Could anything like the Max Headroom signal intrusion incident ever happen again?

Could anything like the Max Headroom signal intrusion incident ever happen again?

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why not?


This signal intrusion was pretty expensive (around 20k in equipment from what I remember) and took advantage of shitty tech from its era.

To have something powerful enough to overtake a TV signal would cost millions and probably be dealt with quickly.

It's still possible if someone works in a cable company I think.

How do you know how much the Max Headroom intrusion cost? No one ever located the perpetrators.

it's you

can you do it again during the opening ceremonies? say "Sup Forums was right again" k thx

Yes, easily. Regional EAS can usually be accessed with a IP and default password using not difficult to obtain software. You just gave to know an ip

Hey it's me

Probably not, where are you going to find a mask like that these days? Collector's items, man.

They fixed a lot of those systems after the whole "zombie apocalypse" hack that went around last year. A broadcast override is impossible now a days without a couple million worth of equipment.

I meant to say any kind of signal intrusion


Yes why not? They are just using normal computers there: Macs, PCs with Windows, maybe some Linux machines. I don't see why it should not be possible to hijack the line if you really want to do it. It probably takes a lot of preparation (installing backdoors, rootkits and stuff). If the computers are not directly connected to the internet, you'll probably have to get in an usb stick. The question is why. It's not an Iranian nuclear plant and nobody pays you for doing it.


it's just a prank bro

You would need something broadcasting a stronger signal than the TV station.

Define prank. Is it still a prank to steal a fucking OB van?

>they need to find the criminals to know how they did it and how much it would have cost.

Think for five fucking seconds.

Yes, however it would be more risky to do it again.

im pretty sure they figured out how it could have possibly been done

i mean it did happen again but i'm not entirely sure how


EAS is different than overriding a broadcast signal.

People knew the type of equipment that would have been needed to do it, and they knew how expensive that equipment was.

Okay, then it's quite easy. Find out what OB van is sending the live signal. Get in there with a team of guys with guns. Force them to send what you want them to send.

You just needed to have access to a tower and a strong enough power source back then. Could have been done with a $25 cable and the right know how.

And then have the studio say that ya being broadcast when really the cops are closing in on you. If you think a $250k van doesn't have a gps and coms with studio control, you're an idiot.

wait what do you mean "overtake" TV signal and what kind of "power" are we talking about here? powerful how?

If you broadcast something, it's on a frequency. If 2 things are on the same frequency, the broadcast with more power (wattage) will be the one that "wins".

I know but the question was if it is possible. I asked if it's okay to hijack an OB van. The other guy said it's okay, it's just a prank.

>it's just a prank bro


>"Terrorists attempt to steal news van to broadcast message of terror to the local community. More at 11, but first, here's Tonya with the weather"

I remember this, happened in my city, Chicago. You were dealing with analog microwave transmission then. Conceivably an electrician updating equipment could have taken some of the old equipment and with his know how accomplished this. Pretty impressive, and no one has ever been caught.

I mean it's Rio. They even rob the athletes in their apartments. It could be possible. Also you could deactivate the GPS device if you know where it's installed.

Did any of you guys hear about the guy who called into Coast to Coast AM claiming he worked at Area 51? Right when he was talking the satellite transmitting the signal went down.

You guys think that's the same sort of thing as Max Headroom

I know your feels user. Post this image next time you start a thread for instant (You)s and say "DRUMPF FAGS BTFO"

Except that caller was proven to be a fake. The shutdown was real. The caller even called in a few months later and tee acted his whole schtick. The shutdown is interesting but nothing is really known about it

Just flash your 'I'm With Her' card. They'll let you go.

Yeah, but those trucks are filled to the brim with monitors, computers, and equipment. Provided you already knew your way around the truck and where everything is, yes. However the more likely outcome of that situation is the truck getting stripped and the equipment sold on the street.

Bad acting.

yes I know of 3 ways but I aint posting them here

Just watched that. Do you think he shut down the satellite? I suppose it could just be a random glitch. Considering all of the things on the show are just conspiracies they'd be bound to be talking about something "classified" if their signal were to go out

This is an anonymous site my man. Its all good

Meaning yes, it could happen again.

Its unlikely to happen

surely if you're a person of such advanced knowledge you have a VPN and encrypt all traffic before sending it to a dedicated Tor node, right?

you mean you know how to override broadcast signals, but don't know the basics about staying user online?


It would be easier to momentarily kill power to a tower than it would be to kill a satellite feed. Especially in the mid 90's.

They never found out who it was or how much it cost.

This times a thousand

>expecting privacy
>in the British Caliphate


Any idea on how it could be done?

>implying that wasn't an accidental broadcast of a real pre-recorded emergency message.

Theoretically the same way the headroom incident happened. Another transmitter that was more powerful than Bell's that overrid his signal knocking him off the air. Given that he used to broadcast in Nevada, it's entirely likely that someone was hearing something they didn't want to.

It's also entirely possible that he wanted some controversy and did it himself.

Chicago old fag here. The rumor is user climbed a signal tower and used 4 microwave transformers in a kit he made to over power the tv signal temporarily. Don't listen to the liar on reddit that fabricated a gigantic lie for atention about the 2 brothers. I have spoken with several HAM radio operators with their own signal generators and repeaters abou this and they HAM community laughs at that bs story.



don't be such fucksticks...

tor is a medium strength cloaking system but most exit nodes are plants therefore chronological/packet analysis is evidence enough.
VPNs are sketchy too as most of their encryption mechanisms were backdoored since their inception or are 'certified' by stooges allowing man-in-the-middles.

Using either or both is a 'selector' in itself.

There are ways of over-running the entire internet (which also includes tv these days) but you need state/large corporate sized resources. I know of 3 ways but I'm not about to say them on Sup Forums

This is a meme that never actually happened. That's back when memes were just known as rumors.


It definitely happened leaf

The emergency alert system is different. The signal for the tone it puts out overrides normal broadcasting. That's why, for example, you can look up a bunch of fake EAS broadcasts on Youtube if you want to spoop yourself, but none of them have the actual tone in it because that could trigger the actual EAS.

the closest to this would be hacking a streaming video site. netflix and youtube are probably way too secure (would require a disgruntled employee), but maybe some lower tier one like dailymotion or liveleak.

>This is a meme that never actually happened.
Then what the fuck is this?

No. Max Headroom is actually why the elites forced "digital only over the air tv broadcasts" in the US and you had to buy a new antenna.

source: my dad is an elite.

Does he also work at Nintendo?



Fuck off faggot. If you know, post how. Otherwise, why the fuck did you post? Just to feel above people? Give yourself a bleach enema, please.

You need a tower on the same frequency and you need to have more power to emit a higher more powerfull frequency to overshadow the official one so a high fucking powered generator and a high antenna all movable so they cant locate you.

Yes, but the intrusion would have to be pretty much at the source of the network in order to propagate. It would be much more difficult to accomplish, but it could be done.

Content is delivered digitally now. You could pirate local antenna broadcasts, but no one watches those anymore. I believe OP was referring to current cable networks.

They also spammed porn on a Children's TV station once.

Any articles on that? Does that event have a name?

That's happened a few times. I thought it was a mistake from the station, not hacking

idk about him but mine works for zelda

more power at the receiver. distance also matters. you can broadcast at lower power if you're significantly closer.

There's plenty of domain-specific knowledge that nobody is going to share outside of others with the tech know-how.

I can think of at least one nightmare scenario in my area that wouldn't be too hard to do, but I ain't telling nobody that shit.

Didn't some guy in Missouri stream 90 seconds of porn over the Super Bowl a few years back?

Hey Eric/ Barron/ Donald.

Man I do love me some spoof EAS stuff in youtube.

shelter345 is the man.

It was Handy Manny in 2007 New Jersey and the 2009 Superbowl in Arizona.

Sounds like more RP to me, canacuck.

Not the same as hijacking a TV station but someone in Madison WI hijacked a radio station or something like that and played 10 minutes of Donald trump accepting the nomination

Could've just been the radio station being based Af tho