Nigger hate thread

Instead of fighting among ourselves lets all be united in our absolute hatred of niggers.

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srsly m8 we get enough hate on Sup Forums in general, why pour salt in the wound

No cunt and im not even black, what do you suggest? we goto war with anyone of colour?

you dumb racist twat, think mcfly think, we have to work together as one race.

Race mixing is fine and i suggest you all do it, my sister is an anglo and she married an Arab, their kids are 10/10's stunning.

its like a do you think a moth would get bent out of shape if it change colour a bit? No, so enjoy your very short life and try to be nice, you never know you might actually have fun.

This is literally the flag of Sardinia

literally all races hate niggers. People of Eurasia must unite and kill them all genocide them. after that we kill off the sand niggers and then world peace and paradise for the Yellow and White race.

You're an over privileged white bigot, you people hold all the cards and wealth and have the final say, why dont you consider those less sophisticated or cultured as your equals in society and try to enlighten each other?

Life is too short, dont waste it on hate, try helping and being positive is so much better and fulfilling.

what the fuck is happening to Sup Forums

Corsica is better, it's just a flag of a decapitated black person

Whats wrong with being nice?

C'mon, no hate today, the Olympics are starting tonight, its global party time!

Lets all hug


i neva herd dis in all muh lyf senpaitachi tell me moar

Why would I hate black people? Almost all athletes and entertainers are black people

Does Sup Forums hate the NFL, NBA and the Olympic games?

stop raiding faggot

yes, panem et circenses

What is it with these fucking nogs?

> parked in the fire lane for 30+ minutes
> shopping in shifts so they can use different benefit cards
> on welfare but driving a $30,000+ SUV

I literally hate these fucking people, 75% of theft that happens is black people, every time I stop someone for stealing it's 'YOU RACIS' wtf guy?

How can a grown "man" hate sports? Even gays and guys raised by single mothers love athletes

Arabs are Caucasoid you ignorant twit

but they have no control over what they do cuz they be poor

i don't hate them, i just don't care about them.

people waste all their pent up tribalistic tendencies rooting for their team, instead of their nation or race. it's disgusting.

most sports teams don't even pick their players from their own region, they shop around nation/worldwide.
so it's not like you're rooting for your own community.


Arabs are Semites.

Paul O'Neal's vigil

>his teams leading scorer, passer and rebounding defensive player didn't come from his own geographic region
Sucks for you

That meme is so tired. How do people go to sleep at night believing that shit? I'm a soulless wage cuck from a poor family and yeah, I hate my life most days but I'm still going to fucking work every day, and striving to make my life better, not leeching off of the rest of society. And when there's a riot in the ghetto and black on black crime is at it's highest level, I'msupposed to feel bad about the roaches fighting for my crumbs? Fuck that

I don't think like that at all, I think people should be responsible for their moral actions regardless of their class or color. Is that racist?

>Almost all athletes and entertainers are black people

What athletics and entertainment are YOU watching?

Of the big four major sports in the United States (NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB)

Blacks male (5%) of the population make up the majority of two of the aforementioned organizations.

The highest paid comedian in the US is black, the highest paid actor in the world is half black, most popular artist are black

No, I think I was agreeing with your previous statement, just worded it wrong. We be on the same page user.

>Mandingos doing what they were made for
How surprising.

Yes i hate most sports. Only sport i care about a little is hockey. The rest is pretty much boring and the olympic games is just a big propaganda scen. Most entertainers are boring and walk on eggshells just to not offend pussys like you.

>highest paid actor in the world
google says that's this guy

>made for
Asserting dominance through ridiculous feats of athleticism?
>he doesn't know how to read

>most entertainers are boring
That's why they're paid millions to entertain others?


Holy shit youre a faggot

Yes and i don't care about them either. If they wanna watch their junk it's fine by me but don't try to even make argument about their more important because millions of people like some stupid cunt like Amy "I do not steal jokes but present them exactly the way other have done" Schumer. People would risk their lifes for saving pic of kim jung un and they, like most tv-viewers are brainwashed idiots.

I'm not gonna read all that, because it's boring. See anyone can be boring like you? But not many people can make a stadium of people laugh, release a hit single, catch a touchdown pass, dunk a basketball, or star in a film that makes billions of dollars.

Those entertainers are simply better than you at what it is they do