Is the ability to enjoy dairy a white privilege?
Is the ability to enjoy dairy a white privilege?
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Kinda. I can't though. I'm norwegian and a little swedish/ finnish mix.
Yep I like my milkshakes thick and my minorities jealous
Nah I'm black and I can drink milk. I never drink it alone though only when it compliments something.
I know whites who are ironically lactose
You're black.
You're white.
Yes, shills will deny it with entirely personal anecdotes so beware.
Fucking sandniggers, they are increasing the percentage.
Masterrace reporting
Shitty colormap choice
how do you explain Europeans moving to North America being able to digest lactose but Europeans moving to South America being unable to do it?
Is it something to do with Latitude?
according to your map, magically, Europeans moving here lost their ability to digest lactose (event tho our whole country just produces milk, cattle and grains)
raeli maeks yu tink
Shut up about our dairy! You don't see Tazmania spouting off about their Boags and Cascade.
I lol'd
I love yoghurt.
>Drinking baby calf growth fluid
Stay pleb Sup Forums
Fat milk gives me cramps
t. Amhed Al-Ashir
>Is the ability to enjoy dairy a white privilege?
It is, and Norway isn't white.
>t. Swedecuck
What the fuck
those hands are fucking disgusting you dirty fucking spic
This is a meme
>Calling anyone a cuck
Wew lad
Dude you're a Southern European you're basically half spic anyways. Come back when you're Northern European master race
Lol my ex Uruguayan gf also said shit like this you're not European sorry
>rape capital of the world
>trying to say his country is cucked
Wew lad
It's because the southern ones mixed with niggers and natives
Probably the camera, I usually get comments on how soft and clean they look. You can see the smudge. Also not a spic im alberto balbosa
Look at his fucking hand you retard it's disgusting I bet you're a fucking spic as well and defend your manlet brother
>Be Black/Asian
>Probably have 0% white genes, but if any its probably like 5% from a horny frenchman 300 years ago in the caribbean
>chug milk erryday
>Rape equals cuckoldry
Maybe you should purchase a dictionary.
>mfw Somali scum are shitting themselves to death after buying Whole Milk without a translator on hand
My hand, probably whiter than yours
What kind of fucking loser is lactose intolerant?
I drink about as much milk as the average Finn, probably a little more.
Then again, I am like 6% Finnish.
>Tried drinking raw milk a few weeks ago after seeing a graph like this
>Huge stomache rumbles and aches
Sweden, you are one of the most hated countries on Sup Forums, after Canada and Turkey. Fuck off, come back when you have 85% whites like Iowa.
It's a shit fake map.
The source mentioned there (you can googl it) explains that they "didn't have data for all countries so they extrapolated based on their neighbours", which is utterly retarded.
For the case of my country, this meant using data from Bolivia. For the case of Greece, this meant using data from Turkey.
Utterly retarded. The map was removed from Wikipedia for this reason.
Compare OP's map with actual milk consumption.
I am indian and all we eat is milk, curd or paneer
My sides. You're only like 5% Germanic, whereas Sweden has the highest concentration of Germanic people on the planet.
>Sweden, you are one of the most hated countries on Sup Forums, after Canada and Turkey.
Success breeds jealousy.
Huh, I guess the ancient Egyptians actually were black.
Go figure.
I said Iowa, fuck the rest of America. Iowa and many other Midwestern states are very white. When the race war/political ideological war starts, the Midwest will become a new country hopefully
>Posting image links on an imageboard
Sorry but my repeating dubs aren't there for no reason. Also, you don't get to cherry-pick states. If you do, then I get to cherry-pick municipality, and that means 100% white.
>Only whites can drink milk without lactose intolerance
I'm a brown meztizo and I drink milk just fine.
That's actually a legitimate instance of white privilege holy shit.
brb having a coffee while I reflect on how awesome my body is
with milk
heh, we're more european than you right now.
not here bruh, we genocided the natives (and they were only 5k, and only 4(FOUR) survived and we sold them to a circus in Paris) (did I say that only FOUR survived? yeah FOUR)
>Four surviving Charrúas were captured at Salsipuedes. They were Senacua Sénaqué, a medicine man; Vaimaca-Pirú Sira, a warrior; and a young couple, Laureano Tacuavé Martínez and María Micaëla Guyunusa. All four were taken to Paris, France, in 1833, where they were exhibited to the public.
yeah I kind of suspected it, poor Yuropoors conquered by Achmeds trying to stay relevant with shooped maps
it's quite funny because I'm a chink and have no dairy problems whatsoever
are you an ogre?
Mexico is wrong in that map
Sheep milk doesn't count.
What the fuck is that suppose to mean
90% white hahahaahhaaha my sides
as white as you
or probably whiter than you, Dad (you've taken lots of nigger dick in this past couple centuries while we stayed isolated)
>1% white
guess I know where to never vacation to
Of Somali background? Pls no stab
Wtf?. I literally have never met someone with lactose intolerance
Obviously not you idiot. Is all of Sup Forums this fucking retarded?
>Mexicans are literally the most lactose tolerant Latin Americans and the second by most milk comsumption with only Argentina surpassing us
>9% white
lol sure.
>argentina 80-100% lactose intolerant
So this proves once and for all that argies are niggers, right?
>No hair
Fucking low test beta males
The number for India and Sri Lanka is bullshit. There is a reason cows are considered holy over there: Cow milk.
Why can't non-whites drink Milk?
I am not making anythinh up m8, this is taken from Wikipedia, you have 3 different charts there, from 3 different sources, with similar results
fun fact: this was linked to me by a Mexican in a previous thread.
I do agree that the lactose intolerance map is BULLSHIT
like real bullshit made in paint by a 10 year old
Why are Americans so fat?
Lol ok DYEL
Iceland lactose intolerant... dafug?
30-60% here? Everyone I know can.
>s w e d e n
wew lad
>mfw I consume at least 1 liter of milk per day
feels good being white
But from where do these results came from? Mexico has no official race census, all these sources claiming otherwise are bullshit.
It's literally white privilege.
Is this cows milk or just "milk"... one of these things doesn't belong (Sudan)....
yeah the map is pure fucking bullshit
at first I thought it was a "native population" map but seeing how Australia is in the good zone, that theory is discarded
the map is just plain bullshit made by some retard at that site without any research
I am Puerto Rican/Cuban/Native American and drink milk regularly with no issues.
My skin is visibly light brown. Checkmate whitey.
Bruh, you can see the obesity in your damn hands son
As America has become less white, milk consumption has dropped. Correlation vs causation, but it's interesting to note.
I actually didn't know about this. I don't know anyone who can't drink milk. In fact, I'd say most people I know drink too much, but that rarely comes up anyway.
>drink milk
goat milk and your dad's sperm doesnt count as milk, nigger.
Forgot pic
>thread is giving me a really bad milk craving
Fuck you guys. I want an ice cold glass of WHOLE milk, now.
Anonkun why do you say such mean things? Im a solid 300 pounds, but dont shame me for it
well the 3 souces ther are:
>The World Factbook
which is the CIA's factbook, grab your tinfoil hats everyone
then you have unironically a Mexican
>The following table contains information based on work by National Autonomous University of Mexico professor Dr. Francisco Lizcano Fernández in 2014
the you have
>According to other sources[edit]
This is a list of ethnic groups based on national or other sources.
I don't know what that "other sources" are but if the SJW's at wikipedia let them stay they must be true, they wouldn't let any rayycissss chart on their site
sorry about the many typos, im in a hurry
>skim milk
Fucking disgusting.
Yes. We mus ban milk and cheese and the rest of it. Dairy is offensive.
>American """""""milk""""""""
Neither of those is official, for one Mexicans are whiter than Uruguayans as all the studies I find put the lactose intolerance of Uruguayans on 50% or more, which is way higjer than Argentina or Mexico and like that of Brazil.
Turn that 300lbs of flab into pure muscle. One day u may. Whatever it takes to be a 5%er. Arms day everyday for 5 hours goddamnit. vacuums 10 fucking times a day goddamnit. Keto diet so you can fucking eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's and a large pizza goddamnit, right babe? 3 hours of cardio every hour, whatever it takes goddamnit.
This site's really interesting.
Yeah, but black people have the privilege of being immune to malaria.
No, its the fact that you let them rape your women is being cucked.
I cant believe i have to spell it out for this dumb ass faggot
>the CIA's factbook isnt reliable
I mean I know you hate Americans, but I don't know about that...
CIA's factbook is the less reliable of the three, the only thing Mexico does count is indians, which are 6% of the population yet the factbook says they're 30%.