Snowden just posted this code:
And then deleted it quickly after.
Snowden just posted this code:
And then deleted it quickly after.
ov vey delet this
ov vey delet this
It translates to all of Sup Forums are fags
File checksum
md5 hash?
It's SHA256
May be the hash of something he will post in the future to prove that he knew about it when it was posted, and was not just copying whatever the thing could be
this guy is so cringe
He slept on his keyboard.
Archive of the tweet
It's a hash. Now we need to find what it's a hash for.
Then why delete it?
Can we smoke it?
fuck knows
maybe he's just making shit up and trying to get into the news again or something
HOLY SHIT SENPAI. I think I solved it!
I believe it says That on August 14th, Yellowstone is going to blow!!! HOLY SHIT
You need to hide bro. You guys have been doxxed.
Do we know for sure it was Snowden himself who deleted it?
Snowden is cuck faggot
he was searching for some of that tor porn and pasted it in the wrong box
No but you can salt it :^)
Doesn't seem like his style, especially considering his big hollywood movie is coming out soonish. Tho it would be pretty fucking funny if it turns out to be a hash of a screener of his movie. If it's just some cheezy attempt at viral marketing though I don't think he's going to win many new fans with it.
Doubt it. Even if it were for attention to sell his book that would be the worst way possible to market. I think snowden is smarter than that;he knows the position he is in is no joke.
Triple digits confirm you are a faggot
prove it
You dumb nigger.
A hash is used to verify the contents of a file. A file can generate a hash and you compare that hash to prove that file's authenticity. If the file or files (in the case of an image iso) is altered in any way then you will not get the same hash when you try to generate a new one for that file.
It's used a lot in digital forensics and fraud investigations to verify that contents of hard drives or batches of files are the same as when they were investigated/opened and not tampered with.
Dont click this is prob some cp png.
or maybe it's one of those leenux things Sup Forums is always going on about
So basically launch codes
Hash for Pedoporn
It's hexadecimal. Just convert it
Hillary Clinton is a war criminal, she sold weapons to ISIS and supported Syrian rebels. She also said that if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight, no immunities.
>only Sup Forums, reddit and Russian chans give a fuck about this
Here is the conversion:
>hex value must be maximum length of 32 characters.
I don't know what that means, but that is what it is.
case closed
Hes bored and playing crypto with the internet community.
So everyone who matters?
Also, he knows how to share files via twitter.
I for example use chans to upload files and download them on other machines. Once you download your file, you delete the post. Snowden is a smart guy.
Don't ever click these. Ever. Not even for a goof. You will get v&
Don't ever click these.
I clicked it, should I suicide?
It's clearly a reference to Moloch's chemtrail program, dipshit. Step it up.
I love how this became popular over the last 2 weeks. It's frustratingly hilarious.
Its just TV static
Is it one of those hidden CP pictures that you can unscramble?
Weird, I have the same combination on my luggage.
Are you people idiots?
>movie not getting good hype
>quick we have to make rubles to pay for apartment
>step up mysterious twitter presence
>tweeting something that if legitimate belongs on IRC
I'll bet Sup Forums didn't fall for this.
Why is this being memed? Did i miss something?
Oни нe дoгoнят нac.
i want to reply and say i want my mom to die but then she wouldnt die
it's a hash, not an encoded string. it doesn't convert to anything, it's used as a checksum
he's hinting at the existence of some file, with that hash. if and when the file becomes available, we can verify it's the exact one he was referring to by comparing its hash to the one he tweeted
wake me up when wikileaks posts something like that
a little bit
Set a course for Druidia. And change the combination on my luggage!
Any one know what this is?
how did he know?
That's an encrypted image, most likely CP. Don't click those images ever, especially if its a png.
I fucking knew it!
This. Nigga fell asleep.
>Just convert it
To what? ASCII? I doubt Sup Forums will even print it correctly given all the control characters, but heregoes:
Like others have said, a 64 character hex string is usually a hash. Until someone finds the file that it matches, we can't get anything else out of it.
>Set a course for Druidia.
At what speed though?
Oh fuck, was it a zip with the bits encoded as pixels? Fucckk.
That's his girlfriend's other boyfriend's phone number. Fucking Russians have complicated phone numbers so they won't drunk dial each other.
google it
holy fuck
hes scared of committing assisted suicide
Its a md5 hash for smoking gun against clinton to show he knew about it before they kill him
He probably has a dead man switch with multiple lawyers
It's YouTube redirect link to bieyle rozy
Once it's posted on the internet, it's forever public domain.
I just care about my good fellow anons and don't want them to get Sup Forums party v&'d
Don't click static. They're trying to round up dissidents and this is a hotbed for "bad think"
Weird that it is in hex then and not baseX. It could be a signature or something too. He's a security guy after all.
Is this for the bank documents that he was saving as his "insurance"?
I hope you die
What if I clicked it?
Is it over for me?
Didn't wiki leaks release a massive encrypted file about a month ago as an insurance policy?
Could this be related to that?
Russia is threatening him for being anti-Trump and anti-WikiLeaks.
I lol'd
nothing weird about it, most hashing algorithms produce hexadecimal hashes
Related to Wikileaks 80 GB dump a few months ago?
Great. Thanks.
My husband was sitting right next to me and now he's calling the police.
This isn't news
Rubber hose him
if you just scrolled past it or loaded the page it's fine (unless you have something set up on 4chanx to automatically load all pngs)
if you clicked it, RIP
You best be joking, nigga.
Why haven't we killed that little worm yet? He has the most punchable face I've ever seen... and oliver stone is releasing a movie making that cunt look like a war hero. The pussy couldn't even handle the Reserves! But he wore a uniform so that means we can put together a trailer making it seem like he was billy badass. Fucking hollywood pretentious faggots.
Yeah, it was a while ago. It was actually titled "insurance"
I'd assume its a 64 character encryption key, fuck if I know
All just neckbeards going
>but wat does it meeeeen?
The only thing I can think of is that he didn't want a million people commenting and retweeting the code and basically flooding his account with garbage.
Why hasn't this phrase count as spam yet?
I have a hover zoom and scrolled over it. Nothing happened. But you guys have me worried about opening anything.
This. As someone who has been well connected to the internet and its subcultures from near-inception, every time this clown's thoughts trespass on the territory of my mind, I have to drive them out the way I would a small helpless immature child's thoughts.
He's an embarrassment to the usenet generation. They should have chosen a tolerable false flagger. This faggot sucks.
Just by clicking it? I didn't save it or nothing
I'm too young to be sentenced to life in prison
I dindu nuffins other than browse a kenyan yak farming forum
dude why
I hope you die in your sleep you useless cunt
I got banned for replying to one last week
fuck you
Russia has him locked in a box, how the fuck are we supposed to get him.