Fucking really?
People giving out their legally acquired names is BAD
But letting those fags SHILL this place is fine?
Fucking really?
People giving out their legally acquired names is BAD
But letting those fags SHILL this place is fine?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you faggots have zero integrity?
Yeah, it goes against everything Sup Forums stands for. People need to be aware of what is happening not being suppressed and kept ignorant.
Free speech idiot kys
Just realized this, mods are deleting anti shill threads jesus christ fucking mods have no shame well they're also paid shills anyway.
What does CTR mean
holy shit is another thread gone??
mods are some serious vacuum cleaning shits these days
fucking maids
>0.05 dollarydoos has been deposited into your account
This place imploded on itself because it's more than half autistic
Correct the record or some shit like that, they are paid clinton shills based out of DC(?)
How long have you been here? 1 week? Don't reply to shill threads. Ignore shill threads and hide them. Don't make shill complaint threads. Respond to actual political discussion, easy.
newfag here, what does CTR stand for?
I AM SO SICK of this vast right wing conspiracy proclaiming there's a Correct The Record army of paid shills!
Last 2 I was in
People were just posting public info of the people that run CTR, which have done paid shilling on this place
Boggles the mind that MODS would be letting the SHILLS do their thing whilst clearing out any evidence of the SHILLS themselves
>Gimme gimme chicken tendies,
>be they crispy or from Wendys.
>Spend my hard-earned good-boy points,
>on Kid's Meal ball pit burger joints.
>Mummy lifts me to the car,
>to find me tendies near and far.
>Enjoy my tasty tendie treats,
>in comfy big boy booster seats.
What? Giving out names?
Explain please
Fucking idiot. At least learn what that means and applies to first.
kek have fun for now shills all your shit is on freenet now.
Canadian Troll Regime
Probably because the CTR shills are reporting every anti-hill thread and people who come here all the time never seem to report any fucking threads unless it's CP. It's our own fault for not reporting them like we should be so fucking get on it
>anonymous board
Yeah it's worse than them not doing their jobs on here it's actively working against the board. Anybody remember the chat logs revealing that some of the mods are unironically tumblr tier
>look! the identities of private citizens whose politics we dislike!
>I'm not saying we should threaten or harass them or anything, that would be really bad
>but I'm sure you people who intensely LOATHE these named enemies will use this information responsibly ;^)
lurk moar
try it out, lurk this thread
see if you can find the answer
Crash Team Racing
>that lets a business run paid raids on it
Dude we get banned for reporting them
"Correct the record" it is a $6 million dollar funded group paid by the Hillary campaign to go into forums and flood pro Hillary propaganda.
Some are being paid up to 10k to sit and post all day against trump.
What, you want to be anonymous on an anonymous imageboard?
Lel get with the times oldfag
>trumptards so assblasted that they're going insane and becoming even more paranoid
Accept reality, for your own sake
do you report them?
Link doesn't work
Its happened to me, got a 3 day ban for ""false reporting""
>Trump shills don't get paid
ok m8
Don't you hate on the best kart racer from the 90s!
Yes, but mods are also shill so they ignore shill threads.
you all have been warned. this is what happens when you make an enemy out of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Soros
cease and desist
Why don't mods just know to delete anything I don't like. I mean come on. What year is it?
Ive noticed a pattern where the threads sort of autosage but they dont sage, they just dissappear entirely from the catalog, you can refresh and they are still there, they dont 404 or say "this thread has been pruned or deleted"
They just dont show up or get any replies, like some sort of shadow delete or something
But bitching about moderation is against the global rules.
Spamming accusations of shilling without proof there are paid shills here should probably too, but I digress.
t. shill
Having the contrary opinion is not necessarily a bannable offense
And why not she's the George Washington of our time
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
If Trump offered money in exchange for shilling I wouldnt be his supporter.
So doxxing people is the equivalent of 'ruining' (with facts and logic instead of fluoride conspiracy theories and le epic memes) your sekrit club hugbox?
Bump limit mate
link does work, try again
>with no proof
NIGGER are you kidding me?
Have you been on Sup Forums in the last 3 days?
Mods need to ban the Autists trolling other Autists by making terrible copy pasta pro-Hillary threads thus trying (and intensely succeeding) at triggering other Autists who believe CTR is spending all of their budget shilling us, instead of plebbit, normiebook, twatter, and instanigger. Because apparently millions of dollars only get as many threads started as 2-3 faggots from /intl/ or SRS could do, for free.
But hey no one comes to Sup Forums to troll us, it's all shills. You naive little newfags. You are officially more cringey than when gamergate got stale.
anyway I would be happy if mods banned anyone who starts a Hillary thread (since we know no one actually likes her) and limit CTR threads to one thread at any time and ban anyone who spergs out
BS last threads was at 304 I've seen threads here hit 500+ replies even with bump limit they still there they just don't dispensary
Wow, it's almost as if all this CTR shill stuff is all in your heads. Could it be that maybe there isn't a vast, left-wing conspiracy at work to destabilize Sup Forums and that maybe, just maybe, outside of this right-wing tumblr echo chamber, Trump is as hugely unpopular as the media is reporting.
Gosh, could that be it?
Mods are liberal faggots,a wouldn't be surprised if they sold out to CTR themselves
>without proof
3 days of anti-Trump shit that has never been here before
CTR whistle blower reveals info
CTR is the business that runs paid shilling online, which just increased its budget
I don't give a fuck about anti-Trump stuff, I care about anti-Trump stuff that's a clear targeted raid
Prove the people you're doxing are here, right now, paid to post.
Failure to do so based on your accusations would be considered libel in some jurisdictions
The shills are here, it is real, I was in the CTR BTFO thread that got 404'd, sorry m8 but the only reason I can think they got shutdown was the doxxing
Milo has explicity mentioned this place on kikebart, and other places like the Washington Post and HuffPo started mentioning this place.
They know where the major support for Trump comes from now and they are targeting us.
but they publicly put that they work for CTR whose mission statement is to shill.
then they come here and don't praise kek. what'd you expect?
Hold on let me get my desktop booted up and I'll start making even better fake emails than the "10% termination fee" one
That shit wouldn't have fooled anyone in 2004 you're all a fucking disgrace
I saved the thread where people discussed how they were going to hack the CTR Wordpress site ("it's insecure because it's open sauce!" "They use plugins, I'll be inside in 30 minutes") in case I ever need to commit suicide by giving myself cancer
Doxxing is fine if it's done legally with public information
Businesses and people need to be held accountable for their actions, whether it's on an anonymous board or serving the public directly
The thread I'm talking about had 11 replies, one of which was me
Here's your proof you shilling faggot
>CTR whistle blower
Oh wow, you really believe that. Couldn't possibly be some shitposter baiting you huh? Must be a inside whistleblower here to save your Chinese cartoon board?
Fucking wew
I don't care about anti-Trump stuff
I do care about paid raids
>implying anti-shill threads aren't off topic
Believing that people are paid to disagree with you on the Internet is not a political topic, it's something you should talk about with your therapist
blatant shilling is very different than freedom of speech you fucking mong.
Jesus Christ you kids are a fucking disgrace. How did we go from the pool closing hate machine to the all believing gullible newfag machine
It means the person saying it suffers delusions caused by paranoia
>17 hours in MS Paint
Learn how to take care of your fucking equipment you goddamn piece of shit.
>ayy lmao fuck free speech, muh freeze preach am I rite ladies?
>Jesus Christ you kids are a fucking disgrace. How did we go from the pool closing hate machine to the all believing gullible newfag machine
(((((You))))) are not us, you get paid by a PAC to sow dissent
Okay I see what you meant, I've noticed that before too. You will have an obvious bullshit thread with like 10 replies last six hours until it's bumped higher, and then a useful disappear for no reason in like one hour
>its daytime in Burgerland
>Sup Forums is a pro Hillary anti Trump shit show
>its nighttime in Burgerland
>Sup Forums is back to normal
Really unironically made me think. Damn..
What's pathetic is your attempt to cover the truth, shill
Crying This isnt Reddit
It's the rallying cry of pussies who wish they could still downvote things
That is some real wishful thinking if you honestly believe that's real. Nice trips though faggot.
this, the copypasta threads explode during prime time then during off peak hours pol is back to normal
Thanks for the chuckle
Leddit friendo
>Vehemently dissuading post
I wonder who could be behind this?
It's possible, and it should be followed up
Of note, the shilling calmed down when someone was outside CTR HQ
your soul is in danger
Yea leave me alone
I downvote you bitch.
You get paid to sow dissent, your """"opinion"""" is not shared here
Not at all
There's a big difference between different opinions and raids, raids which could be run by a business
Plz I'm just horny for hill
> copypasta bait threads that are against the rules
> dissenting opinions
shill harder
The mods are on our side, retards. Some of the mods work for CTR themselves. There is nothing you can do about us. We will continue to post our pro-Hillary posts and continue to collect that sweet money.
>anyone who I disagree with is a shill
Cool dude