Iran explosion
What have you done this time?
No doubt safety over looked Iran cant get it pumped out fast enough so this was going to happen, but maybe it was a Gulf state or Saudi sabotage?
SHIT, that is one fucking big explosion and its a nuclear plant?
So this is a nuclear plant going up?
Apparently it's an oil pipeline blowing up.
>Apparently it's an oil pipeline blowing up.
Next to a nuke facility. Question is how close.
>roach bantz
>He roached the kike
Absolute madroach
wtf is this
very curious timing
Trump supported mercenaries sent to get revenge on the poor trade deal and to damage the economy.
It'll be interesting to here more.
I don't understand Iran. Obama takes care of them, Valerie Jerret is Iranian, Saudi's hate Iran but then you hear that Obama was proped into power by Saudi money.
It's a clusterfuck.
Blown up Iranian oil pipeline? Probably the Saudis.
Obama is doing the prep work for Hillary to finish off iran.
Jarret is Iranian?
Does... does oil blow up like that?
>Is Israel behind a recent string of "mishaps" in Iran? Join the discussion on's Facebook page.
That's in the article btw. This is fucking sickening. You kikes are going to die for this. Seriously, you're going to fucking die.
So I've been learning.
well I'm happy to see nobody is fucking thinking it's a "tactical nuke" this time
By giving Iran the cash to get projects done at a faster rate? Accelerating the future enemy to war status.
haha get fucked faggot
Hillary said Iran was literally the devil.
Guess I'm a #Shill4Hill now
Iran is fairly stable and westernized for an Islamic state. It also engages in anti-Israel rhetoric, which makes Israel nervous. It is currently engaged in a proxy war with Saudi Arabia like USA and Soviet Union's Cold War (Dry War?), nobody pays much attention because they are secondary powers.
Turkey is slated to lose NATO membership due to becoming a Caliphate, Saudi Arabia is due to collapse. Making friends with the only other remaining stable strong state in the region makes all kinds of sense. (Houthi) Yemen wants to be friends too.
Also, Iran's "Islamic State" status ain't going to hold past Khomeini, and if it can dissolve peacefully back to a secular, progressive state, bonus PR points.
Any link with Snowen 2.0?
eventually, before the election, there will be a series of cascading events that will trigger the final happening
huma abedin is also iranian
We have to take out their oil
Precursor to Trump/Netanyahu alliance bombing the oil fields
>huma abedin is also iranian
No she is not.
First image reply to this thread
My money on Saudi Arabia black ops, designed to disrupt supply of oil, and drive the price up, also hurt Iran.
>Jarret is Iranian?
Nope. She was born in Iran during the time of Shah from American parents.
So this...
Is the power...
Of Mazda...
My money is on People's Mujaheddin of Iran doing this. USA, UK, France, and Saudi Arabia have been increasing their funding for them. They are Islamic Marxist terrorists.
Hachi still gonna murder you downhill
Where does their proxy war take place? Is it simply Shia terror cells fighting Sunni cells? I know that is taking place.
Are you also saying Islam is losing power over Iran? That's strange considering it would be a lessening of the only Shia state left. The identity of Islam as a whole is then left to only Sunni.
It was probably just an accident, goyi- I mean - guys.
Maybe the Saudis did it... Ya, doncha know the Muslims are your enemy?
no. it doesn't
Iran/Saudis are fighting proxy wars in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.
yes I'm invested in oil, this gonna be good.
>Where does their proxy war take place? Is it simply Shia terror cells fighting Sunni cells?
Something like that.
>Iran fights Saudi funded ISIS
>Saudi Arabia fights Iran funded Houthis (Zaidi sect of Shi'a)
Lybia too. Any time you see muslims screaming Allah hu Ackbar and wanting Sharia, they most likely funded by Saudis, and their opponents, who usually want a secular government are funded by Iranians.
Iran wants to fund Shi'a in Saudi Arabia too, but they aren't taking their money yet i heard.
Is Iran in Libya? The Saudis probably are, but they're everywhere these days.
Oil futures now is a good investment. Price is clearly bottoming out.
is netherbro okay?
The middle eastern secular states were destroyed. Destroyed with purpose. Now Iran wants to reignite secularism?
This is to much.
>haha get fucked faggot
haha get exterminated, kike. Supposedly there are only a few million of you here anyways. By my estimates, if just one in 50 Americans kills just a single jew we will kill all the jews in America. Seems like a viable solution to me.
I don't know what you do all day, anonkike, but I seriously spend most of my time thinking of ways to destroy all of you.
Probably CIA/Mossad eliminating that netherlands fellow who ran to Iran with documents linking US to ISIS through Royal Dutch Shell.
He posted too much on the internet and trusted his phone's hardware thinking the Iranians inserting custom firmware was somehow going to stop it being a tracking device.
P.S. that netherlands secretary girl who was tempted to spill the beans on pedophilia within the government's probably dead now too.
Lesson to leakers: Leak your shit first and out in the open to everyone, THEN brag about it if you really want.
It's probably less about muh secularism, and more about playing keep-away with the Sunnis and giving Saudis less puppets.
Islamists and ISIS are definitely in Lybia, which means Saudi are definitely funding them. Iran HAS to be there, just to keep up.
It's a clusterfuck of tribal politics. If you're looking for Turkey-Iran staging area, it's Azerbaijan, an economically successful political clusterfuck made up of muslim atheists.
Iran and Saudis are fighting each other via proxy wars. USA is probably playing both sides, but recent developments (Iran deal, released "evidence" blaming Saudi govt for 9/11) suggests USA might be aligning more against Saudis.
*proxy AND economic and ideological wars
Killing Jews is a liberating experience. I had the honor of taking a few out around ten years ago during a conflict in their pet of the world. We would shoot their female IDF soldiers and watch the Males come to their aid then ambush them.
The Jews would cry and literally piss themselves before we killed them. It was great. It was also a war. They killed many of ours and we killed many of theirs.
obama gave them 400million + nuclear material
they're probably testing new israel erasing strats
I'll take "things that never happened" for $800, Alex.
I agree about aligning against Saudi. The Saudis have little left to give. The politicians who let them run wild with Islam are starting to wilt.
Low brow.
I don't think either Saudi Arabia nor Iran push for secularism anywhere. Probably a meme pushed by some propaganda outlet.
Saudis actively support and promote Islam everywhere in the world (fund mosques etc).
Dunno if Iran does the same, but i think they definitely support Shia communities in and outside Iran in the Middle East.
Both governments are infamous for supporting islamic extremism.
Both countries are under some kind of islamic law. Both execute people based on this law.
Don't fall for the "X or Y defends secularism" meme. Neither does.
explosives expert here.
>intense flash of light
>immediate and extensive heat radiation
>lethal x-ray pulses
>damaging pressure wave
>giant, rising fireball
that explosion has all the indications of a tactical nuclear strike.
>the money was a bomb
video where?
the fucking kikes are at it again!
>lethal x-ray pulses
I saw those, too.
I'm starting to think they (USA) just shift their animosity from time to time between Iran and SA.
How could anyone miss them?
Jews just cannot stand that Iran's bank isn't ran by the Rothschilds.
Don't fall for the Spanish jew guys, he isn't real