Your response to this tells a lot about your political views.
Think carefully.
Your response to this tells a lot about your political views.
Think carefully.
I think yes
voting Trump
I'd do it for $50
Yes. I would use a few of those billions to save millions of Puppies from shelters around the world.
Yes, and without hesitation.
>joke's on you, I don't even like dogs
Voting Hillary.
how is this even a question fuck yes
Seriously consider it, but ultimately I doubt I would
yeah i'd step on the tail then take it to the vet with my new money
I'd step on it lightly
Yup. Never said I had to step hard enough to hurt it.
No. I went through the trouble of earning a degree in Mechanical Engineering so that I wouldn't have to be a piece of moral-less shit that sells their soul for a dollar. I can afford everything I want in life already.
Anyone who takes this offer or any offer like this is an uneducated filth with no skills or intelligence and no ambition in life.
Yep. And then after taxes I'd use some of the money to open a no-kill shelter for abused animals.
You could save billions of puppies for with 18billion
then I would use 1 billion dollars to clone the puppy
I couldn't do it to the poor little bugger.
Who are we to take another sentient being's life away?
I'd stomp that fucker into liquid for 18 billion dollars
Hell, I'll do it for $10.
For 18 BILLION dollars I'd fucking rape that puppy and skin it alive.
No thinking required. Kill the person offering, take his money, raise the puppy as your own.
Maybe. Not yes. Not no.
I guess id go for now. Even though id probably end up thinking I regret it and hating myself for not doing it, I don't think my body would allow me to step on that puppy, I just could not do it.
Trump 2016
Asian detected
I'll just eat the puppy
Yes, I would then donate £2m to animal cruelty and protection then adopt a dog and love it forever and ever.
Yes, but step on it gently... And use the money I get to not only fix the potentially hurt puppy but also buy it a hot poodle it'll fuck
Yes. But I wouldn't enjoy it.
Without a doubt
18 billion is a lot of fucking money.
You'd be crazy not to step on that little shit.
>Kill puppy without remorse
>Spend a billion for animal shelters and adoption for other puppers and erect statue in puppys honor.
>Live my life fat and happy with 17 fucking billion dollars.
I'd do it for about tree fiddy
I paid a woman $50 dollars to do it on webcam and I have got my money's worth.
I would jump on it, fuck ot, put my mouth over its ass and have someone jump on it so it's guts go into my mouth for the mouth money.
18 billion could do a lot of good things for the world.
For the cost of one puppy id do it.
Voting trump
Fuck yea
> puppy
who gives a fuck I'd step on you faggot OP and murder your entire family for less
It would be selfish not to do it. With the money you get you could save more than one puppy. By not killing it you're putting your own pleasure before the lives of others.
Also, if you don't value lives, you could just kill it and keep the money. There's no "good" answer for not killing it.
Yes, and I would step very carefully as to not injure the pupper.
My grandfather once beat a man halfway to death for kicking a dog. I will gladly do the same.
Yes. Look at what Trump has done with his money. Imagine one of us with 18 billion dollars, nearly 4 times his fortune.
For 18 billion? I would step on a newborn baby while chanting pater noster in reverse dressed like a clown if i needed to.
no. selling your morals for money is what niggers do.
No. I have fucking dignity. I don't need your gibs for acting like a nigger.
I would
You don't have to fucking crush it, you could put one foot on it and not even push
>$18bn now please
Yes, 1 million goes to stepped on puppies recovery services. The rest is for bitches and hoes
Morality test for the jews present : Would you gas 6 million jews for 18 billion dollars?
Idiot cuck
On one hand, no; no one should be responsible for ending another being's life.
On the other hand, yes; 18 billion dollars could save so many other doggos.
It's like the would you kill one person to save a million question.
I'd stomp the fuck out of an entire crate of puppies. Then use the money to open up a puppy mill to create more puppies and start a dog fighting ring.
18 Billion can get you a lot.
Yes. Doesn't say I have to step on it hard enough to kill it.
Only subhuman filth hurt puppers.
Step on it?
Sure, as long as i'm not stomping its guts out I see no issue.
I accidentally step on my fucking dog all the time.
You would probably be able to clone him a few hundred times with a billion dollars. It's not really hard to do
No. Not dogs.
You're just a faggot who doesn't have the balls to do something for the greater good.
You have a degree so you wouldn't have to, you could do it, and take that money and give it to other people, charity's or what not if you're so smug. But nooooo, you're just a faggot
I kick my dog for free. Where's my 18 stacks?
And hell, sometimes I accidentally crush a dog while walking around town. Same thing, but I'd get paid or it.
Literally no hesitation yes.
>18 billion
Yes. I'd feel really bad about it, but from a utilitarian pov, I can do a lot of good with that cash.
Probably not. One of the few things I will kill over is animal abuse.
Honestly, i don't think I could. I would have to try really hard and not look. But even then, probably not. How the fuck much is 18,000,000,000,000?
Fuck, one off.
That was almost a good get.
Fuck no and i would beat anyone who did. Voting trump.
Show the money first.
Liberals would because liberals have no principles.
If stepping on his tail works, then yes
One suffers for the good of the whole
I'll build every dog a doggie mansion
> bitter wageslave detected
Yes. I can always compensate the owner of the puppy later, and deal with whatever ridiculous punishment the German 'justice' system has in store for me.
>assaulting something that can't fight back
Subhuman behaviour.
>Morality Test
Suppose that there is a starvation situation, and the parent of the four year old child (who is not an adult) does not have enough money to keep him alive. A wealthy NAMBLA man offers this parent enough money to keep him and his family alive – if he will consent to his having sex with the child. We assume, further, that this is the only way to preserve the life of this four year old boy. Would it be criminal child abuse for the parent to accept this offer?
I'd touch it with the sole of my foot.
That's a step, right? You didn't say I'd have to hurt it.
Replace the puppy with a baby and this might be a difficult decision.
fuck yes
can almost save Europe using that money
I'd eat the fucker for 5,000.
Crush one puppy, spend 17 billion on animal shelters and care.
I'd crush that puppy then scrape him off the sidewalk, fry him and eat him for 18 billion.
I would pay to have your ass killed with my billions.
never make a deal with the devil
;_; no
For that money, I'd glue the little bastard to a treadmill, and get some good cardio.
Yes, because I'd forget about that puppy in a month, but I could never forgive myself for giving away 16 billion
Its against the law, and id get tons of harrassment for it. so no.
Yes I'd kill my entire family for 18 billion dollars and so would anybody else.
Nope. And I'm poor.
Yes, but not hard. The question asks if you would step on the puppy for 18 billion dollars, but it doesn't say if you have to put any specific amount of pressure; I just need to brush it with the sole of my shoe, and I have effectively "stepped" on the puppy.
will do for 18 dollars
Yes, I would.
Then I'd use at least part of that money to help other puppies.
Where does the money come from?
You are a modern subhuman degenerate. Right and wrong are not simple questions of economics.
It isn't brave to stomp the dog then use the money "for the common good."
Yes--and everyone ITT would if someone pulled up in a dump truck loaded with 100 dollar bills. Don't lie. Mother Teresa couldn't turn that down.
Yes. I hate dogs.
In fact, I'd use the money to buy more dogs to torture. :)
Smash capitalism, paying the parents enough money to feed their child is no longer possible and the NAMBLA man has left the equation.
Worker's dictatorship sorts out the rest.
t. Gin-Wao
Yes lol wtf
Whoever wouldn't is fucking retarded
18 billion, you literally have the world with that kind of money
id dump the shoes and buy new ones
cause i have 18 fucking billion
The money wouldn't make me happy anyways.