a hipster dipster chefs dick you fuckin tourist. michelin stars are just code for tourist traps of varying degrees.
like, lol, apparently you need a rating system to tell you what good food is
bet you cant even cook
Street dogs and taco trucks in LA are freedom. Kys
Praise KEK
Better than Macdonoroo senpai. Falafel gasuke desu
Go fuck yourself uncultured swine you don't get Michelin stars for being the latest TGIMcFunster Guy Fieri white trash dump. It actually goes to high quality places that out prices tourists. Why don't you do us all a favor and kill yourself?
youre a tourist m8. youre idea of cuisine is based on a rating system. you literally go to eat at celebrity restaurants.
>out prices tourist joints
you eat at tourist joints m8. just admit to yourself, you waste fuck tons of money on simple shit and that youre pretty much being swindled.
i can get the same type of good fucking food for €3 from the stand down the road. the only difference is you see a skin color and think its on par with your fucking star system.
privileged white faggot living a sheltered life, rolling in the dough, shopping around your local inbred network of circle jerkers.
dont even kill yourself. enjoy your financial ruin you empty piece of seasoned fish turd. youre a piece of shit, shitting up something good and i hope your outed and laughed out of the room, or better yet, shamed by the celebrities you worship.
>Nothing says the west has fallen more than a drunk Westerner eating shitty $5 fatty food at a time no one should be eating a large meal as they stumble around drunkly cradling their food as if it's a child
Can't help but agree with this, it's embarrassing. I can understand drinking on occasion, getting hammered once a blue moon even, but a lot of people in the western world seem to think getting hammered every weekend or every night is the only way to get out and have fun. Pitiful.
I can't enjoy halal food while drunk. It's best eaten when sober.
Best drunk foods are greasy shit like pizza, fries, or chips dunked in a lot of dip.
fuck off faggot, we've even mixed pork and horse into döners here. get up to our level asap (you may read the jungle as a howto)
I will NEVER spend money on moslem/sandnegro food. If I want to eat ethnic food, I will eat something Japanese or Chinese or Vietnamese.
i only see shitskins there
maybe if allah let people get drunk and eat what they wanted whenever the fuck they wanted they wouldn't be so prone to violence but then again maybe thats what he wants
>Be American
>Buy superior Greek gyros from white Greeks while drunk
>Greek guy doesn't judge because he is also drunk
Get on our level yuropoors.
>tfw Sup Forums forced you to abstain from pic related
It feels bad knowing I will never eat this again. Of course I expected to make some sacrifices in my life when I vowed to combat multicultural degeneracy. I just didn't expect my Volkisch rebirth would come at such a high price.
Lecker und vital!
It looks like vegetables and french fries with mayonnaise all over it.
>hating Döner kebab
Fuck off. It was the first thing I bought after spending 3 weeks in Den Haag, the Dutchie Turks just don't know how to do it, they def need German instructions
See, even your Überbackener Döner Teller looks shitty.
I only trust fried Dutch food.
sign me up
kapsalon is a dutch invention kankerfag
right idea wrong situation. dueling banjos needs to be on every ones smart phones and 1 of you plays it (no ear buds or anything you tard) right behind some kebabs then you need to drag them to a alley and rape them
>I vowed to combat multicultural degeneracy
>stops eating Kapsalon
Hahaha dude, this is a joke right? You are just making the good lads have a giggle right?
Its like tzatziki
And glorious Döner kebab is German!
We always improve food, we even turned curry into a delicious curry wurst.
it honestly is the only thing that keeps me going all week at my miserable slave job
i count down the hours every week until i can get blackout drunk and eat tasty greasy takeout
right now it's like two. two hours.
Seriously, Turkish food is godlike, because they know how to combine the food culture of all the people they have massacred.