Can someone redpill me on anti-semitism

Why is it still around? I am part Jewish and pretty right wing and anti-Islam.

If someone can explain the prevalent anti-semitism, I would be much obliged.

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>redpill me on anti-semitism
It's the only rational response to predatory Jewish racism against goys

Can you be more specific?

See also

Words like antisemitism, racism, sexism, etc. only exist to shut down discussion.

Cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism employed by Ethnic Jews to mollify native born populations and create a habitable settlement.
Kevin Macdonald's, Culture of Critique adresses this.

>be more specific
Read Mein Kampf Ch. 11, vol. 1

See also:
>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism
>Miscegenation illegal in Israel
>Jews push immigration to white nations
>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev
>BLM preaching white genocide
>Sarkozy on forced misecegenation

take a look at who owned most of the zyklon-b production during world war two
IG Farben had 42.5% shares, 4 out of 12 people on the supervisory board in 1926 were jews
Th. Goldschmidt AG had 15% shares, (((Goldschmidt)))

>Hollywood pushing disgusting agendas (it's run by jews)
>Most reporters/journalists pushing bullshit are jewish
>Most blue pilled actors are jews
>Jews run the music industry which is glorifying degeneracy
>Jews run all media outlets and push biased news
>Jews run the banking industry in pretty much every country

Whats there to hate user?

Did the Jews also make that image too small?

In the 1930s all Jewish property was expropriated

Hate those specific people, not all Jews then.

Double speak jew detected

Gee I dunno.

Don't call me MIDF, I don't want anything to do with them I'm just cutting off that diversionary tactic before you start.

>Hollywood pushing disgusting agendas (it's run by jews)

Because women love it.

>Most reporters/journalists pushing bullshit are jewish
>Most blue pilled actors are jews
>Jews run the music industry which is glorifying degeneracy
>Jews run all media outlets and push biased news

So much unproven bullshit.

2/3 and Jews are forced to produce it

The same argument applies to muslims, you know.

3/3 not only in the US.

Giving women rights, what could possibly go wrong.

Bonnier and Schibsted owns pretty much all swedish media outlets (tv, film, newspapers) both of which are owned and run by jews.

You are that woman hating Russian, aren't you? The guy who always posts these charts.

bonnier also owns and controls pretty much all book publishing

>People hate Communists
>Realise that Communism is created by Jews
>People now hate Jews

Sir Beady Anglo found it out the hardway

>literally everything was the jews

every other stormfag image I see is debunked later on in the thread (cherrypicking, putting jews not associated with certain things in to the infographic to expand the jewish portion, ETC)

It's more about the religion than the people.
The Tora at certain parts very specifically advocates and gives detailed advice for every little dirty manipulative evil shit that anti-semites accuse the jews for.
Also a lot of powerful and unethical people in the financial sector are jews and they hold secret jews-only meetings. They might jsut be cohorts having parties, but to outsiders all of that secrecy is very spooky and just unnecessarily reinforces the Illuminati-like con theos. The powerful jews give the impression that they are up to no good.

Then anit-semitism separates into two groups.
The first group stops at fearing the powerful jews doing secret spooky shit and only have a problem with them.
The other group hates all kinds of jews, poor or rich, for keeping the culture alive and for the future potentially allowing manipulative evil shit to occur in the future.
I think the second group is the majority of anti-semites.

Jews have also been ethnically different ever since they came to Europe dispite their white skin. Their faces resembles the caucasian ethnicities, which is sligthly different than what the average was in Europe, so people were already prejudgeous based on this before knowning anything about them. Ugly = do not trust.

>The same argument applies to muslims, you know.
Yes, exactly. There are some good Muslim, the majority is bad people though.

In contrast, most Jews are actually good lads, a minority are bad fingers.

>false premise
>followed by unsubstantiated claim

jidf pls go

That's EXACTLY what the muslims say...kek.

Wanderst Du eigentlich aus wegen den Kebabs und Arabern?

How come G-d's Chosen People get their own special kind of racism?

And let's not pretend Judaism isn't racial, I've read Rashi's commentary on the Talmud.

Where antisemitism doesn't exist, the jews create their own. Antisemitism is how the elite jews keep the average jew from assimilating.

Jews lie
People die

Fuck off Wayne.

Your channel sucks.

Even stormniggers hate you.