What /pol hates the most? VOTE NOW
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not Jews
>Supported by Jews
>Hated by Jews
>Supported by Jews
Definitely jews. They're insidious, at least the other ones are up front about their intentions.
So far we have a winner!
Hillary surpassing the Jews!
Is there anything I forgot to list in the pol?
You forgot to add Sup Forums.
The Jewish agenda is supported by lesbians, Feminists, SJW cucks, socialist whores, and morons. Obama, Hillary are the willing puppets of the Jewish bankers which support Israels evil undermining and takeover of the western world. They, Bush, Obama, Hillary have sold their souls for power, and to hell with the fools who have voted for them.
POL is very diverse it turns out.
What about Trump? He is also pro-Israel.
Muslims-Arabs are bio-weapons of war that the Jews use against us.
3rd World immigration = a Jewish bioweapon
Don't give the "Jews" a pass. This whole crap was choreographed because the EU is a tyranny of billionaire Zionist Jews. And the Germans can't do enough about this hostile invasion because of the Holohoax...The Rothschild Jewish Mafia-the same cabal ( and it's agents, assets, allies ) is using these hostile invaders to destroy Europe. The same cabal is responsible for the destruction of Iraq, Syria, Libya...
Make sure to vote in the featured poll about trannies too. It's split almost 50-50 right now.
I will. Forgot about them for a second.
there needs to be more votes in internationalism also why arent gays their own interest group i mean femenism gets theirs
>posts from countries flooded with mudslimes
No surprise here
Wtf i hate deciding my preferences now
>can't vote for moon worshipping goat fuckers
Nice try, Ahmed
S a u c e
Switzerland : 8,3% muslim (LOOOOOOL)
Canada : 3,2%
you totally missed it
Muslim and immigration is a weapon use by european left aka nazis ( hittler was just a leftist who hate jews and want to create an unified europe under german control )
look your country there aren't any jews left and you're full of muslims raping all of your woman
you can thanks your nazis gov
Monroe something
didn't do any hardcore shit, the most explicit thing she did was some lame lesbian stuff
Muslims, although arguably they would be under "browns".
The world would be a lot better without it. Even your universities wont be so fucking shit.
Right, Muslims and Faggots.
>Jews in the lead
I'm proud of you, Sup Forums
I voted internationalism but also believe a certain group is behind it.
her name is kateryna kozlova
Kateryna Kozlova Monroe
>learn to image search
if you voted anything but jews, communism or atheism you should probably get out of that board
Anzu posters
>no option for bootlickers
I'll go with blacks then
for you brother
>Not adding Turkroaches
>Not adding Greeks
>Not adding Canadians
>Not adding Australians
You dun goofed OP, shitposters are one of the things we hate as well.
Why dont you apologise for the 606660 billion you prick.
Leftism, liberalism, socialism, centrism, conservativism are all acceptable in white homogemous society aka Hitlers Europe.
Todays leftism is just a tool used by jews/globalists to destroy white society. Another example christianity misused by globalist pope. These are just tools to control less intelligent masses and in the right hands (Hitlers) such tools can be very beneficial. In the hands of jews they become weapons of mass destruction.
They are comparatively harmless.
all this shit is nothing compared to communism and jews
The only thing saving your suicidal asses is the Atlantic Ocean
Trudeau would have turned Toronto into Greater Dearborn by now.
Every signle one of those things can be traced back to jews. Dumb poll
im a few mounths here on pol now and still dont know if this jew hate is just a joke or if you guys are serious.
>h-help america p-please
- Europe in a decade
eerrrrr... muslims u fucktard
if you help your enemies they win
>does not hate jews
Do you also hate white people and support open borders/refugee shit? Do you automatically apologise when someone mentions j-word?
>>Not Jews
All prominent atheists (bill maher etc) are in fact Jews though.
actually muslims rule the world with oil just imagine if all the oil dissapear
>can't choose Canadians
shit poll
Sup Forums hates OP the most
Sup Forums warned up to faggots a little when they realized Muslims are actually a threat. And Milo happened.
I doubt they're anywhere near the top of the list now.
>monroe looks this old now
breast implants were a mistake
i dont hate anyone im to lazy to feel that kinda emotion. im aware about the fact that races differ in iq which is the most important factor in building a great society. im also aware that whites are on the 3rd place on this scale right behind north east asians and JEWS. so i just have the suspicion that your hatred of the jews is just based in jealousy. you guys are basically like niggers how can not understand why whites are more succesful. hardest redpill to swallow is always the pill which confronts you with the fact that you or your group are not the best.
Wtf I'm a commie now
Why did she get breast implants instead of dental work?
360 people voted so far.
Anyone who did not vote communism needs to be nuked.
Jews are number 1. Really? Same retarded logic makes blacks hate whites for being more successful. Or feminists hating men for being more successful. Shit that's a commie's way of thinking.
Y'all fucking commies.
Nothing I said means our politicians are any better.
I'm just saying the Atlantic Ocean saved your ass from becoming Germany or Sweden.
Their is an lgbt Sup Forums so it's not the faggots that are the problem. It's the lobby behind it with George Soros that's behind it.
Spot the guy who's never had to live anywhere close to niggers
>not the work of jews
Treat the cause, not the symptom.
Nope, nothing to do with jews inteligence. If they minded their business (kek) I wouldnt have any problems with them.
But jews are the enemy of white people. They will do anything and everything to destroy white society thats why I hate them.
>implying communism and jews are not the same
Potato Italy, ffs...
>replied again 30minutes later
glad you found something to damage control yourself out of that pickle
nigger said:
Nope, nothing to do with whites inteligence. If they minded their business (kek) I wouldnt have any problems with them.
But whites are the enemy of black people. They will do anything and everything to destroy black society thats why I hate them.
Nobody's perfect
>Posts from Jewish banking haven
Your nose is showing.
if you motherfuker had black skin you would now block the traffic in britian with your follow black queens and kings.
if this is pols honest opinion about jews you guys are pathetic.
Stormniggers and Sandniggers.
Both end with the word nigger too.
Sup Forums is an ultra-right Zionist board.
Mate, I'd kill Marx and Lenin a million times. But that won't stop the machine they created. Go ahead, fight the Jews while fucking atheist westerners, feminists and blacks implement communism.
I got nigs in my town. They aren't as criminal as the locals. Yet.
>no muslim option
Pol doesn't like Jews you commie fuck have you seen the poll?
That would be my number 1.
Where is the coalburner option?
KEK the Daily strawpoll you fags know what to do.
Where's the mudslime option?
Jews = Communism + Liberals + Atheists + Internationalism + Blacks + Brown + Feminism
>Jews are number 1. Really?
Are you new here? Without Jews we don't have all this subverting degeneracy and multiculturalism. And without Israel we don't have 30 years of middle eastern conflicts creating millions of refugees.
I'm impressed Sup Forums hasn't lost site of the true enemy.
All problems stem from Jews
Eliminate the Jews, and the world will find peace
You probably never researched the subject yet you're still smug about it. Every time
>dem bags
I guess the degeneracy is taking its toll...
Jews are the cause of all the other things though.
>Not jews
Are you stupid or something? Hollywood makes thousand Anti-Christian movies a year, just watch Spotlight for instance - all jews in the mainroles uncovering supposed rapes by christian priests. Atheists are created by jews.
Communism is a jewish invention you retard. This was a fact accepted by the general public until post-ww2 when everything got memory-holed.
See (((Liberals))), (((Internationalism)))
Anti-racism pushed by (((Them)))
Neutral. Holier-than-thou [kek] Anti-Theists are shit tier though.
If the rest of them stayed in other countries I couldn't care less what they did
I can't tell if they're shills or just newfags who never bother to research.
Literally look at the fucking history, history of africa, thousands of years and 0 progress. Thats why nigs hate whites, because whites consider nigs subhuman (which is justified).
Look at history of jews l, everywhere they went they got kicked out because instead of integrating and contributing they shat the place up. The exact same thing is happening again in western world right now. Thats why I hate them. You have to be blind not to see this.
How can a jew be non religious?
Gas them all
>Nope, nothing to do with whites inteligence. If they minded their business (kek) I wouldnt have any problems with them.
Maybe if blacks built the greatest civilisations of the world and white people latched on like parasites and sacked every last shekel they could whilst simultaneously corrupting and subverting.
It's not an argument, people don't hate jews for their money, just look at the state the media, do you think people hate the media because they're successful? No it's because of all the agenda pushing and disinformation, the media is corrupted beyond repair, and we know (((who))) owns the media.
Most American Jews claim to be "secular"
Because one can be a jew but not a judaist.