Was hitler the mostry angry man alive?
This is a screenshot I took when googling "adolf hitler", there is not a single picture of him smiling.
Was hitler the mostry angry man alive?
This is a screenshot I took when googling "adolf hitler", there is not a single picture of him smiling.
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bump. I need to know
No. Most people hate Hitler and if you hate someone would you rather publish a book or article about said person with a picture of him smiling or looking as if he's about to kill you?
bottom left?
obvious propaganda
thinking about how many Jews he slaughtered
In the past people never smiled in photographs
The holocaust is the best thing that never happened.
that is not true. Only angry people do not smile
there's plenty of pictures of him smiling and goofing off
the reason you find him being all forceful and stuff is because every single article written about him is going to try and potray him as a scary monster, so they use the scariest/angriest photos of him that they can find
He often smiled. Google just wants to push the ((hollywood))) narative. No surprise there.
He makes the seem facial expression I have on my face all day.
The god dammit this world is going to hell unless it changes look.
I laugh every time I see Mussolini's face here.
It's the face of a man that's realized he's in a plane meant for two people, with a third about to board, and they're going to takeoff by diving off a cliff.
Meanwhile, Skorzeny has the look of a madman that knows it's going to be awesome.
>kike speak in filename
Not this time, jew.
Photo search has the word "angry" in it. Don't be stupid anons.
>screenshot when googling adolf hitler
but it says you searched angry adolf hitler faggot
OP why the fuck is the name of your image in Hebrew? Do you live in Antwerp by any chance?
The stuff the allies put out about Hitler portraying him as an insane monster is also obvious propaganda, yet you retards eat that up.
German men are very stern
Think of how many Germans suffered because of the jews hand in the WWI betrayal, the sparticist uprising, the german civil war, and the jewish bankers that profited off the weimar inflation while average germans could barely feed themselves.
No sympathy for the greedy rats when an exterminator comes to drive them out
we eat the night
we drink the time
make our dreams come true
>no, jew hang up