One day, I will make this board perfect like me.
Keep on trucking man you can do it
Why does it have a cleft chin!?!?!
See, this is why I don't fuck spiders anymore.
Is that Ted Cruz's final form?
Don't be so rude, he has feelings and you should respect him. He's only trying to help.
Hey man they didn't mean it it's OK
What the fuck is that.
Why is its face try so hard to be masculine.
Why the fuck does he have bright red lips?
Why the fuck is it completely white? Did the animators forget to put a texture on him?
This ain't no fucking spider I seen.
We sure as hell ain't in Kansas no more, Toto.
We in the realm on Canadian animation.
Wasted quints.
His post sucks but you cant even count.
Here, gave you something easier. 1+1 baby