Was he based?

Was he based?

It's Cecil Rhodes for unawares.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives.

Yeah, he's based.

No, he tried to steal Zimbabwe from its rightful kings and queens.



He was a fag, but he was also a white supremacist. Toughie.

Well, his Ideas are one reason why the world wars happened.

>inb4 how so?


>Germany with accurate information about the World Wars.

They were inevitable. We needed to be forced to change somehow. The conflict needed to grow so large that we would learn to avoid it.

No, he was a terrible person and I will be happy when his statue is removed from Oxford.

>implying Sup Forums is not a Rhodesian board
Bongland pls

like him but i think the 2nd Boer war was a sad mess that should have been avoided

An example of a 'based fag'.

There's a movement to have all his statues taken down. The one in Oxford uni failed but they'll probably try again.


There's a lot of serious money backing the Rhodes statues at Oxford, I highly doubt they'll be taken down.

That group with Rhodes, Milner the Round Table and the rest certainly got stuff done. It seems their successors are less competent or perhaps just more secretive. Events may have done them in. I've been reading Tragedy & Hope , and this period is very interesting. Makes me wonder how much of their Round Table apparatus is still around running things in secret like the CFR.

>Was he based?
One of the most based to ever live

This. God, it was delicious when Oriel came through and refused to cede to RMF's demands. I can still remember pretending to be outraged at formals, but secretly wallowing in the liberal tears

I admire his tenacity and visionary mind and it's a pity his dream of a railway network from Cape Town to Cairo was never established. However he was close with the Rothschilds winch I find concerning. Then again, it may have simply been a relationship purely of pragmatism as a lot of Rothschild money was used to fund his projects.

Indeed, it was gratifying to see leftists to get unambiguously told to fuck off for once.

>Loved Jews
>Rothschild ties
>Attempted to create an uprising in the Transvaal lead by British settlers against the Boers (Jameson raid)
>Hoped that America would rejoin the Empire
>Politics were submitted to money and power

He was a living embodiment of the "Eternal Anglo" meme

>I can still remember pretending to be outraged

Why did you pretend to be outraged? You should stand up for your beliefs. There is literally nothing wrong in accepting that Rhodes had a bad side but was also a great figure who deserves to be remembered for his good work. Not to mention that Oxford benefited massively from this Rhodes scholarship scheme.

It would be offensive to me to stand there and agree with those whooping and snarling apes.

what about Oswald Mosley? Why is he the first one to appear in eternal Anglo memes?