BREAKING: Angela Merkel Grants Amnesty to 2 MIO Illegal muslim Aliens

> German government flooding the job market
> Refugees about to compete with natives
> "Illegal aliens can apply for all jobs without academic verification"
> Doctors
> Rocket scientists
> Engineers

Other urls found in this thread: working for one euro in flüchtling


As expected.

I hope you lads enjoy the continent wide civil war that's coming in 2-3 generations

She going to finally hold a press conference?

hi where are the source

2-3 generations

memes were not in your plans
euros will be free sooner than you think


when Germany wants to find a way to dispense with EU law and worker protections, its no problem. any other member state wants the same its a big problem

just fucking end me now

Now they are changing the law so the immigrants can be used for what they were really invited. Low wage slaves.

And not a WORD about it in the entire Lügenpresse. Only alternative media reporting this

Opening the german job market for the entire world, and the socialist party made this possible

German oligarchy that is responsible for this needs to be destroyed, entire german economy needs to be annihilated.

>Now they are changing the law so the immigrants can be used for what they were really invited. Low wage slaves.

Most of them are already working for $1/hr


Everybody in who knows their shit knew this was going to happen. Merkel already said in the beginning of the year that this is basically done just for cheap labour and mindless consumers to stay in the capitalist game.

Lets just hope they won´t be allowed to get their families so easily and move away on their own when they can´t find a woman, i.e. reproduction. Can´t see more than 50k of the shitskins finding a white looking female.

>rocket scientists
I always get a kick out of this because everyone knows Germany hasn't had any rocket scientists since the US and Soviet Union kidnapped the Nazi ones.

France(ArianeSpace) designs and manufactures all non-Russian European rockets now.

Marine Le Pen, September 7 2015

>Germany probably thinks its population is moribund, and it is probably seeking to lower wages and continue to recruit slaves through mass immigration,” Marine Le Pen said in Marseille, refusing to admit that pure benevolence was Germany’s only motive.

>Le Pen criticised European politicians for “exploiting the suffering of these poor people who cross the Mediterranean Sea.”

>“They are exploiting the death of the unfortunate in these trips organized by mafia, they show pictures, they exhibit the death of a child without any dignity just to blame the European consciences and make them accept the current situation,” the National Front leader said.

>Most of them are already working for $1/hr

I can assure you no more than 50-100k of around 1.5 million total work. The rest does jack shit.

>Most of them are already working for $1/hr

most of them don't work period, its already been admitted.

waifu knows what up

LEL family reunions for 2 million 'refugees' are 'suspended' until early 2018.

The family reunions will happen right after the 2017 elections, BILD newspaper is projecting that to be another 4-5 million additional shitskins.

Psalm 9:17
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Act like a filthy goy, get treated like one. It's simple.

>I can assure you no more than 50-100k of around 1.5 million total work. The rest does jack shit.

The rest aren't asylum seekers, they have "Duldung" status and most of them are deported. But those with asylum mostly work for the JobCenter for $1/hr

oh no wait it's not the hot one I take it back

Fewer than 500 have jobs in Sweden out of 160,000

How many real germans are gonna exist in 100 years?



There was a damning government report last year Australia did into refugees, it was a staggering 96% NEVER work and remain on benefits for life after getting permanent residence, and furthermore the 'work ethic' becomes a generational pattern of their kids and grandkids leeching benefits and dropping out of school.

The statistics are there to evidence all this and the report is easily found through a search

>most of them are deported

Just google it paddie working for one euro

>most of them are deported.

kek, keep dreaming. They weren´t able to properly deport people in the last 40 years, this won´t change now. Maybe if the AfD gets 20-30% they will start shitting their pants and start applying AfD policies in secret to avoid civil war.

yea look, I hate Ferkel as much as anybody else here, but posting Sup Forumsfiction is bs

>2 MIO
How many is that?

Jesus Christ Germany why are you not out in the fucking streets with torches and pitchforks?? God damn how pathetic are you?

>> "Illegal aliens can apply for all jobs without academic verification"
Are you ready for your machete surgereons to start working?

>they have "Duldung" status and most of them are deported

not being deported. they 'lost' their papers and where their identity is known the sending countries are viewed as unsafe. they are told to self deport, but most just disappear.

2 million media numbers = 3,5 million real numbers

Sweet, time to get a tan and get some Euros.

The refugees have already cost Germany more than they will ever produce, and in fact they won't produce, they will be a net negative.

Here in Norway we calculated what immigrant groups are worth, and non-western immigrants create -4 million nok, eastern european produce -700k and western immigrants produce +700k. I doubt it will be much different in Germany.

That doesn't mean they'll be hired...

>kek, keep dreaming. They weren´t able to properly deport people in the last 40 years


Most of them got deported

fun fact: they made the decision public during the olympic's opening show

pls send help

Before us lies Germany
Inside us marches Germany
and Behind us Germany follows

why lie? you talk about "most" being deported. the figures for forcible deportation for 2015:

22,369 up from 13,851 the previous year.

Kind of odd because i still see a lot of


around here.

Hm, really makes me think.

Are you retarded?

t. angela merkel shill

1. Put shitskin in deportation prison camps, gruesome conditions, only the most basic necessities covered, zero quality of life
2. Treat them as if they were regular prisoners if they chimp out, forced labor while they are there
3. Offer them a plane ticket to a destination outside the EU

> German government flooding the job market
I think you mean the welfare market.

By 2020 the tanned German engineers won't even be able to reverse-engineer their own hardware made decades ago. It's time to bail the country before the South Africa tier lynchings start happening, Hanz.

That's actually a good point. No member state is allowed to privilige groups of people by giving them easier access to the job market. Any rightist lawyers around to sue them?

I see, would of thought Eastern Europeans would of at least been a slight positive figure as long as they didn't settle there with family.

That were the figures in the UK, Eastern European migrants were a net positive to the economy, until they decided to settle/bring family over.

>when they can´t find a woman
Haha, who are you kidding? Refugees are fucking German women left and right. They don't have any problems finding women.


And don't think you can just give them EU passports and send them to the UK because we are fucking outta here.

well they have to show the job cannot be filled by a) a German and b) an EU citizen, but thats out the window.

oh and the German govt. was lying about the contacts between Wurzburg and Ansbach attackers, they were both in touch with IS. really makes you think.

[citation needed]


Ironically all this media hype is bullshit. Romanians and Bulgarians don't settle in the UK, just work and send money home. It's the fucking Poles who don't work, are on benefits and bring their hive with them. Tigan immigrants are shit and nothing but thieves too.

>Treat them as if they were regular prisoners

Give them PS3s rather than PS2s?

But how many of the "refugees" are actually - doctors, rocket scientists, engineers?

I bet 99% of them can't do much more than dig ditches for a living.

I think I understand her master plan:
1. Flood all of Europe with Muslims until society begins to break down.
2. Go full Auschwitz and begin a muslim holocaust (a real one)
3. No other Euro country is evil enough to do this, soon Germany is pure in a sea of filth.

> most of them are deported.

I don't think it means what you think it means.
No one is getting deported at the moment.

Marine's the brains and she's been on point lately.

probably less than 0.001%, a tiny number. they are just economic migrants without any transferable skills fleeing unemployment. in flüchtling

> Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrt Zentrum

Or short : DLR


Don't worry. The civil-war / purge will happen before that point.

Right at the start they told us that 40% of them were academics. Which is kind of strange since even in a first world high tech country like germany only 30% of all people are academics.

But then they found out that most of them can't even read and write their own fucking language.

And if i remember correctly you need to be able to read and write rather flawlessly if you want to get into that PhD programe for future rocket scientists.

Your google search has not even 1/10 of the results compared to amount of refugees that arrived kek

lol shitty western doctors and scientists.
You don't need to know how to read and write if you can formulate the string theory in your mind by yourself.

That is wishful thinking. She is getting orders directly from Soros & Company.

>coming in 2-3 generations
Kek. Just like I'm going to have my next meal within the next 2 years.

Doesn't germany have unions so they can't really be fired at all?

What are the actual impacts of someone pretending to be a doctor that isn't?

it's so fucked. Our government outright lies to us - they knew exactly that those who will come are retarded mudslimes - and there are still more people who support the refugees than people who want merkel out of office

Did anyone ever believe they were there to work or pay taxes?

They are there to vote and keep the same Socialist trash in power for ever.

They are rewarded with welfare.


Duh, only few girls post about this on forums. The real number is obviously much higher.

There will be no civil war. We're fucked. Oh well. At least America has more time than Germany

Holy shit that image is creepy. What a truly ugly motherfucker.

2-3 gens
Make it this and next gen. btw, how is your racewar going. Civil War 2.0, the ensalvement of white america



Fucking this.

I'd just like to interject to say that Auschwitz proper (with the "Arbeit Macht Frei" entrance. cinema, water reservoir/"swimming pool" etc.) was primarily the camp for non-Jews in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp system. Birkenau was the Jewish camp.

t. born in Oświęcim (Auschwitz)

When Germany goes fourth reich and gasses all their migrants and migrant children in 2025 the world will not intercede this time, but join them.

Merkel doesn't give a fuck because she's old and so won't be held responsible when some Austrian hero comes along again in politics and makes the German people realize their government no longer serves them.

This news is over 6 month old.

Today, over 90% in germany want the borders closed and stop the influx.

>"Illegal aliens can apply for all jobs without academic verification"
When are you faggot Krauts going to hang this cunt?

closing the borders is the fucking least that is needed to be done.

They will produce indirectly.
Think of the stocking up on social workers, bureaucrats, accountants, security forces, kindergarden teachers...needed to subvert the slaves they will produce.

I just hope we will use camps for this.

who in CDU has the balls to demand a leadership contest and knife Merkel?

B-but we can't close the borders. Because of reasons.

t. Merkel

Seriously, Merkel's reign is the biggest clusterfucks of all fucks i have ever seen in my life this far. And i'm almost 40.

It's sooooooo fucked up, holy fuck.

>Who is Brutus
No one, they are all deep in merkels colon, and that one is thighter as a 12 year old boi pussy.

it's going to be 2020, if not before

likely 10 years, 20-30 years max

rapefugee cost was revised to 30 billion per year, and i'd say that was still a conservative estimate. i'd say around fifty percent of the money rapefugees receive will flow out of Germany to wherever they came from.

No one. Merkel is East German. She knew you had to purge your own inner party before you can bring a country to its knees.

PASTOR's daughter Angela Merkel

Yeah, clearly, the lack of fucking Christianity is the problem with that whore.

If you can't win them over, replace them.

t. Merkel

How was Schroeder for a comparison?