How do you survive a nuclear attack?

How do you survive a nuclear attack?

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be a roach

And the Turks will inherit the earth

by not being there.

underground bunker
being on the southside of the earth

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most people living in Hiro didn't died when the bomb hit. It's just that a lot did.

Stop, drop and roll.

By shutting down the atoms

By staying in your vault.

you don't

Live in the US where there is ample defense against nuclear attacks.

came here to say this

dumb luck

By covering your head with a newspaper after seeing the flash you dum-dum.

Came to say this. Too slow.

Most ICBMS are bunker busters anyway. There is no point in living if WW3 starts

Duck and cover

>There is no point in living if WW3 starts
When WW3 starts I will live to remove kebab or die trying

The bomb that hit Hiroshima was a baby compared to what we have today.

Nevada was nuked god how many times and people are still living there. Hell, they even detonated 2 nukes just off the coast of California (underwater). 300+ total everywhere. Nuke threat is overblown user.

>There is no point in living if WW3 starts

And missing out on the wasteland fun ?


icbms have mirv tips. the warheads in a mirv tips are set to explode above ground for maximum damage

also you're a retard

Watch threads.

The real horror doesn't come from the bombs, its the breakdown of societal infrastructure.

Most people survive the initial bombing, only to die from radiation poisoning, starvation and disease in the months to follow.

being white, sir tripsman

being Turkish


White magic anti radiation aura power

Why would you want to?

Power Armor

Found this in the basement of a house I used to rent out, circa '68. Great beginner's guide for you OP.

A nuclear attack will never happen, NATO can just detect any nuclear launch on earth and shut down the atoms

Get the fuck out in the space


climb into a lead lined refrigerator

I live next to a giant post-communist jet turbine factory that is nowadays owned by Pratt & Whitney, about 5 kilometers in a straight line

Every time I start fantasizing about SHTF and roaming the wasteland I realize how fucked I am even if a 20kT warhead explodes over the facility and its quite likely that russians have at least 200kT assigned to it

So its a choice between death by radiation or third degree burns

deactivate the atoms duh

Don't live in a shitskin country.

oh god i remember that original shitpost

what is the point to survive a nuclear blast on the european continent? the radiaton goes nowhere

if this shit happen you want to be in the epicenter

Living the life

Duck and cover

This is what bug out bags are for. A bag you can grab and bug out in 30 seconds when the word comes. Has the essentials for short term survival, water purification tablets that kind of thing.

If you see a mushroom cloud, measure it against your thumb - if your thumb can cover it you are far enough away to not worry about immediate fallout. If your thumb doesn't cover it, keep going until it does. Or something like that.

Rural areas would be almost completely unaffected

the whole nuclear winter thing was cooked up by that pot smoking retard fake scientist sagan and is a complete fake

Climb into my Lead-Lined Fridge.

The nuclear war consists of elements in the air. Have you seen the picture of jesus that you stare at it and you see a wall and then u see jesus face? That's nuclear.

do iodine pills actually help? Or do they just delay the inevitable

Be on the other side of a hill, or in a deep trench.
Then learn how to avoid the fallout. only inches of dirt on a tarp can block the rays in fallout.

>talking trash of Carl Sagan


They do one thing, block radioactive iodine from entering your thyroid and giving you cancer
its only a problem when there is radioactive iodine in the happening.

>if your thumb can cover it you are far enough away to not worry about immediate fallout

You're probably ok even closer than that. They did plenty of tests, exposing soldiers and it's not like they died in droves afaik.

Get behind something that can catch the gamma waves, don't look at the blast. Once its done, stay upwind and get far away.

Get In your fridge

So you say that the murican ""Duck and cover" will save my ass here? :-)

Guess youre fucked then.

be in a country like switzerland with many mountains and shit. They will never use nukes on you.

too easy .. an Live it in my shelter .. lel

By staying in NZ.

Duck and cover

> t. Mexican intellectual

There was a spike in cancer diagnoses in the following years after those detonations

Not be in the blast radius or fallout zone.

A Rare first-second post best post ultra combo

be neutral and dont get nuked

1. Not being anywhere near it
2. Underground shelter with airtight door and at least 7 days of drinkable water.

3. Having a means of defending yourself AND something you can barter for canned foor.

Also nuclear winter is a big spicy meme.

As if they'd target a bunker buster at your shelter in bumfuck, Massachusetts.

Nigga I'm five fucking kilometers away

After the flash I have like 3 seconds to fuck off

Jesus that american education man

Are you fucking dense m8? The US is the number 1 target and most likely to be hit by any future nuclear blast. So many ways for nukes to be smuggled into the country (shipping container with lead liner on a cargo ship for instance)

Not to mention the fact that if an SLBM were launched the chair force that has been idly monitoring nothing for the past 60 years would think it were some form of drill or error if they picked up a radar contact moving fast towards the US. Even assuming we did detect it, missile defense (shooting a missile with another missile) is a complete gamble as to whether it would work, and multiple missiles fired at once would confuse and overwhelm any countermeasures the united states could implement.

tl;dr the US military and government has invested far more time and money into a post-first-strike strategy and assets (see TACAMO aircraft, submarines, etc..) than it has on preventing a first strike. This is why we have been so adimate about preventing islamic shitholes from acquiring a nuke, because they are hellbent on setting one off on US soil. Unless you are anti-colonial spokesman Mr. Obama then you make nuclear deals with countries like Iran, and let other places Iraq, Syria, and Libya fall into islamic ruin in order to allow them acquire WMDs.

Scary time we live in user, maybe not cold war scary, but the threat is still very real.

This guy is correct, nuclear winter would probably not occur. The earth's atmosphere is much more resilient than we give it credit for. There would certainly be global negative effects, but the Earth's surface would not become completely uninhabitable.

>surviving a nuclear explosion

there's a documentary on history channel about this can't think of the name but it's pretty good.

So, they recommend I don't look at the flash so I don't get permanently blind, but it's the first (and last) thing I'll see anyway.

It's fucking stupid.

Fortunately for you Poland isn't on the menu for either the United States or Russia or terrorists.

Most people in the modern world live in proximity to some type of military asset... Doesn't mean every single thing is a target.

You vote for Hillary Clinton who would never allow such a thing to happening

don't live in places where nukes have previously been detonated

otherwise pray that the crankity old men never let them fly

The best defense if shielding in the form of walls and earth. Direct exposure to the atmosphere is the worst.

There are two majors types of hazardous radiation with a nuclear blast, alpha and gamma radiation. Alpha particles will fall to the earth and contaminate soil and water. This will be hazardous only if ingested. Gamma radiation can only be stopped with shielding. By shielding i mean large barriers of lead, earth, water, etc... This is what fallout shelters are meant to protect from. In the event of a nuclear catastophe it is necessary to first shelter in place to avoid inhaling alpha contaminants... they are heavier than anything else found in the atmosphere and will settle to the lowest point. For this reason a basement that does not have an airtight seal to the outside is not a good place to hide. You are actually better off upstairs. Alpha particles can actually be washed off with water, but obviously be careful as most freshwater sources are likely to be contaminated.

be important enough to get in the vip bunkers

Praying (((they))) don't bomb alaska.

Live in a neutral country that no one gives a shit about.

Flag related.

> there's a documentary on history channel about this can't think of the name but it's pretty good.

There's one dealing with the aftermath of a pandemic that is kinda entertaining.

At the Winchester

how do you look at yourself in the mirror each day shill? Shameful.

Dig a hole straight down in the ground deep enough to shelter your whole body. Stay in there during the detonation, then quickly leave in the opposite direction of the detonation before fallout sets in.

do a last second barrel roll out of its way

you'll need to be pretty far away for it to make fuck all difference. If you live in a targeted city, you'll probably be glassed.

This is nonsense. The US invented and maintained the world's largest anti missile defense system on the planet. We can intercept missiles at any stage of deployment. We have space based missile launch detection systems and I contend we do have lasers in space that can destroy any incoming. Remember some years ago we blew up an old satellite in space bedlfore it really entered the atmosphere? How do you think we did that? You under estimate the capabilities of the military.
Not only that these are the things we average Joe citizen knows about.
The Pentagon runs clandestine operations that run about 2 decades ahead of what is made public. For example we the average Joe first heard of the Internet in the early 80's when the military was using it as a form of encryption in the 60's.
Same with GPS. It was around long before you used it to find a street. Ronald Reagan ordered it declassified in the 80's when the Russians shot down that airliner. It was in use in the 70's
Sneaking in a nuke is a bit different.
Shooting one in on an icbm would not happen. The system can track and destroy thousands of real entry warheads, all at the same time. In fact it's automatic in its actions

>I contend we do have lasers in space that can destroy any incoming.

>Remember some years ago we blew up an old satellite in space bedlfore it really entered the atmosphere?

do you really believe that?

Nothing in life is certain. Best to give yourself a fighting chance.




>being on the southside of the earth
Austria, how many times we need to tell you? You are NOT Australia!




What I meant by space based lasers is the star wars program. It is operational just classified.