Post Sup Forums heroes who have exceptionally high kill counts

Post Sup Forums heroes who have exceptionally high kill counts.



weren't most of those kills just robots?

I loved how this show used the classic Avatar/Korra 'The Grunts Act Like Real People' gag, but then I realized how realized how horrifying that was because of Team Voltron's massive kill counts from all those fleets they blew up.

Well, I won't lie, I still love it.

>used the classic Avatar/Korra 'The Grunts Act Like Real People' gag
Oh right, the one a show from 10 years ago invented
The one that has never ever been used before

We see very little of it on screen but if the shows body count and his lack of a code against killing is anything to go by he's filled junk folders.

A lot of soldiers are organic. It seems about 50/50 alive and robot for the random mooks. Just imagine how many of them are on every ship they blow up.

This little trash can-looking guy is actually a murderous motherfucker, he killed approximately 2,875 people once.

Why was the Hun army so frigging huge compared to the chinese?

And since we're on the topic of Star Wars, REMEMBER THE TWO MILLION

>massed steppe tribes
>divided China made of multiple squabbling kingdoms

By the season finale they wiped out entire fleets, and those fleets were established to manned

If we're bringing EU into this then R2 has without a doubt the highest kill count.
It's like he was sore about not getting to blow up the Death Star himself and made a vow to rectify this by killing as many scruffy-fucking nerfos as possible.


Aang killed a lot of Fire Nation soldiers at the North Pole


He might just be talking about how Avatar and Korra did that, and those shows were made by some of the crew of Voltron. It's not original, but it's a common thread of the 3 shows probably due to their common crew.

You could compare it to the original show and how little heroes cared about the evil invading aliens.
And then the original Gundam spends a third of the first episode devoted to the "villain" grunts that are going to die just because they're doing their job as soldiers. And it changes everything in the mecha genre.

>no one has posted the Frankinator
I am disappointed in you, Sup Forums.

I thought they were established to be so unmanned that you can use video game stealth because it's all robots running on patterns.

But in the same episode they were talking with a soldier who wanted to get a transfer, get off that ship and maybe get a promotion. So they're robots at times and humanoids at other times.

Came in here hoping to see this. So glad it's the very first one.

Mulan is best Disney princess for a reason.