How much debt do you (or your caretaker) have?

How much debt do you (or your caretaker) have?

I'm not an americuck, so this question doesn't apply to me.

About $12k in student loan debt. No other debt.

12000€ student debt

i have no debt, but not much saving money either.

I have no debt nigga.

Save/invest or buy guns?
Just got paid $1100 today

I fell for the STEM meme. 12000€.

I currently have 7,000 Euro in my bank account, but loaned 10,000 from a friend of mine. I guess that would make three grand in debt.

0 debt.

What did you try to major in?

I guess it's Gender Engineering.

0 debt
Bout 50k saved up

I fell for the STEM meme. Only debt we have is a 320k mortgage loan. Our combined salary is $220k. I don't think we are in a bad spot.

Your net worth might be -3k but if you still have 10k in debt

Between my car and my student loans, about 30k. I make 82k a year so i dont really care

No idea how my parents are doing but when I'm done with this first year of school I'll be $12k in the hole. Gonna be putting money into it while I'm going though so it won't be so bad.



No debt. Own my house and 150k saved. Feels good but I am an old fag.

just don't major in Sociology

What branch?

I'm almost the same. Except no car loan and fresh out of school making a little less. "Fell" for the "stem meme"

Fuck if I know, spend 90% of my time sailing through international waters. Probably like 500k-750k if I had to guess. 2008 was rough...

My net worth is even worse, I'm moving right now and it's taking a hugh chunk of my savings. Good thing that friend of mine doesn't mind the money.

>Student debt
>mfw just € 3000 +/- left to pay

Guns are such a good investment

i bought a house

Yeah i fell for the stem meme too. I like being a developer though

>spend 90% of my time sailing through international waters.
Now that's is an interesting story. What's your occupation?

great investment until hilldog takes them off your hands for free

$35k cash in the bank
$800,000 in my trust account

I have 0 Debt and work a basic income job. Being 23 its nice to part of /rich lyfe/ I just try and accumulate money and spend a $1000 here and there every 2 months on toys and stupid shit to keep me entertained.

I'm not military if that's what you are asking.

I just didn't fall for the liberal brainwashing in high school and never pulled out loans.

Where did the trust come from?

Like $25,000 in credit card debt
About $17,000 left to pay on the truck

So ass deep. I should be getting an inheritance from my grandfather soon, should be $20k.

Theres going to be a lot of boating accidents if that ever happens

Zero. But I don't have nice things.

>Living with my grandma
>In exchange for looking after her and doing chores and shit she lets me stay here for free
>Everyone laughs at me for living in my grandma's basement
>MEANWHILE I'll be debt free by the time I finish my degree because I can dedicate every cent I earn towards tuition

$0. Feels good man.

I'd go out in a blaze of glory before id let that happen. When they ban weapon the old ones get grandfathered in here in the states, they dont come and take them.

>When they ban weapon the old ones get grandfathered in here in the states, they dont come and take them.

I wish they'd fucking try, though. I don't want grandfathered guns. I want gun control repealed.


I have 2k saved up.

I have no idea how people get into debt other than risking in investments.


about 5k in assorted credit card and student debt


But also no house. Parents paid for in-state school though so graduated college debt free which helped. And just drive a used car.

Have credit cards, but not a fucking moron so I don't carry a balance.

>ftw you will never be able to buy a new automatic m4


Haven't really been employed since 2008. But I have a kickass ocean-going yacht that I host parties on in order to pay for maintenance, upkeep, and supplies.

I don't have any other assets and I owe a shitload of money. I co-founded a tech start up right before the econony tanked (destroying my business) and it fucking drained me. When I realized how fucked I was I got on my yacht, thinking I'd enjoy it one last time before I lost basically everything. Haven't been on US soil since. Somehow this 4 hour cruise ended up dragging on for 8 years, and now I scrape by just by hosting parties/events and doing little charter cruises in touristy places where the Port Authority is lax or bribe-friendly. Occasionally I'll ferry wealthy people to different places [Sardinia to Malta is a decent route].

It sounds like a fucking joke, but I'm pretty happy with the way it has gone so far. Ever since I got the antenna, I can use the internet a lot more, which is nice.

Smart. And your grandma probably enjoys your help.

the gullible children here in america get told to pull loans for degrees that are either out-of-date and no longer apply to the real world or a fucking SJW PC degree.

Like I saw in another thread, what the fuck is a interaction engineer? What fucking meme is that shit?

I'm not sure if I should be amazed by how you handled the blow, or be baffled by how you just said fuck you to your previous life.

Good sail, my maritime friend.

0K. Actually 9k. I bought a Diamond ring for 0% interest for 15 month. Right now I'm paying for it monthly. I just didn't want to use 16k all at once.

Underrated post

Just bought a house so I have $300k mortgage debt with a 3.7% interest rate. No other debts. Own my car. $120k/y salary with 13k bonus.

28k in the bank

no idea what im doing with my life

Combined salary with wife of 170k

Total debt including mortgage is about 320k

20k savings

Not bad

>on a yacht
>shitposting away time
>forever NEET

Godspeed user, you found a way to make the Sup Forums life work.

>I bought a Diamond

Maximum goy.

Bout 40K saved up, probably 50 before the end of the year. I live very frugally and what little I do spend on myself is just for the vidya.


Serious question: Which service do you use? I cannot for the life of me get reliable speeds off of the YachtSpot unit that came installed.

Maybe my antennae are messed up, but I don't think so.

0 dollars. Thinking about buying a house and maybe taking on a mortgage which will probably be $200k or so, but that's just because I'm tired of pissing rent away when I could be building equity.

Btw pic related

Thread was
>why do women engineers make less money than men?

Maybe because that's not engineering you cunt

>Good thing that friend of mine doesn't mind the money.
His name isn't something like "Alberto Corleone", r-right?

0 debt because I'm not a retard and I only buy what I can in cash.

I paid for my 2014 camry in full cash and I don't own a home. I live on a campsite for $18 a month run by the navy and live out of a 30ft camper. I got a pet squirrel too.

Fuck you poop retards

0$ my parents paid for my education and are now in debts for paying for my neet life.

I've been thinking about selling it and trying to start over/chip away at the mountain of debt that is now probably hopelessly in arrears. Of course I've also considered that it's also possible people think I'm dead, but I can't confirm that without fucking myself over if they find out I'm alive.

My plan is to just keep this thing running as long as possible and sell it somewhere where the US government won't find me, when it starts to fall apart, anyways. Then, buy a bar or something. I have had waaaaaay too much time to think of my next move, but that seems to be the one I keep coming back to.

After so many years, it just starts to feel normal, but I have to keep reminding myself that I'm one false move from getting fucked. Even considered smuggling, but I decided not to, since I'm surviving, as is, and want to keep a low profile.

Well, whatever happens, this is pretty much the wildest period of my life, and I've grown to like it (most of the time, anyways).

you fucked up

some credit like car payments and mortgages are good for your credit score to get credit cards and loans for more important things (say a small business)

you just obviously pay more than minimum payments (doubling up the minimum) so those niggers can't steal your hard earned money.

I have a credit card I use for small things I just pay it off each month. I've been doing so since I was wondering if 18 and my limit was 300$, now it's something large I'm not sure, 15k or something. I just pay it off right away.

What the fuck, phone. Ive been doing so since I was 18 **

$15,000 Student. Paid off my credit card and car last month. I'm 24.

Your story is the stuff you make movies and books from. I'd love to to exactly that, but I doubt you or I have the time for such things.

Student debt and £1400 overdraft. I have the money to pay the overdraft off but since it's a graduate account they won't let me do it online or over the phone, I'd have to go in the branch. I'm in work when my local branch is open.

It's not as if my life is completely work/hassle free. There have been close calls in the past, but I'm pretty sure that, if they were trying to find me at some point, they've given up after all this time. Just gotta make sure I'm careful and don't draw attention and I'm good.

I re-register the vessel every winter with a different Caribbean nation and change the name, just in case, even though it's probably not necessary. It buys me peace of mind and it's not too much money.

just recent;y got a car for 13 thousands so I owe about 13k, first time in my life I had that much fucking dept and I didn't want to but needed a car, was trying to buy one in cash but if I did that all my money would be drained on the car it's like impossible to not be in dept in this fucking society no matter how hard you try to avoid it you will eventually be in dept.

That's cool user. I'm not living off the grid like you but I am enjoying the camper life. It's simpler not worrying about a house and shit. I'm living on a navy base though I don't know if anyone even knows I'm up here anymore, I only come down for groceries at the commesary now days

Get off the grid and it's easy user.

I have a bill for my glasses I got when I was 17 and on my dads insurance
The day I turned 18 I got a bill that I have to pay because I didn't get billed until I had no insurance

The collector refuses to take my money also, it's mind blowing
They are waiting til the price is nice and fat until they will accept a check

It's fucking ruthless

How do you think you fell for a meme if you're upper middle class?

That's the joke user

Yea that's how I did it with my first card. I had one that eventually gave me something similar (5 figures) but I JUST my shit up after I lost my job and my savings. Fixed my shit up and started over but I'm making my way back up

What I remember is that with cars you don't want to buy in cash in one go because making payments benefits your credit history positively even when you have near max positive credit scores.

I guess I'm falling for the stem meme. Atlanta is a great city for any type of computer science though so I'm not worried. I have $5500 in student debt and should graduate with tops $7000. I do plan on grad school so that may hurt, don't plan on doing that until I have at least 10k saved and my debt paid.

Owe $27,000 on my mortgage, but have $1800 in escrow.

Owe almost $13,000 on my car. But is only 6 months old.

No credit cards
No Savings

I put all my extra cash in Guns and Ammo...

Chef at Wendy's making $8/hr

We'll I didn't want to hassle either I guess I got the kbb value walked in and said I want to pay this much and I want to drive it right now, I've got cash. I had to fill out some irsforms but I was out in an hour and a half good and clear. I don't worry too much about it I guess because I don't have a house or anything anyways

>chef at Wedne making 8$ and hour

Bro come on

€16,000 student loan could take 15 years to repay at €100 a month

2.9k left of student loan debt, I'll have it paid off in either 1 or 2 months, depending no how much I wanna put away from my paychecks. After that I'll be putting that 1k per month into savings.

Christ, nigger. If you had searched "car" on Craigslist you would've fuckin' found thousands for less than five-thousand dollars. My Ma' bought hers for one goddamn grand, runs fine.

Does a mortgage count? Zero debt if we're talking CC's and student loans. The house and my car amount to about $1300/mo.

Not a problem when you clear over 100k/yr programming for big companies.

You are doing fine. I would try and get a better job tho bro.

No debt and just blew my savings on furniture and the like. Starting saving up again this very month. Which won't be much because I am a retard with retard IQ and retard schooling and drool on work for some change.

But I am happy, guess that's worth something.

Quick question
What time does your Wendy's close?
The 2 in my town both close at 10 but I usually want Wendy's at Midnight-2AM

I have a setup with an Iridium system [I believe it is the Pilot model] that I got in exchange for helping out a fellow captain about six months ago. I used to use a modified VSAT array, but the new one is far superior. Problem is it [the new one] sucks juice that I don't really have to spare most of the time [I gotta work on getting a better power set-up as well], so I have to stop and sit if I want to use internet for too long. Most of the places I go don't have wifi, so I just rely on my antenna. Overall, works out pretty well, but I do have trouble in heavier storms and it gets patchy when I'm cruising on bluewater, but that may be a power issue, I'm not 100% sure.

If you do any ocean traffic, I'd totally recommend the Iridium Pilot if you got the cash to spare. I got mine for free but I believe they run you a few thousand.

Ours are all open til 1 AM at least. Those kinds of weird hours sound like your in New England.

Nah, Washington State
Only thing open all night around here is Subway, McDonalds, or Carls Jr

Holy fucking shit this is ridiculous. I knew that thing was expensive, but those prices for such an important thing as an education is basically: fuck off and do nigger jobs.

is there not a better place to work? You would make $15/hr at costco in a month.

No debt, fellow non-country.

Feels good.

It's not super glamorous, but I try to keep it interesting. Still better than getting locked up on some tax evasion charges that I'm sure would show up if I return before the statuette of limitations runs out (not sure when that is in my case).

Honestly, 10 years ago, I thought I'd be in the software business right now, or have sold the company and retired or dobe some other shit. This was not my plan, at all.

Im the only person in real debt and nobody cares? Isnt this a thread about ameridebt?

>student loans + car loan = $35K
Not terrible as my salary is ~$105K, although I still have yet to buy a house.

I'm gonna graduate with zero debt and the mortgage is paid off. Thanks Dad!