Memes aside, can he still win?
Memes aside, can he still win?
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>taking away his power
>memes aside
I literally can't do this
>being able to talk without using memes
97%-99% chance he'll win
Not without memes.
No. Kek has forsaken us.
No, but Republicans could still win if he dropped out.
The three-pronged Miller test is as follows:
> Whether the average person, applying contemporary adult community standards, finds that the matter, taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interests (i.e., an erotic, lascivious, abnormal, unhealthy, degrading, shameful, or morbid interest in nudity, sex, or excretion);
> Whether the average person, applying contemporary adult community standards, finds that the matter depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way (i.e., ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, masturbation, excretory functions, lewd exhibition of the genitals, or sado-masochistic sexual abuse); and
> Whether a reasonable person finds that the matter, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
Any material that satisfies this three-pronged test may be found obscene.
Federal law prohibits the possession with intent to sell or distribute obscenity, to send, ship, or receive obscenity, to import obscenity, and to transport obscenity across state boarders for purposes of distribution.
Donald Trump has pledged to appoint an Attorney General who will make enforcement of obscenity laws a top priority.
he's never been able to win
unless he has a heart up his sleeve and can find away around this
Annon posts won't change my vote
This country is full of inbred cuckservatives, so yes.
Nobody in the US is going to elect a harpy directly responsible for sentencing her own countrymen to death, no matter how badly the media tries to shit on Trump
This is why the medias rabid
In reality yes but I can see any situation where if he did win the election wouldn't then be rigged with phony results.
Hillary is supervillain tier evil and she'll do anything to become President democracy be damned.
Only if something the size of the 2009 crash or 9/11 happens like 10 days before the election.
Otherwise, he's fucked by 5-7%.
Get out blasphemer
anything can happen, it's like we're living in a fucking movie
next month they'll be head to head again with trump on a slight advantage if he can shut the fuck up for the next 30 days and let terrorism do it's thing which is bound to happen he'll win with the Michigan vote.
but he needs to learn not to take baits, to be honest it doesn't seem like he wants to win
He is the memes, NEVER DOUBT LORD KEK.
Yeah, it's still possible - if he can stop stepping on his dick.
>he'll win with the Michigan vote.
Michiganderanon here, can confirm.
Clinton might literally be the most hated Democratic politician here since the Civil War.
He can still win, but he's dramatically overextended.
He got comfortable in his lead and started fighting Hillary, Obama, RINOs, and the media at the same time. He was justly blind sided by that and got into this rut. I think it humbled him. He was very calm and on point at his Iowa rally today.
And then there's Detroit
Yes, but he needs a good showing in the debates and some more campaign speeches akin to his RNC speech, with actual policies put forth. He also needs to control the media narrative better, especially with regards to party unity.
You can tell the real #shillsforhill because they're the ones who want Trump to stay in, get crushed easily, and probably lose the GOP the senate + house too.
Trump hangs out with a child abuser (jeff epstein) and wants to put artists in prison.
kill yourself, trump.
No and I've been shilling hard for him in Israel
trump has the heart of the nation but he fumbles too much, subconsciously most people want him to win cus Clinton is a sure way to shits while trump is a wild card and that's his best asset and greatest handicap the problem is that he shows the wild side too much and too often.
comes as unhinged
I'll take "I don't know how statistics work" for $200, Alex.
>what is extrapolation to the max
Yeah but luckily half of them are felons and not allowed to vote. All that matters is the other 9.5 million humans in the state.
Not only he can but he WILL win. Stop believing the media bullshit. I am going to be jerking off to liberal tears even more than when BREXIT happened.
he'll win Michigan Michelle Moore took a tour there and basically described it as a trump state
This, this election is the all time hardest to predict i fell
A trump win will be the perfect end to 2016 on Sup Forums after the early leadership debates and brexit
I don't know who that is but yeah, it's astounding how openly pre Trump people here are, something rhat's probably not allowed in public in most states. Hell I hear people talking about him early week at work and in positive terms no less.
I laugh evertime I see someone in the Jew York times imply Michigan will go blue again, as if people here are stoked to vote for a woman who's husband sent half our jobs overseas and who would have gladly let the other half disappear with the auto bailout while voting to bail out the banks who fucked everything up in the first place. It's astounding how sheltered and ignorant so much of coastal media has become.
Hillary's very close to snapping. She'll go back into hiding soon. Trump will need to exploit this
He still has one more window to build up momentum and win by 5-7% but he can't make anymore mistakes
Any he chance he had was taken away by Gary Johnson.
>implying she'll ever come out of hiding
Literally still has not done one press conference.
he is right . pol deserve no kek
>Memes aside can the meme candidate win?
What did OP mean by this?
$.075! Post and a half!
But she's trying to do rallies. She can't deal with protesters which will just increase more and more in number as wikileaks continues their strategy.
What the fuck
Michael Moore I meant to say it came out as Michelle he was pale looking and very depressed on Bill Maher 2 weeks ago basically raising the white flag.
this election is going to be exciting and is going to be decided in the last minute.
I am Hillary shill by the way but thinking the cunt has this shit in the bag is as far from reality as it can be, trump is very powerful he don't lay down and takes it
but she literally did a press conference today
Kek is the agent of chaos. Kek has never been a supporter of Sup Forums so much that Sup Forums and Kek support the same things.
almost feel bad for her in that second video...if she wasn't Satan incarnate anyway
Those trend lines are completely retarded and inaccurate. And even if they weren't, you realize at the rate they're going, Trump still wouldn't cross Shillary in November? It's closer than you might think.
>thinking that's what we meant by press conference
They literally asked her who her favorite rapper is
was it a negro (see, i didn't say it) press conference?
Do you have a link of it perhaps? Or maybe the date it aired so I can search? He's on Real Time a lot.
>I am Hillary shill by the way
Why though? I'm asking seriously, not angrily, I really want to know. Is it just for the money or do you have an axe to grind against the country or something?
what did she said I don't watch her shrill
ya. they said no whites allowed
Yeah. A lot depends on the debates and he has plenty of time to bounce back.
But it's looking more and more like he's just driven by emotion and lacks the capacity to act strategically or with self-restraint.
Seriously, this shit is just pathetic.
Honestly, no. Not unless he gets more minorities to vote for him, which he could very well do during the debates. I want to MAGA but I'm also in a bet with some friends and I'll make a few hundred if hillary wins
I have no idea
That was the first question. I turned it off right after they asked it.
trump scares me, Clinton is business as usual, trump will drop the H for sure is not if but when the guy is a mad man I don't think I am ready for the nuclear fall out
Take the test!
He's done. He's polling worse than Romney or McCain ever did and the GOP is distancing themselves at breakneck speed. He's toxic at this point.
As much as Sup Forums likes to think that it's a conspiracy or mix of conspiracies the obvious truth is that Trump's tactics flat out don't work for a general election. Agree with his words and actions or not, there's no way you can think that they are things that someone trying to win or is capable of winning say or do. Even Sup Forumstards are smart enough to hide their power level.
And calling everyone pointing out problems with his campaign a shill or pretending like there aren't any is exactly why he's losing.
Also he needs to stop fighting with irrelevant muzzy families.
what if I find that patently offensive material has inherent political value?
Checkmate, christfags.
the quotes they picked for both sucked
You cannot possibly believe Trump will cause nuclear war. Come on, what's the real reason? You're user, no one at CTR will find out.
if this post gets 37 likes trump will be president
Sure cause the president can just press a button and cause a nuclear holocaust. That's how it works.
How quickly do you get your $.05?
Trump wants to end America wasting money in wars in the Middle East. The only thing he wants to do involving military is stomping out ISIS
and that's because they've already attacked us
Can he? Yes. Will he? No.
>baby starts crying
Don't worry, I love babies and mothers! Everyone love's healthy babies. Look she got all nervous, don't worry darling, we like you.
>10 seconds later
Okay you know what I've changed my mind. She didnt really believe I liked crying babies right? It's okay, it's alright, get her out of here.
This nigga seriously threw a baby out of his event, insulted a fallen US soldier and his family, then started internal drama in the party on the same week.
He actually said "Did she really believe me when I said I like crying babies" at his live event.
That seriously makes him look like the biggest liar ever.
trump can't be measured by washed out cuckservatives, he is a man beholden by his own devices only he can stump or rise the trump Clinton is just dangling, this is trumps election to lose when I see Clinton up 5 points on polls to me that's a virtual tie, why? cus she has one too many enemies, one too detractors, one too many skeletons and I can go on and on, trump is behind because of trump not because of Hillary plain and simple, the polls will be tied before November and from there only god knows is all up on the Bernie cucks
Only if he gets the blessing of Kek
Does it at all concern you CTR posters that Hilary has lobbyists from UnitedHealth (A backer of ACA) writing her endorsement speeches?
thank you for Correcting the Record™
better an ass than a shady woman
He didn't but I almost wish he had. No one likes crying babies not even the kikes in media who pretend otherwise to drive their globalist agenda.
Lookat his donations
Ain't no Grave is gonna keep Trump and the American Public Down. We will win!
Watch epic video right here.
>Memes aside, can he still win?
Very much so, but he is facing an uphill struggle verses the establishment.
However, the average American voter is in a roll downhill mood.
Trump will win if he converts the Bernouts and Hillary doesn't persuade the CruzMissiles and Jebds.
>Will he? Yes.
He should shock everyone by being serious, calm , and inoffensive in the first debate.
Really show everyone some meat and potatoes, and that his Economics degree hasn't rotted.
lmao trump is winning no matter which metric the left uses
truly 10 dimensional yahtzee
Cruzmissiles would NEVER vote for Shillary. Jebheads would but luckily for everyone no such thing ever existed.
He's always calm in debates, that's what makes his counterpunches so unexpected and devastating.
He's shockingly a phenominal debater and Hillary is a famously awful one.
>RNC goes off without a hitch, Trump is doing great
>DNC goes horribly, worse than anyone ever expected
>Suddenly, a week later Trump is polling horribly and there are a bunch of nonsense scandals no one actually cares about but that the media assures me we do
This isn't suspicious at all.
You tell me. It's the Trumptards who want her to win so badly. He could drop out, get replaced by most anybody and they'd wipe the floor with her. Instead, she's going to cruise to victory and probably pick up at least the Senate too.
I voted for Jeb even after he dropped out (I'm in Tennessee). I am now 100% behind Trump. Dems cannot win this election.
Ikr? As if suddenly Americans care if someone is mean to Muslims, the most hated group of people in the nation.
I don't understand how Hilary can possibly get through these debates? trump is going to repeatedly bring up her crimes and corruption how can one combat that? Just shouting bigot over and over won't be good enough for anyone expect uni students
Plus who knows what Assange has lined up, could be nothing but if he's true to his word it literally can't be anyone except Trump
wow really makes me think... Do you have any links?
>Just shouting bigot over and over won't be good enough for anyone expect uni students
That and do her evil maniac laugh that she does everytime someone points out she's habitually broken a shit ton of laws for 30 years.
He wasn't even particularly mean to him. Made a polite insinuation that his wife might not have been allowed to speak. The least of all of Trump's gaffes.
>but he can't make anymore mistakes
Then he's doomed. Trump is literally Mistakes: the Man. Even if he picks himself up and steps up his game the guy is literally incapable of performing any action without committing at least one blunder due to his intense need to make himself the center of attention.