Why are the Transformers movies so gay?

Why are the Transformers movies so gay?

michael bay is secretly homosexual

I'd buy that.

There's only one Transformers movie. It wasn't particularly gay at the time, though the non-stop (literally non-stop, the music fades in before the visuals and doesn't stop until the end of the end credits) 80's soundtrack has a different feel in the modern era than it's relative mainstream style back then.

Looking at Megan Fox bending over that car made me want a huge throbbing cock in my mouth. How does he do it?

WTF?! I like men now!

Why are Iron Man and Captain America gay for each other?

If you look closely, Fox looks like an erect penis. Look at how her back bends and the position of her head. If that's not a subliminal boner I don't know what is.

Megan Fox has penis thumbs

>movies so gay?
Because horse face Micheal Bay can't make a movie that isn't 4 hours long and full of boring shit no one gives a fuck about that leads up to a 2 hour fight scene that looks like garbage being thrown at the screen.