I am an economic advisor for the German government. Ask me anything.
I am an economic advisor for the German government. Ask me anything
Other urls found in this thread:
How much of a drain are the migrants?
What is the optimal currency area for the Euro.
I will not disclose much about my job. I work for a foundation in Munich, with ties to the Central Bank.
I used to be a member of the Social Democrat (left-leaning) party for a short time, but left. I am non-party for now, as the German (far) Left is too populist.
Do you expect the EU to dissolve in the next 10-20 years? How would you prepare for it?
Are you for or against immigration from third world countries.
What does Merkel think of Farage? Kek
Also, I have made many predictions that the EU will fail. What do you think?
And what is Merkel's real intention for the refugees?
To be honest, the government has a hard time counting them, lel.
Market economies are relatively self-adjusting for additional populations, so as long as the people spend the money they are getting, they will not be too much of a "drain".
As for their integration into the labour market, I am skeptical. There is some demand for unskilled labour, as long as it comes cheap.
Will your answers be political correct or do you emphasize personal opinions.
I do. Unions never prevail. European Union, Soviet Union, United kingdom. Heck, even in the US you had the South uprising.
There's always dissatification.
Strange question.
From the standpoint of Germany, as many countries as possible. As for what is optimal for the countries themselves depends on their trade balance.
Poland may adopt the Euro in some 4-5 years.
Wann legt ihr Merkel endlich um?
Sure, but how much money are transferred out of the country? Any figures?
Why haven't you kys you worthless piece of tax leeching shit?
>Poland may adopt the Euro in some 4-5 years.
Implying the Euro is still a thing in 5 years
If you are fucking economical advisor I am Inter-Galatik Astronaut,
The fuck are you talking about man? No wonder our country is sliding in Shitter because of NU male faggots like you.
Do you think all these Rapefugees will contribute to economy?
You fucking think they will all do work?
You think we woudn't have to pay for they social insurance?
Just alone giving them food everyday is fucking costing crap ton of money.
Stop being deluded Nu male Cuck Faggot.
Do Germans hate us English because of us being anti eu? Not just Euro, schengen etc...
Relatively neutral.
The reason I dislike immigration is that it overshadows any other issue that a country has. As if Europe as a whole, or Hungary or Poland lacked other problems.
Politically correct, or else my paycheck might suffer.
I guarantee my ass it will be.
The EU will force closer integration.
That's why Brexit was important for us.
I expect the EU to fail. But it will survive the next 5 years.
Chill Dmitri, and get yourself some vodka and doping.
Why does Europe have such a low rate of entrepreneurship? Do EU regulations inhibit small businesses?
The Eurozone could erode over failures of its original design - the lack of a fiscal union and others.
The European Union is here to stay. Even the United Kingdom, after leaving, will probably retain many of its current obligations. Because even a "simple" trade contract is complex these days.
Every 8-10 years there is statically an economic crisis.
The last one was 2008.
Do the math!
The EU and the Euro won`t survive the next one.
>I expect the UK to fail, but it will survive the next 5 months
Sobald wir jemand Besseres gefunden haben. Ich sehe niemanden.
Why point out Hungary and Poland specifically ?
Wow.. Doing an AMA on /pol - Politically INcorrect
Emphasizing all answers will be politically correct.
Get out of here.
>EU flag
just why are you such Tyskersvin?
There is rougly as much money transfered to Germany from people working abroad as the other way around.
Most money send abroad flows to Poland.
The EURO might not. The EU will. The EU is meant to be a United States of Europe. There have already been calls for closer integration. You're fucked.
I expect the EU to be gone within 10 years. Not five. The EU will squeeze its member states and eventually will collapse.
Funny coming from someone subsidized by oil revenues.
Guter Bait, Deutschbro. Mache gerade meinen Master in Management & Technology an der TUM. Denke die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist relativ gering, dass du am Ifo bei uns bist.
Seriously, what do you think about the EU? Collapse or stay? I cannot see how the EU doesn't collapse in the future.
Were does this "additional population" get the money to spend on goods from exactly?
Actually, there is some risk the Euro-area might gradually erode, until only the competitive EU countries (Germany, France, Benelux ... forgot someone?) are left.
Do you expect a strong move then for a united fiscal policy in order to quell the problems the EU is facing? and if that happens, expect the EU to eventually bail on southern europe and let it stay poor like the US leaves it's southern/midwest states?
Get real. The EU isn't squeezing anyone. The EU is the compromise, that it's member states agree upon. End of story.
>mfw I share a nation with this moron
why dont you go live in Europe if you like it so much?
will deutsche bank go under? when?
is the world economy about to shit its pants?
please, an honest answer i dont want optimism i want truth
Why are you committing suicide economically?
If you knew what really is going on inside the EU ... There are far more conflincts between French and German, Italian and German, Eastern Europe and German ... essentially, everyones and Germanys interests.
You always kept your distance from the European Union, but you suffer from the very same problems. The clueless right-wing celebrated its largest victory yet in Britain.
precisely. they already announced a raise for health care, which is not surprising, because the rapefugees NEVER PAID IN
Same for rent, job insurance and many more
Another stupid whitetrash not knowing that Denmark is in Europe. Geez.
You mean how the EU lied?
In 1975, the decision by us British to join the ECC was because it was sold as an Economic Union, one with free trade.
It was not sold as a political union, as a European Union. it was an outright lie.
I know many people that voted to leave because they were missold what the EU actually was. We were told it was free trade, we were not told that it would control our immigration.
Dunno, but Farage is a retard.
She invited immigrants for demographic reasons. That backfired extremely soon, so she did everything to slam the borders shut.
My assumption. In reality, she might be a big, pure-hearted humanitarian inside, but I doubt this, all economists do.
>clueless right-wing celebrated its largest victory yet in Britain.
Good that they pay some smart guy like you. Someone has to tell the mayority of the british that they are wrong and can not think for themselves because they lack any clue about how they want to live.
Not clueless right win. The left wing labour vote won us the referendum.
what are your predictions on deutsche bank? will it collapse in a foreseeable future?
say I have about 500 000€ there, is it a good time to move them somewhere else?
better set up the tolerance camps
It may have a lot to do with the demographic structure (old people) and the post-Soviet mentality in many member states.
The EU regulations are actually encouraging entrepreneurship, but sadly, in the sense that competition with has East Europe become insane.
How long until I can come back to Europe? I am from Spain and was making 1k Euro. I want to go back there but the situation is worse than when I left.
How the fuck is farage a retard?
You are a pro-eu person aren't you.
what do the German gov circles say about Poland?
Why not pay for, via tax breaks or a subsidies, for German citizens to have children. This must be a batter solution than millions of migrants from other continents.
Know your history britfag. In 1975 the ECC was an Economic Union but it evolved over time into an European Union. With the consent of all its member states. Britain has never been a full member of the EU, because of the rebate, and quite frankly has consistently been a noose around the neck for greater integration between european countries. I for one am glad to see the britbongs out of EU, and I will be enjoying my popcorns as your country slowly disintegrats into rubbles. The cracks have already appeard, but as everyone knows, the shit will first start to go down for real in 2017. I will fucking enjoy every moment of it.
You have the very same demographic issues, which immigration might solve - but does not. A lot of post-soviet corruption. Low wages and brain drain.
Not everything is bad, but immigration should be the lowest of your concerns, as few immigrants aim for Poland or Hungary.
I knwo a girl from spain who is currently working for 15€/hr (+tips) as a bartender in copenhagen
she is actually pretty happy right now. aside from the weather
>stupid whitetrash
I am doing quite alright fedtsveske. Nordsjællandsk svin med penge her.
>Denmark is in Europe
Geographically, yes. So is Russia, Turkey and the rest of the garbage. What is your point?
Denmark does not share much with either southern, far western or eastern Europe. Maybe you should kill yourself europhile.
ayo you better have gibs for me
>She invited immigrants for demographic reasons.
Officially its emitional reasons to help people from war torn countries. Why to support the destruction of secular dictatorships?
Why repopulate by low educated trash? Germany can choose, like Canada or New Zealand. It is no benefit and it does not solve the pension problem.
I kind of forgot to pay it attention. The flag over my working place is the EU flag, so, yeah ...
>Know your history britfag
Yeah, why not ask him to brush his tooth while you're at it?
Es gibt andere Stiftungen, als euren Verein.
>money but no brains
Glem det bare ...
Absolutely disgusting.
can you clarify onIs it through extra taxation?
That would be low ...
>tfw when his bare got glem'd
Sadly, there are countless Anti-EU movements indeed threatening its existence.
But then, the EU simply failed to deliver on almost anything that matters, so part of the discontent is understandable. But there also has been a lot of EU bashing for the sake of Bashing, that many, including your former Prime Minister, used to conceal more urgent agenda.
Oh hello there. Are you jealous by any chance? :^)
I'm from the UK you retard. I know how the campaigning went. We were mis sold what the EEC was. Nobody fucking said it would turn into the EU. it was for free trade. Maragret Thatcher campaigned to join the EEC but by the end of the 90's, she was anti-EU. For that exact reason.
You can enjoy your EU democracy. Like how when the Dutch and Irish voted no, the EU couldn't give a shit. Like how they have shackled all its member states to use the Euro, despite it being shit. You can enjoy the corruption that goes along with it. Like what the op said here, you think the EU gives a shit about Denmark? They care about Germany, France and Italy. They don't give a shit about your interests.
Whatever we will become, we will be infinitely better than your country, a shithole that is irrelevant and has to join the EU to become relevant.
I am an enlightened lefty, I don't deal in jealousy.
We're all sisters here.
Not as long as Mackerel is in power.
What might happen to the Soutern European states under a sound fiscal union is a topic for a thread of its own ... Its very complicated. But they will certainly have less than 50% youth unemployment, lel.
Harcelerer jeg dig lille pus? Eller er du bare et geni og et unikum, som ser ned på en spidsborger som jeg?
>I'm from the UK you retard
Doesn't that make YOU the retard? :^)
whay havent you killed merkel yet?
>se ned på folk der voldtager 15 årige piger og deler billeder og videoer på nettet af det
I skulle klynges op i en lygtepæl her og nu.
Dude, you got your bare glem'd by him, you can't just glem his bare back, that's not how bare-glemming works. That's not how any of this works.
Please, Danebro. I got this.
Nope, the person that your citizens thought was best to run the country is Angela Merkel, a person that has invited a shit ton of refugees. How smart are the German people to elect your leader? Unless of course you are a refugee yourself.
The Deutsche Bank owns tons upon tons of toxic European Credit Swap Defaults, and is, as most German banks, extremely pressured by zero key interest rates. Most of its financial products lost their appeal.
I have no sympathy for them, since they adopted the same profits-before-all stance American banks adopted.
On the question whether they go under ... Unlikely. There is a vast gap between what American banks were allowed to do Pre-Crisis and what the Deutsche Bank is allowed Post-Crisis.
top bantz mate
How useful are the models you've learned in your job? Do you you ever use NKs ones or do you rely on intuitions inspired on the IS-LM?
No man is illegal so in a way, we're all refugees.
How is it good economics to import sub 80 IQ Africans who can't get anything better than a dishwashing job?
Alright sis, let's get em!
Jeder Affe wäre besser. Nehmt solange den Seehofer.
lmao. Go back to Pakistan. That's one of the dumbest things i've ever read on pol, and I've been here for more than 5 years. Retard.
Which is actually the case. They blamed to EU for the shortcomings of their own, incompetent ruling parties that failed to adress any concern of the British working classes.
How much did profit from that advice?
If there are dishes to be washed, then we need someone to wash the dishes. How is that not valuable labor? No restaurant can compete when their dishes are dirty.
Well retard ... nobody knew at that time. It is pretty damn hard to predict the future, and the EU was 10-15 years away from 1973 (you joined in 1973, and not 1975 you fucking twat). How the fuck should Thatcher (who wasn't primeminister t the time) or anyone else know anything about, what would transpire in the EEC during the next 10-15 years?
If every britbong is just half as dumb as you then it is obvious why you choose to leave the EU. This kind of stupid is very rare.
please. watch your manners. we are grown men, aren't we?
Should I buy $DB?
It's a problem when that's their maximum capacity, and automation will make them more irrelevant.
There's not enough of those jobs to employ them all, so most end up on the government dole.
>Go back to Pakistan.
Do you mean the Isle of Pakistan, aka UK? :^)
doesnt work. need to put women back in the kitchen real jobs for youth and cut out the homo propaganda
of course the goal is the exact opposite so none of that will ever happen
>I will be enjoying my popcorns as your country slowly disintegrats into rubbles.
You EU lovers may be the saltiest cu cks around.
Jaså. Jamen du godeste! Hvad er det dog de siger?
Jeg har selvfoleligt voldtaget og blufærdighedskrænket flere pigeboern under min opvækst.
Hvad fanden i helvedet snakker du om?
The concern was immigration. And the EU forces immigration as a member state. And we were never told of uncontrolled immigration when we joined the EEC. So yes, it's the EU's fault.
Are there other problems economically other than immigration? Yes. But immigration was sold as the only argument and nearly 75% of people here want controls.