You kids are dumb as fuck. Granted, there are some paid shills here.
A poll in August is a fart in the wind. I'm not saying Trump can't lose; he can. I'm saying at this point, not only can anything happen but they are guaranteed to tighten again; before, during and after the debates. It happens every single election.
>inb4 Obama won
In defense of Trump, when looking at this graph, he is going to enjoy the turn out and enthusiasm factor. Trump will win the popular vote, I am 100% certain of that. His victory hinges on who turns out in what state.
Asher Richardson
post wrinkles or gtfo
Thomas Martin
FUCKING THIS. the polls have been going up and down why do shills act like its over 3 months before the election? Mext week trump could be leading we dont fucking know
Adrian Garcia
>drumpf matching romney exactly; constantly polling lower >romney lost >drumpf won't lose because reasons
nothing personnel kid
Lincoln Edwards
I really have no idea who is going to win. But honestly the polls mean nothing until the final week or two.
Easton Young
>semite behind proxy detected
Daniel Ward
Because Hilldog wont be half as popular as obama and johnson will steal the butthurt bernout vote from her if he keeps up the good work being a cuck
Nathan Powell
> Trump > winning the popular vote > wew lad
This post was making a reasonable point and then you went straight desperation on me.
Also no candidate in history has ever come back from this kind of a polling deficit as late as August.
Jaxon Bailey
Screencap this
Jaxson Gray
>Trump will win the popular vote, I am 100% certain of that.
Aaron Ramirez
The race tightened and Romney lost because conservatives stayed home. Obama lost turnout from 08, IIRC.
You are only helping prove my point.
Ayden Ramirez
Aaron Reed
>A poll in August is a fart in the wind.
we've been saying this for months
Charles Wright
>A poll in August is a fart in the wind If this is legit and you are oldfag, that's why you don't get this. It doesn't matter what those polls means now, the exposure to dumb public is what matters. This election cycle is basically controlled by The Internet. Exposure to information is a key.
Wyatt Richardson
The state media is terrified and they are trying to nuke this election with disinfo. Sup Forumsacks of all people should know better than to buy this artificial narrative about Trump's campaign imploding suddenly as soon as he pulled ahead. (((They))) are scared. We're winning.
Robert Roberts
>0.03 has been deposited
Dylan Martin
PA start to seem like a longshot now
Even FL is starting to turn Clintoris
Zachary Powell
>I don't understand why people can be so cruel to immigrants! >hey did you see what Trumps name used to be when his family immigrated to the US? Hilarious! This is the insult that will win us the election!
Mason Jackson
No canidate in history has been painted as satan and hitlers spawn and still got the nomination. Trumps got this >comparing trump to a lameduck neocon with low energy
Luke Russell
> pointing out his hypocrisy makes you a hypocrite!
Lol at this meme.
Robert Smith
Yes, shills and noobs are having a shitfit.
Asher Howard
yes, but Clinton is basically in the lead 99% of the time, plus the swing states are inherently more in her favor.
Cooper Wood
I think Trump will have Ohio the Akron area is heavy in trumps favor and the ooga boogas wont come out to vote in Cleveland like they did for Obama. I wonder who your lord and savior Arnold swartzanigger is rooting for
David Long
old fag - how big is the chances trump will hold himself back and be as nice as required now he is over 70? at some age we all won't change or am I wrong?
Angel Scott
Of all the maps I have seen this is the most likely path to victory. Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. New Hampshire is a nice little bonus.
If you live in a FOP state it's imperative that you where your MAGA caps and engage people politely.
Carson Ross
I live in Michigan and although its quite a long shot all I see are Trump stickers or Bernie boner stickers so if the Bernie fags dont come out en masse i think trump may have a slight chance
Leo Fisher
Why isnt Michigan red? Its like 80% white
Jack James
Detroit and Lansing are major nigger blocks but Grand Rapids and the rural part are all red. The reason we have a red governor is because blacks don't care about Local elections. Also we have had a heavy union contingent which has died down under red leadership. Everything sucks here so people might get tired of plantation politics sooner or later.
Cameron Martinez
Man, PA is going to be a bitch to take, I really doubt it, every time I talk to my PA friends they all think Trump is a racist, Clinton is reasonable...
They think I'm crazy, etc. (I'm nj so my vote doesn't even matter)
Christian Wood
Those are the maps and statistics released by tried and true biased news sources.
Landon Davis
Polls ain't always accurate.
Wyatt Powell
They are in real countries, m8.
Asher Brooks
Trump can't win because he's not supposed to.
This election is political WWE. How anyone can be un-ironically invested in their candidate when he's clearly playing to lose is beyond me.
Kevin Sanchez
I would love to see Hillary give Trump a tombstone through a table.