Sup Forums memes you're glad you didn't fall for

Sup Forums memes you're glad you didn't fall for

I'll start
>study STEM

Other urls found in this thread:

Glad I didn't. I'm studying music for premed since med school admission offices would rather see a liberal art major than a stem major.

>the majority of Jews are bad people

Anything other than engineering, physics and medicine isn't true STEM, but just trash that's seen as STEM because muh science xDDD

You are an idiot.

Do people actually believe this crap? What's next, a BEng being called a cake walk in relations to a history degree?

>Not studying an engineering degree while cultivating yourself with litterature during your free time


I like how they don't even comprehend that people may actually want to learn things, rather than just copy off eachother for a passing grade.

Much harder to get a job, yeah
Mostly literally worthless degrees

Natural Sciences are STEM.

The fact that she can do her work after drinking a bottle of wine means it's not easier

>still thinking it's just stem
>implying artists don't work just as hard as chemists

I couldn't contain my laughter while reading that image, I've blown through the kinds of classes BAS complain about by fucking BSing. It isn't fucking hard to make a sentence sound pleasant to read or to write a coherent thought. It basically boils down to, "I'm struggling because I am not as smart as you, so my degree must be harder!"

Absolutely hilarious, thanks OP

No. Just physics and medicine

This image would upset me if it wasn't just clickbait.

>The Tab

No one cares what your friend writes on their personal blog, cock smurf.

>Israel is evil and not our ally

Nigger, what the fuck does the E in STEM stand for?

>tfw originally taking a BS in Comp Sci as my secondary major
>don't give a fuck, don't go to class for 2-3 weeks
>end up having to drop class
>academic advisor says there is another option to get a BA
>a CS BA? is that a thing
>mfw all I had to do was 2 more semesters of spanish instead of 3 upper division intense courses to get my meme degree and employers won't know the difference

This, being a non-autist in STEM pretty much makes you a god amongst men

>, hun

>writing opinionated tripe is harder than solving engineering design problems

I have three times more work than my social studies gf. I'm Not even in an elite university..
In terms of jobs, it's always depending on what kind of person you are. I think I could have a good life with only my BSc. I won't stop studying but I guess I could.

Someone clearly hasn't had an engineering class studying electromagnetic fields.

By the way, I'll just leave this here...

>national socialism

My sister told me about this.

My cousin apparently dropped out of computer engineering and is now doing BA in computer science. He isn't required to take math or physics.

>voting for drumpf

>the tab

what in fuck


If it's so hard then why women can't just take an easy route and choose STEM instead?

The nightmares still won't go away


t. Dunning Kruger the journalist

>STEM is valued because they 'work hard.'

>Arts progress humanity.

>Working hard and contributing are the same thing.



It's even funnier when people try to imply that you could simply copy down answers. Any professor like the one I had for emf would call you up to the front of the class and humiliate you for pulling that shit

lmao what the fuck

Spokój go przecież przynęta zuchu

>Maybe if I convince them I worked reeeeally hard, they'll forgive my loans!

>major selection
Plays very little into their decision. It's the grades and experience that matter.

Thanks for proving my point

>ignoring chemistry
>ignoring the 150b/year industry in my tiny country alone
>unerage ban

Comp sci, software engineering and the medical related sciences (biology, biomedical engineering) are memes, not STEM. Those fields are overcrowded with asians and fob h1b's. Everyone and his chink cousin has been going into those for the past 10 years. Don't be a follower.

Glad I chose chem e. Gonna get a masters in atmospheric science so I can get into air quality modeling.


I was just reading about how Liberal arts majors assume that their degree with worth more because there are way more liberal arts majors with masters and PHDs.

Meanwhile I making 150k a year turning a wrench in a power plant with a GED and 2 year tech school cert.

lol at undergraduate math being considered hard on Sup Forums is this a unerage faggot thing or just hamburgers seriously struggling with low level maths

>being allowed to post in Sup Forums without at least a masters in a mathematically rigorous field (computer science does not count, it's fake).


biomeds here get jobs within 2 weeks of graduating from their masters program straight into 110k CHF/yr positions. Your chem E will never break 90k. Enjoy being a cuck

I'm going for a bullshit BA undergrad to rubber stamp the bachelors before law school but when I was planning on being an engineer I had already completed almost an AA's worth of undergrad humanities courses/electives via AP tests. The ones I actually took I never went to if they didn't have an attendance requirement
>got A's in all of them
>because humanities electives in stem are only there to shore up GPAs brought down by attempting real college level classes.

>writing is hard!
>all that awkward sentence structure and shit diction
>writing an article in first person
Hun, just because you can't balance an equation doesn't automatically mean you can write a sentence./10

i bet she thinks the improper and overuse of rarely seen grammatical conventions makes her seem erudite and smart instead of undermining her assertion that a BA isn't something anyone capable of getting a federal loan can acquire while drunk.

what cert?

There's a difference between application based physics and theoretical physics , something you clearly don't seem to understand or are unwilling to. One isn't better than the other and they're two different approaches to two different problems. I could make a physics major go Bonkers if I tried to talk to him about transmission line Theory because he doesn't understand the application based part of it.

internet lying

Except unlike the average physics who does fuck all while jerking off to grant money and teaching fine art major general science courses, engineers actually have real world value and fuck ups actually mean life or death.

I'm majoring in Chemistry. How are my prospects gents?

>artists work hard

>comparing us to swiss land.

In the US, chem e's have the highest starting salary's of any profession.

Also, Enjoy being replaced by a chink , or fired once this insane health-care bubble finally bursts.

BS's are much, much harder than BA's. That being said, you'll still never make it big unless you're an executive/owner. The goal should not be to be an engineer, but to be the one that the engineers work for.

>a woman wrote this
How surprising.

You should already know

Yeah chem and chem e boys here just go into analytical chemistry for pharma. It's sad. You slave away for $50 k annual.

>tfw switched from BS to BA because I couldn't handle 3 hours of calc 2 homework every night and kept failing the brutal exams

Probably the only thing I'm ashamed of in my life

Are you telling me the government is wrong because they say psychology and sociology are STEM?

>I'm a retard who is having a hard time completing my degree
>everyone else has it easier than me

I hate fucking union workers at plants so God damn much. Yall are the most worthless people I ever fucking worked with.

Yoooooo me too son. They're okay desu. You can get a decent job no problem but for real money you need a PhD.

plus you won't fall for the engineering meme and become a production tool. PhD = Management.

Also more time to start your own business, you gotta be hitting that undergrad research though.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

How many extra chromosomes do you have?

Anyway don't worry, you will never have as much as 's

Chemical engineering has nothing to do with basic chem. Low tier chem e's become plant operators, and make like $80-$90 k after a year or two.

That seems pretty autistic.

How about socializing instead

It's unfortunate that the one thing you're ashamed of ruined your whole life. I sure hope for your sake you go to an Ivy, or are a Jew.

Both can take a year to get

Programmable Logic Controllers Certificate
Power Plant Operations and Maintenance Certificate

Also took a welding class and HVAC class at the same time.

Skilled Labor is going to boom my dudes,the boomers are retiring in droves

Sure, I'll admit a BA is "harder" - it requires more creativity and invention, but a BSc is more useful.

I studied physics and am going for a phd in applied math.

What kind of insecure faggot compares how hard his major is with someone else's? You can work as hard as you want no matter what you study. The only difference is the job market is now and always will be better for STEM majors than for history and English cucks.

The woman who wrote OPs image should be hanged for her lack of critical thinking skills.

my course is harder because i am dumber than you: the article

The article is not bait. Fucking millenial scumbags.

>Fall for STEM meme
>Attend shitty ex-polytechnic
>Go out if my way to find a good internship
>Land one in Cambridge, major software company
>Final year at uni, god-tier knowledge 87.9% overall graduating grade
>Work for major network consultants
>3 years later on £56K

Maybe if you actually worked as much as you say you will/imagine; you'd end up successful too senpai.

>starting college as a freshman in a few weeks
>took a few years off after high school
>never really good at math
>STEM major
>starting off with an advanced algebra course


If you couldn't handle calc 2, there's pretty much no chance you'd be able to handle upper level engineering classes anyway. Transport (fluid mechanics) is a killer.

yeah from what i've heard the demand is insane because gen y and millenials all want the shiny diplomas. fuck college dude. it's a fucking brainwashing facility at this point. progressives and marxists have ruined liberalism with safe spaces and echo chambers. make your money, have a place innawoods and watch the towers fall.

Have both a BA and a Dipl. Ing.

The hardest part of my BA was the final thesis and it took less effort than the easiest of my Dipl. Ing credits.

>The goal should not be to be an engineer, but to be the one that the engineers work for.
this is why I switched out of engineering. Getting an M. engineering degree as a non autist is hell and overkill for what anyone with a lick of inspiration actually wants to do; product design. All my classmates were shifty autistic indians and cheating chinks. Spending the rest of your working life sharing a cubicle with them, making other people's ideas a reality is pretty much my definition of hell.

So because you can copy someone else's answer that makes a BS not as hard. Top fucking kek.

You can also have people write your papers. In fact because you can write about anything and there is no "right" answer any drivel can be concocted and as long as the grammar and spelling check out you might as well pass. How is that difficult? It takes no thought to write a paper when you have to use sources. It's already halfway written for you because you probably have to quote garbage. Now it comes to the fact you're not even expressing your own ideas, but someone else's.

Math is beautiful because you can either do it or you can't. There's no in between like with writing. The author is a dumbass that failed every stem course they ever took.

Also a fucking leaf, so this is bait.


My best friend works in the Oil and Gas Industry on a supply boat.

160k a year as an engineer. Starting pay in 75-80k(work 4 years take a test at the Coast Guard and boom six fig income)

They keep upping his pay because despite the oil slump people keep retiring due to old age and health issues.

Engineering math is EZPZ (relative to the math-classes they make you take)
thats not what makes engineering difficult.

Please, take this time to kill youself

Its hilarious because NOT A SINGLE SJW exists past the 2 year mark on most engineering degrees that i've seen at my school. They can't handle the coursework or the challenges, and they drop or change majors. The worst problem that STEM (maily engineering) faces is the fact that most professors haven't been in the field for years and aren't aware of what students should be learning to prepare them for the workplace.

You're gonna be just fine.

>do harder major
>make less money
>major is actually easier, but you're just dumb
Either way she's a retard.

Wrong. Proper subjects are maths physics engineering and chemistry, everything else is women's studies tier

>1 post by this ID

TFW you got 2 BAs in underwater basket weaving in 3 years.

TFW you make 340k/yr in a low cost of living mid-atlantic state because you arent autistic and know how to talk to people and clise sales.

TFW the incredibly dedicated and intelligent engineers who designed the things you sell make 150k/yr tops.

Takes all types friends. As long as you like what you do and it sustains a quality of life you desire, fuck what internet autists say.

You should quit now before it even begins. I was in your exact situation and have regretted every year of my college life so far. I am studying CE, btw.

Sorry user, You'll get BTFO

If you're in the aviation field after you graduate, you have to balance what you know will work with what is acceptable for the FAA or EASA. It can be the most fucking frustrating thing imaginable.

How long does it take for you faggots to launder all that Nazi gold?!

>The Current Year
What are you, retarded?

Nice trips tho

I wait for the STEM ubermensch race to wipe these cunts from the planet.

>making 1/3 of a mill of a bullshit degree
Not everyone has a rich family and connections spreg boy.

>Have a BS in Accounting
>Work as an auditor
>Most of my job is writing

When will this arts """degree""" meme end?