You idiots just don't get it do you?

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>8 years

>its the Trumpfags don't know how to interpret polls episode again

Minimum sentence

Damage control

Look at the trend from June, when the primaries ended

I am not a statistician. Is there any legitimacy to this way of looking at the graph. I have noticed this same thing....a long term trend of the gap narrowing with peaks and troughs, but still following the same trend toward parity between the two: Clinton started high. Trump started low. By October, the major trend lined that OP superimposed finally meet.

Just curious.

>the major trend lined that OP...
* the major trend LINES that OP...

Damage control is real

This isn't the stock market.

I'm mathematically challenged, please explain.

All I see is lines and colors.

DNC paying polls to make shillary look good.

>all those other professional polls are biased and as a result are invalid; here, take our 100% guaranteed no-bias poll as complete truths, despite that we never even tell you what our methodology is or how it's different.

It's meaningless.

You can do a plot with error bars to show how much they skew if you knew how many of the pollers were dems or reps

>muh longroom
>muh longroom
>muh longroom
boy if longroom ever shows trump losing the salt will be unbelievable

Lets explain so a leaf would understand.
Its the finals, you didnt win ice-hockey gold in 25 years.

Last period of the game, 10 min to go, you are on the winning team, you are playing home.
All you gotta do is to hold the game a bit more and then you are the Ice Hockey champions.

Got it now?

The fact that they completely ignore how even the fucking GOP polls themselves confirm Trump is losing is hilarious.

>0.03 has been deposited into your account


>trumpfag """""memes"""""

karma is a bitch aint it

>some random lines added in Paint

Sup Forums 'intellectuals'

what am I looking at? dicks are touching?

> regression analysis

> totally not a thing in statistics or polling guys

The polls have been altered. Jesus christ just read this.


Polls used to have an option "Neither/Other". That option has been changed to "Other".

So many people were fed up with Hillary that they were clicking Neither. When that option is taken away they go back to Hillary again.

The Democrats are going to get their lowest turnout in decades.

In the last poll of Real Clear Politics it was shown that they had asked like 4xx Trump Supporters, but closer to 7xx Hillary supporters and said "in this State more votes/capita will go to Hillary, therefore she is in the lead".

Yeah she got "more votes" because they asked 250 more hillary supporters.

So dont fucking believe in these lies.


>every single poll except for one is biased towards hillary! WE'RE totally objective though!

I can't tell if Sup Forumstards are being ironic or jokingly obtuse or if they really think all of the major polls are complete lies (except when Trump is winning, at which point they immediately forget they were arguing the polls are fixed)

yes of course that's how it works...

drawing some lines in these graphs don't prove anything. You can't predict society's opinions

Sure it is. But not like this

Starting those lines at the very beginning is pants on head retarded. Of course his numbers go up compared to when he first announced it. That shouldn't be the basis of a trend

I'm sure those analysts don't draw random lines on MS Paint