Police calls unarmed teen "b**** ass motherf***er" and shoots him dead

> “b**** ass motherf***er,” the Chicago police officer says as unarmed 18-year-old Paul O’Neal lays dead or dying on the ground.

>“Get your hands behind your back. f***ing shoot at us…”

>Except O’Neal never shot at police on July 28. The only shots fired came from multiple officers who shot at the teen as he first fled in a stolen Jaguar, then ran on foot through backyards in the area of 75th and Merrill in the city’s South Shore neighborhood.

>“They shot at us too, right?” an officer asks after as O’Neal lays bleeding from a gunshot wound to the back in an unsuspecting citizen’s driveway.

>“I shot at the car after it almost hit you,” another officer replies. “Dude, I heard shots and f***ing shot at him.”

>These were the scenes caught on videos released today by the Independent Police Review Authority. While they don’t make clear who is responsible for the fatal shot, the videos do show that police thought O’Neal was shooting at them during a chaotic car chase that ended with the teen dead on Chicago cement. O’Neal, who had rammed a Chicago police squad car just before he was shot in the back and killed, is black; several of the officers who opened fire that day are white. One appears to be Hispanic.

>For more than a week now rumors have been flying within the Chicago Police Department about what actually happened the day O’Neal was killed. A police source told The Daily Beast that one story had O’Neal ramming a squad car and backing up for a second try when a passenger officer opened fire on the teen, but that doesn’t appear to be the case according to the videos released today.

Source: thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/08/05/video-cops-shoot-teen-cal-and-scream-bitch-ass-motherfucker.html

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Bitch ass motherfucker knew what was coming family. I see no problems


As far as you know bitch ass mother fucker is that niggers actual name.
Niggers have the strangest names.

Still stole a car, ran and tried to run over people.

He called him a badass motherfucker because he respected him
nothing to see here

>O'Neal was driving a stolen car
>Camera shows he tried to hit an officer

He dindu nuffin tho he a gud boi he wuz kang n shiet

...so? i applaud the cop

Watched the video and the black man narrowly missed the officer with his car. There's no excuse for attempting to kill a cop. I could care less what the officer called him, the criminal is fucking vermin.

>Still stole a car, ran and tried to run over people.

Summary execution should not be an acceptable response to criminal activity

The dude, at the time of being shot, was on foot, unarmed, obviously not being an active threat

Ban assault cars


also had a big ass screwdriver in his bag . Probably fixing up his local church or something

the other one

>dead on the cement
>not concrete


>tries to runs over cop
>he did do nuthin

thread discarded

Did you miss the part about trying to run over people? Black dudes used lethal force first. Trying to run over someone with your car is just as much a threat as someone shooting at someone.

One less congoïd in the streets. Godspeed police

he also crashed head on into another police car.


Attempted vehicular homicide of a police officer is a justifiable reason for killing the criminal.

i was watching cnn and before they went to commercial they led off with
>coming up newly released and deeply disturbing body cam footage of police shooting a teen is causing massive outrage ect
and the clip they showed was from the other officer and it completely left out the shot where the nig almost ran the other cop over

>one on one
>two on one
>three on one
>and one for fun

he was just running away he was a good boy he dindu nuffin

jokes aside, even if you let the 2 cops shooting at the car slide, the third cop (whose body cam footage mysteriously didnt get released) shot the nigger to death as he was running away. literally shot him in the back. thats v&

how did he get that car its too nice.

Is the sentence for assault with a vehicle execution by firing squad?

Was the policeman a federally appointed judge?

Was the suspect in a courtroom at the time of the shooting?

Is this the kind of social government we want?

The officer could've shot his partner!

Here, have a reply.

play nigger games

>assault with a vehicle
You mean attempted murder

>gets called a badass motherfucker

These niggernoggers will never be happy will they

heres a thought, dont run from the police


>You mean attempted murder

Chicago abolished the death penalty in 2011

All were executed by lethal injection. Governor Pat Quinn signed legislation on March 9, 2011 to abolish the death penalty in Illinois, and commuted the death sentences of the fifteen inmates on Illinois' death row to life imprisonment.
List of people executed in Illinois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As you can see, there is no reason or legal authority the police had to execute this unarmed and unvehicled man other than "Oops"

Video or it didn't happen

Everytime i read about about the US its either massshootings/massmurders or cops killing unarmed people or Trump/Hillary. Does nothing good ever happen over there? Are you proud of your country and are you happy?

>firing your weapon in the direction of your partner
this could of turned into a real shit show

I was watching the same thing and they did show the nig speeding past the guy who opens the door and almost gets ran over like a retard. What where you watching?

from the angle they showed it looked like the cop was standing on the sidewalk
from the body cam of that particular cop you can see him have to jump out of the way

he stole it, literally why they were chasing him

turns out nigs are gonna nig who knew

Every shot was into the body of the vehicle.

At no point was the partner in danger unless he crossed the road and jumped in front of the car.

How do you think

He wuz drivan two churc an sheeeiit

>attempted homicide
>"he dindu nuffin"

One errant shot into the window could go right through and hit his partner. Even a shot into the door could potentially pierce through the thin bodywork and out the other side.

I applaud the police for removing this obvious threat to decent society, but that was a particularly poor move on his part.

It's ok. You can swear here shill-slider.

You can swear on the internet, jujulipz

Good point, senpai

I think in some cases, like Philando Castile, the police obviously committed crimes and should face jail time.

But when you steal a fucking car, get in a police chase, smash into 2 police cars and nearly run a cop over, you're going to get your ass shot.

Maybe they violated some policies, but they were generally in the right.

I'm a liberal and voting for Shillary, but even I can see BLM doesn't really have an effective argument here.


Judges when?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

And no, i don't care if he was summarily executed without a trial because I'll never steal a car and attempt to hit a cop with it. The cop should get a bonus for saving society the cost of a trial and imprisoning that scum

Whats the back story here?

Chaotic situation, not sure how police protocol works for particulars like this but I could totally see the first cop to shoot's reaction being reasonable.

The guy was not "unarmed," he tried to hit a cop with a stolen vehicle. Again, not closely familiar with the law but I'm quite sure that's attempted homicide.

You're lying. You know he was trying to get away. Just be a man and say you think niggers should get shot dead for committing crimes. But don't be a fucking pussy and lie(like the pigs do) and say he was twyin ta wun me ova. No he wasn't, you wanted to shoot a nigger dead and that's what you did.

The cop literally jumped out of his car while the guy was driving in that direction head on..

>steal car
>ram cop cars
>not expect to die


liberals are trying to give criminal scum free passes

guess what faggots?

you do really fucked up shit do not expect to live

It's Brazil.
The cop knew that the only way to keep them off the streets was to kill them, Judge Dredd style.

Shot him in the back. Whites are so brave.

Good cop killing a thug

No big deal.

>the videos do show that police thought O’Neal was shooting at them

Case closed

Kikes are so gay

>Philando Castile
wasn't that the nigga that literally bragged about having a gun and then reached for his side (to take his licence or something like that)
that's the main problem with dead black people. Their communication with police is always too shady, always talking with resentment or something. Then they do something strange (like reaching for his pocket, chimping out, pointing his fingers like a gun) and then get shot

>a dead nigger
Not my problem, really

BLM, police, and race relations are what get ratings. The issue is way overblown, especially for people who live outside of major urban areas. Also keep in mind there are 350 million people here, it's not exactly difficult to find some story of some dindu getting shot by cops and play it up massively.

>steal a car
>try to run over police officers with it

What could go wrong?

Castile was a career criminal that earned every bullet he received.

If someone is willing to try and kill a cop, they probably are willing to do just as bad or worse to anyone else they come across, who knows what else they would have done or who else they would have hurt. If getting shot is the only way to get you to stop running then so be it, if he stopped, put his hands up and got on the ground, the whole thing could have been avoided entirely, why do people always make excuses for criminals?

Very well summed up. Sweden needs to stop taking the news at face value.

Really trying to bait me hard, huh?

Have your (you)

More happenings when? Also what happens if the Hispanic police killed him?

> dindu steals car
> tries to run cops over with it
> cops put wild nog down

any non-criminal nigger would have stopped.

the kikes have no shame, you know that?

You can either have soft police or niggers, can't have both.

Good job! Kill all the niggers.

Nigger steals=dead nigger

The only solution.

Does no one understand the fleeing felon/ public safety exemption????

Bitch ass motherfucker shouldnt have stolen that jaguar.

He got what he deserved, fucking nigger.


If a dindu will try to kill a cop with his car, dontcha think maybe he'd run over civilians/kids too! Or grab hostages. Once you cross a line, they are obligated to protect the public.


Like when these brave cops defended themselves from this big scary nigger?

>good boy borrows a car to get to church since he can't afford one because racist whitey won't give him a job
>gets brutally gunned down by a police execution squad judge dredd style as he rushes to return the car

you make me sick amerifats

I'm no auto mobile expert or anything but I'm pretty sure that model Jaguar can travel slightly faster than that.

Wtf i hate judge dredd now

It isn't. Police can not kill somebody as "punishment" for their crime. If they are not a threat at the time of being shot, then that is wrong. Killing somebody while they are a threat is one thing, killing somebody as punishment for being a threat at an earlier time is out of line.

Not that I really give a damn about this guy, but a bad precedent is gonna be set soon, where running from the police, period, will justify the police shooting you dead.

USA is the best country ever.

We kill niggers when they misbehave.

every fucking time, all I can say is- play stupid games win stupid prizes

>Also what happens if the Hispanic police killed him?

They will do the same thing they did with Zim-zam, call him "white".

"White" is newspeak for "bourgeois" and "black" for "proletariat". It's all just pseudo-marxism.

They dumbed down the vernacular so their uneducated followers can understand the concept better. Also to help split this thing along racial lines with identity politics which is easier to sell to uneducated angry masses.

Well this doesn't sound biased at all.

Fuck you CTR shill

Fuck you BLM

Don't break the law, don't try to kill police, don't get shot it's pretty fucking simple.

If he attempted murder, he is still a threat, car or not. Gun or not. Once intent is established, it must be neutralized. PROTECT and serve.

never mind i cant read good n shiet :^)


If the person tried to run over/injure a cop but then tries to get away, cops should not forcibly stop them? Is almost getting run over not proof of the suspect's intent to do harm?

>Don't break the law
As we all know whites who break the law are summarily executed during attempted apprehension

The kind of people who defend cops no matter what don't imagine they will ever be on the receiving end of this kind of behavior. They don't seem to realize that cops have harassed people and entered their homes based on unfounded suspicions and that raising your voice or not complying quickly enough can be considered "resisting arrest."
I've even seen some of these faggots compare police to parents, and police brutality to discipline. Can you imagine being such a submissive little bitch that you consider another grown man your daddy just because he's wearing a uniform?
This is a country that was founded on rebellion and not being pushed around. Yet pussies (mostly right wingers) bury their heads in the sand when it comes to police misconduct while ironically collecting firearms to combat the tyranny that has already arrived.

Hey, my granny says that too. Neat.

the police DID ask him to go to trial and respond to the car theft charges- it was his choice to have the speedy trial he received
you're either a troll or a fucking idiot
here's another (you) anyway