HAHAHAHA how will Trump EVER recover?!
Penn Jillette BTFO of Trump!
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fake and gay
If KeK Vults OP is a faggot
and dies today
He is looking skinny, does he have AIDS or something?
Try again, Trump shill.
Penn has been drafted in to shore up the Bernouts. They cannot be allowed to convert to Trumpism.
What the fuck happened to him?
He looks like he has AIDS now.
Creepy fucking shit man.
Geez, he looks like he had his soul sucked out of him.
Stop spamming this shit you fucking faggot
>Nate "Donald Trump is the Nickelback of Primary Candidates And Will Not Win Period" Bronze
Hail KeK!
make me
Get rekt
You sound like you don't understand statistics.
Go check his website, maybe you'll learn.
>Nate Cardboard
>a statitician
>not just a pundit
This faggot is on his last legs.
((bloomberg)) "politics"
>le trash man isn't fat anymore
Not as cool now
I knew he was simply a liar.
He tried to play it cool at first, and pretend he wasnt overtly attempting to undermine the campaign. We saw a video a couple weeks ago.
He got thin to do celebrity dancing something or another. Then realized he felt better so stayed thin.
I agree with Penn Jillette on a lot of crap, but the only thing he got right in this bit was the misdirection. Trumps campaign is great because he is misdirecting the media. He makes them focus on something so hard that they end up accidentally publishing truths.
>gets statistics massively incorrect during the primaries
>people still take him seriously because he made an educated guess that King Nigger would be the first candidate to get 100% black vote
He looked a lot better as a fat fuck.
what the fuck happened to penn? he looks 10x better when he had more weight
Is that nail polish?
Y'know, he still has good patter.
Also, the 1st amendment only applies to citizens of the US. Not immigration policy.
It applies to the people of the United States of America. Says so in the first line of the constitution. If you're not a citizen, tough shit.
He lost 100+ pounds by eating less and moving more; probably because he didn't want to die in a few years before getting to enjoy his relatively vast fortune.
Misdirection. Iirc his mom suggested it.
Has this guy done a lot of hard core drugs or something?
He looks all thin and wasted, and this whole thing made no sense
Penn went on a specific diet of potatoes, no sugar, no salt, and cold showers. It sped up his metabolism excessively as a result.
>Has this guy done a lot of hard core drugs or something?
Like Trump: No drugs. No alcohol.
that's called not being overweight
fucking american standards
I just realized now that some people look better fat. Strange
nice meme but seriously he doesn't look good thin
Nah, he just lost a significant amount of weight, and I think he's gone vegan, so yeah that's probably it too.
That is false, and is the entire reason the 14th Amendment exists
Fat people tend to look younger than they are. The blubber keeps the wrinkles and frown lines, for lack of a better term, plumped
PROTIP: Be a little chubby when you get old, otherwise you look like the crypt keeper.
Since when did Penn's looks get trashed? Who fucked his shit up?
I can't help but feel he is being paid or coerced in some way... I wouldn't put it below the clinton campaign to try and use some of Sup Forums's icons to dissuade them
>trusting in magicians
please, grow up
His shit got fucked up. He looks terrible.
Well you are used to seeing him obese.
When you see a formerly fat man when he is skinny it's a shocker to see how they really are without that heft on them.
Penn is and always has been a hardcore libertarian. Just watch their show Bullshit, if you cant see he hits everyone, all the time, you are blind.
Anyone with a shred of actual love for America would say the exact same thing Penn just did. Hillary wants to shred the 2nd Amendment. Trump wants to do away with the majority of the document but has people fooled into thinking that is the "smart" way to think
salt and carbs increase metabolism
that's it. Penn is going to have a meltdown. EVERY fucking time a public figure tries to shit on trump something happens to them.
Screenshot this shit, i guarantee you Penn either gets sick, or has a huge meltdown.
Screenshot this
did he catch AIDS or something? I thought he was a big fat man
>BTFO of Trump
Can someone explain the video? I don't get Muricans humour.
Teller blasted poz into Penn's asshole.
It is literally a 2 minute video with nothing in it so he can call Trump an idiot at the end. He should have just came out with a 2 second video and said he was an idiot. They literally have no idea what to do and are just name calling at this point, Trump did the name labeling long ago and moved past it.
Gotta admit. Trump got BTFO pretty hard here.
No arguments in this thread. Guess he B Trump TFO
Libertarians are usually free market "progressives"
>(((Bloomberg))) Politics
But the le epic le trashman (now le AIDSman) has a point. Trump shines when he attacks cuck globalist elites like Bush and Romney, not when he idiotically takes Democrap bait like KHAAAAAN and the kripple reporter.
Does this guy have AIDS or what?
who's the cancer patient?
Oh fuck.
#imwithher now.
god damn, this board is dead. So many super pac shills..
Did someone stick a pin in Pen Jillette and deflate him?
trump should forefit the elections after this video
there is no way anyone can counter those arguments
>Loses weight
>Derided by Sup Forums
>He's no longer one of us
Sounds about right
Penn has typhus?
>"because he's an idiot"
This really Blown out my asshole and now i haev to massage my clintoris now that i am #withur
Below is all conjecture and has no basis in first-hand knowledge of fact.
Penn is strongly into the Occult, and so are many of those in the political establishment, especially within the Democratic party. They do everything from perform séance’s and have masked orgies, to child sacrifice and "fox hunting". The primary means of blackmail among elites is the filming of sexual encounters with children, which are specifically set-up for that purpose.
Then again, it's all just conjecture.