Eurofriends, what's the mood in your country? Is the new European renaissance near?
Eurofriends, what's the mood in your country? Is the new European renaissance near?
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>asking this on Sup Forums
most of us are basement dwellers or complete autist lords, mate
Nope. The Dark Ages.
everyone left the cities and aimed (or try) abroad to enjoy the summer on beach
summer time we have more tourists here than hungarians
No, its like America with free healthcare and more muslims
How come Greece never shows up in the news anymore? What happened to the giant protests and swings in the political winds?
Building some pretty nice neo-Renaissance mosques.
It's the 3rd ""bail out""" program. People voted Syriza for a different policy, voted NO for more austerity in a referendum that could potentially drive us out of the Euro. Everything was reversed. People are tired and demoralised. It will take years for a new rise up.
Nobody is going to buy into the Golden Dawn party, are they? ;__;
Don't think so. They have peaked imo. They are really a crime syndicate disguised as a party.
Maybe they will rise more if the Germany Turkey refugee deal collapses and the flows begin again.
How come Germany will pay blood money to Roaches but won't forgive denbts?
Its all pretty calm at the moment. I've redpilled most of my friends so anyone I talk to is basically a right wing circlejerk but generally things are pretty cuckish here.
It's a mix of we must punish the lazy Greeks and set an example for everybody ,that leftist governments will not be tolerated in Europe. Most of the 'bail out money (95%) went to bail out German and French banks that were exposed to Greek abd other toxic bonds. If we can extract as much money as we can from Greece why not? Debt restructuring is a very vague promise right now. Maybe when syriza collapses and the conservative ND gets elected.
9 more months
I want my country to be nuked.
You can deduce the mood from the above.
So basically you guys should have pulled the pin on the Euro grenade when you had leverage?
Bleak. We know that our country is occupied by the US. Our politicians are marionettes controls by foreign intelligence agencies. We are selling our land to rich Arab sheiks. We are selling our water resources to US companies. We are selling our state companies to foreign state companies thru privatizations full of money laundering and shady deals. There is total apathy and indifference in people. No one can change the situation because the wages are around $150, barely enough for food. The Jews stomped us. It all began after Tito died and Yugoslavia fell apart. When Milosevic was brought down and marionette government put in charge, we lost Kosovo and all went downhill from there, still goes. What do?
Just the usual.
Basically yes. Syriza didn't want to exit the euro, most people are afraid to leave the euro, because muh imports, fuel, drugs and media propaganda.
Syriza didn't have a serious plan for the next day if we were pushed out of the euro. When dealing with the IMF and the European commission and you have no backup plan you know you're fucked.
To this day I don't know what Syriza expected. Too naive, stupid or neo liberal shills?
Any ideas why my id keeps changing? Is it an ip thing?
Leftists are dogs chasing cars, and they don't know what to do if they catch one. No idea about your ID.
>Is the new European renaissance near?
If by that you mean the Jew-robot enslavement of the human race then yeah
Germany will not change, most people are wary of migrants though, and hate any so-called "economic migrants".
>Leftists are dogs chasing cars, and they don't know what to do if they catch one.
It's really sad to see the hopes of an entire people getting crushed. Syriza a former minor leftist party was propelled to a governing one and actually formed a government with a minor anti austerity conservative party. We are not talking only about leftists here but a majority of people like the american dems and some conservatives.
Lue migrant waves have yet to convince the people that a new direction is needed. I have noticed that there is a rising anti-american, anti-jew, anti-establishment and anti-immigrant sentiment among my friends and colleagues.