Police shoot guy, spics freak out


Well white man, what's it going to be? Listen to the angry, irrational screams from the people in this video. Want to know why they're screaming?

A naive liberal might tell you it's because the people in this video feel some deep sense of justice and feel that an injustice was perpetrated here. But the real reason is that one of their own was taken down by whites, and this is the reflexive tribalism all races except whites are allowed to have showing through.

He went from "unarmed" to "armed with only a knife" in just a few short minutes, but it doesn't matter, the white man killed him because he's a fucking racist. Just like that negress that was killed in Baltimore, it was deeply unjust, all she did was point a gun at the police, how dare they shoot her. This has nothing to do with some deep sense of justice, it's tribalism on display, and it's coming for you.

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Heres a better source, user.

As a Hispanic, this makes my blood boil. I feel like I have molten lava in my veins right now.

At the police or the people yelling at them?

I was just playing, I am Hispanic but don't really give a shit.

I guess they could and should have tazed him. Didn't see what weapon he had but whatever. One less faggot off the streets distracting cops from real shit.

Why? Spics have lawless societies, so it's the inevitable conclusion

"failed network error" or some shit faggot

I was at a festival several years ago. While I was there some dinndoo women started some unholy screechfest which devolved into a hair pulling fight where gravel was shoved in people's faces and cops laying a beat down and hosing people with mace.

I saw the entire thing go down. It was literally one large black woman waiting in line at a concession stand and getting angry the line wasn't moving. She totally flipped out when the chick in front of her ordered enough food for about 5 people. That week on the local news the fight was mentioned as some racist oppression bullshit.

Ever since then, I've been really specious of any news at all that involves minorities of any kind. I'm almost certain that there's more to the story that the news doesn't want you to know happened.


>This has nothing to do with some deep sense of justice, it's tribalism on display, and it's coming for you.

We southerners are to whites what Spartans were to Greeks. The sleeping giant can only sleep through so much....

Javier was a VERY GOOD man who needed to go to the hospital. He was suicidal, with a knife to his neck, and needed to go to a hospital. In EVERY other developed country he'd be alive right now.
>"In EVERY other developed country he'd be alive right now".

Yeah just because every other "Developed country" cops are cucked and don't have guns to defend themselves.

THIS is definitely how a first world police force should behave, and definitely doesn't needlessly endanger other people's lives, including the cops

Northerner here...many of us have open eyes and are tooled up, ready.

It looked to me like they had no reason to shoot. He was trying to run away, that doesn't warrant lethal force.

Nice picture you got there

Maybe this one will work

No, we have shitty left wing governments that cant/wont enforce the law unless it benefits themself

It's weird how an American was killed with a knife just earlier this week. Remember goys, only guns kill people.

Your bait only works on nogs you idiot beaners don't dindu.


Are you a proxy and/or just plain retarded. I'd say you're both

> when you know that puto deserved every bullet.

lately univision is been promoting this BLM Type shit in Hispanic tv and some usually idiots will pick up on it cus that's the way it is but most Mexicans know that if your fucking it up you'll get lead


What the fuck, fucking cunts. Fucking murderers

>In EVERY other developed country he'd be alive right now.
>developed countries

he had a knife it tumbles in the ground that idiot screening he didn't have a gun don't know shit

ITT: reasons to hate white people

If you don't already, come in and you'll join the club

>all she did was point a gun at the police,
And that's when I knew it was bait

he came at them with a blade, no real choice but to take him down desu

you have to go back pablo

Only half Mexican but I'm starting to agree. If all the minorities teamed up we could probably win.

Then why the fuck is he pretending like he has one? Dumb asses.


So do you josh
The muslims are taking over your homeland yet you persist on infesting america. Fuck off back to europe

you see him drop a big blade when he falls.
if there were some wits in him, he would either gone for them while he was close, if that was his goal before getting killed. This should always be your goal, to take down as many of your enemy as you can, that's all that matters.

That heathen shit aside, again...
>"Do you have anything sharp on you than we may cut our self on?"
>Yes, I do have a knyfu strapped to my leg there
okay then, stnad still and well get it....

Not implying it wasn't agreevated from where we see it, put he had a weapon in his hands and were running.

>Darwin's law
the stupid die out

>A naive liberal might tell you it's because the people in this video feel some deep sense of justice and feel that an injustice was perpetrated here.

A patriotic American will tell you the 6th Amendment prohibits the government from using excessive force. Doesn't matter what color you are or how much money you have, equal treatment under the law.

And then we have this inexplicable shit:

if he dropped the knife he probably wouldn't have been shot.

Someone should link that video from Mexico where a man with a knife managed to kill 4 cops before they successfully subdued him.

At first I thought the guy was running away but then I heard "he just had a knife man"

If you want to give us the planet, go for it.

who will the spics side with in the starting race war?

>waaaah cops bought a kid a whopper. How comes deyz don't buy me whopper after Iz shoot at dem?

Cali mexican and Chicanos will side with Niggers. Rest of Mexican Americans will side with Whites.

Nah. Subhumans best change to take over is to play on the cucked nature of whites. So little by little. If an actual civil war happened whites would be radicalised and it would be over fast.

How exactly was he running away when he was running towards them? He fell in the direction of the cops.

Same goes when a mexican gets killed in mexico.

>waaaah cops bought a kid a whopper. How comes deyz don't buy me whopper after Iz shoot at dem?

I'm sure the police buy whoppers for all their black and hispanic murderers too. /sarc


I don't side with niggers or pigs. Hispanics are the only trust worthy people.

Except for the drug dealers, rapist, gangsters, thieves, murderers, cartels, and hobos.

Its hard to see whats going on on the video and also the preface to the shooting but judging by the video itself it looks likj they are shooting an unarmed person and the crowd reaction is striking, they are screaming murderer.

I do not know what to make of this but maybe it would be best if US cops were unarmed the first 5 years of service, that is baton, tazer and pepper spray only and when they get the experience to handle people without deadly confrontation then they should be able to wear guns.

ahahaha is that fantano?

Yeah, they do.

If you don't provide food to people being held in custody your department gets fucking sued by the ACLU. It can also be used in the courts to throw out confessions made while in custody because it can be argued that it was coerced.

Ever hear of charges getting thrown out because of marathon interrogations? Well this is part of why that happens.

So the department buys the perp a fucking meal at some shit fast food joint and bring it back to the station so they clear a major legal hurdle when prosecuting. It happens all the time.

This, we're the proof that the lefty memes don't work and that democracy won't.

Murrican cops are a joke that always take shit too far. The dude in the video in the OP could have just have been shot in the leg.

And no this is not a meme. A trained officer with a gun should be able to safely aim for the legs. Stop justifying police brutality.

>implying this isn't all a set up to destabilize the country even more

I feel like I have molten lava in my veins right now
More like molten enchilada

I wish hiroshima would just block your faggot country.

am spic

he probably deserved it.


In all fairness, the last shot was kinda bullshit. He was down for a good while. Though if I was there I'd be shouting "Why did you RUN?! WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST COMPLY FAGGOT?!"

How come they haven't raised a fuss about a single white person who may have been killed under questionable circumstances by the police? With more whites killed by police per year, you would think they would have enough material to draw from.

From what I gathered from the text below, it was suicide by cop. If that's true they did him a favour.

> just have been shot in the leg.
That's actually much, much harder than you think, and the risk of a friendly being hit goes way up (including a bullet ricocheting)

Why? Just 'cause someone with your skin color died? How pathetic are you that you base your identity on random people who simply share some genetic traits?

>literally shaking right now