>Er war einer der tollsten Männer, die ich kennenlernen durfte. Immer fürsorglich, ein Prachtexemplar.
>He was one of the greatest men I had the privilege of getting to know. Always caring. A keeper.

Other urls found in this thread:,vanessa120.html

She payed the toll.


when will these roastie race traitors learn?

She doesn't look very German...
anyway...mudsharks are nothing of value

Let's hope this trend continues.

>He was one of the greatest men I had the privilege of getting to know. Always caring. A keeper.
sounds like Hitler

Is the black man, white female relationship the strangest meme the world has ever given us?

White girls literally can't stay off the bbc no matter what happens to them.

oh the well-known happy end again

>I wanted diversity for my country but the only diversification happened in my face

Nice source

Hitler wanted Sharia, not niggers.
When the Aryan race realizes the truth and power of the Islamic faith only then they will triumph.
Allah in Heaven, Hitler in Heaven!

stockholm syndrome

I love stories with happy endings. Glad Jamal gave her what was coming to her.,vanessa120.html


>White girls literally can't stay off the bbc no matter what happens to them.

The odd thing is they can't seem to keep them around.

>White girls literally can't stay off the bbc no matter what happens to them.

Well, until the nigger kills them kek. I used to think it was fucked up of Sup Forums to laugh about this shit but after so many coal burners end up dead it becomes a pretty solid joke.

Dude confessed that he went to her after a fight and wanted to make up with her and he accidentally happend to carry a vat full of acid that he dropped into her face when she was angry with him for fucking other women.
But he totally didnt mean it

you're going to reap just what you sow



Coalburner got burnd.

Ahaha poetry!!


Who cares. Remember, the enemy of your enemy is the black guy in this case. She is nothing but your enemy. The black guy at least doesn't hate you, because he doesn't care about you and if you try to be his friend you will probably succeed, whilst the woman...she hates you.

The thing is, nigger are so dumb this isn't out of the realm of possibility. It's obvious bullshit but it's completely possible knowing your average black.

>walkin past chemical plant
>oh shizz dawg i bet dis sht worth som chedda
>Steals whatever shit he can get his hands on
>AY baby i know been fuckin otha ho's but peep dis sheyit i found
>Knocks acid into her own face

I mean I could actually picture reading an article like this




Thats basically his story. He just had the acid with him for no reason and he wanted to confess his love to her.

why do slovakia slovenia and serbia all have basically the same flag?

Why would we want to be his friend though? So he can steal our shit and then acid us in the face?

I'd just hang the ape and the coal burner.

Laundry worker?

>black eyes (lol, pun intended)
>black hair


Her name is Vanessa Münstermann. Pretty german name t b h



Where do these shitskins find the acid for these attacks?

Kek, niggers lie so much if a one told me the sky was blue I'd look up just to be sure.



Probably from some female niggers pussy

are you stupid?? so according to you there are no black haired germans you fucking mongol?


I can't read German. Does she blame the nigger or does she still want diversity?

Holy quads!

Sup Forums changed me to

Around blacks never relax, just because youve had a good dog for a long time it doesnt mean the dog wont bite you, they are animals after all.

Redpilling them one at a time.

Once you go black
Get disfigured by acid attack

She just asked
in a very theatrical fashion.
Because she liek totally luvd him 5 evr and still does

This bitch would have spit on me if I asked her out.

I hope she enjoys her new face, I think it's a huge improvement. The outside matches the inside now. An evil, vicious, mean-spirited cunt should have an ugly, scary face.


She wasn't even a coalburner, just a sheltered cunt.

Lol black guys are our greatest ally. They redpill more whites through their bad behavior than any white man could. They punish race mixers more than we do. They kill more blacks than whites ever will.

Leaf brings the bantz :^)

Toll booth operators.

Ah. So she doesn't blame him then. Good stuff.


Well done

The real victim is the bull.


>t. David S.
wanna fight IRL?

I think she's clueless because she'd have to admit to herself that all niggers are violent criminals so instead she prefers to act like there is no explanation and it was a crime of passion

have some fucking tolerance you racist

acid attacks are legal and common in his culture

>wanna fight IRL?
I m not nigger, I dont hit girls

wtf is this? donate money to coalburner??


This woman is taking what she can fucking get from now on.

Her solidarity kikebook is full of other cunts faking sympathy for her and everybody is playing clueless as to what happened, as if it was some unavoidable catastrophy and not the direct result of dating niggers

The usual fate of coalburners seems to be

1. They end up dead
2. They end up horribly disfigured
3. They end up alone, stuck with a half nigger kid, begging white men to take them back

What does your nation do when feminists attack men?

she looks like a munster, man

>wtf is this? donate money to coalburner??
Yeah and cunts and betas telling her how strong she is.

((( kike)))

Truly mind boggling. She has her face horribly disfigured for rest of her life from this nigger throwing acid on it, and she STILL can't bring herself to blame the attacker because he happens to be a nigger.

What % of German women are like this? Is it really bad over there?

She looks like a dyke.
Lesbians like being abused and hit so it's fine.

That's what she gets for shoving all that privilege in his face

That's satire, right? Right?
Well, you should.

All women are like this.

you glorious fucking leaf

Russian rape baby. Not even human.


it's not that bad when you hold your hand over the right side of her face

>she looks like a munster, man
Meme magic at work

I seriously think God hates coalburners with a passion. I've just heard countless upon countless stories of them getting what they deserve.

Russians have green eyes.
She's probably of A N G L O descent

Burn coal
pay toll

added it to the list.

Any other cases you would like to add?

>that smug face
>now i can play victim aswell


>>He was one of the greatest men I had the privilege of getting to know. Always caring. A keeper.
kek and she still thinks this? they cant be helped. hope she enjoys rest of her shitty life now.

>What does your nation do when feminists attack men?
Try to avoid conflict? If youre tall enough, a woman cant really hit you, no matter how hard she tries.

I got great business idea., something liek gofundme, but we specialize in coalburners who need financial help because they got physically abused

What is it with niggers and acid?
Thats something only niggers and muslims seem to do. Why acid? Why not just beat her up?

>have golden vagina
>get free money

looks like some uppity cunt. now whos going to pig fuck her?


Probably industrial strength cleaning chemicals.

No russians dont.

Litva has 89% green eyes. Russians are mongrel mongols. Brown eyes no souls black hair.

Green eyes are rare.

>mark of the coal burner


>now whos going to pig fuck her?
some beta german cuck?? you can never run out of white knights.

Isnt it kinda frustrating though to see a woman have happen to her EXACTLY what all the ebul racists warned about and then double down on her stupid believes?


>He was one of the greatest men I had the privilege of getting to know. Always caring. A keeper.
>So I betrayed him, naturally.
>Why did I do it? Boredom, I guess.
>Everyone else had such exciting Facebook timelines, I guess I wanted to jazz mine up a little.
>I fucked three of his friends and sent him photos of them spitting and pissing on me.
>I was hoping he would just beat me up a little, maybe choke me and fuck me in the ass. Something I could post on Facebook and get a little attention.
>I had no idea he would flip the fuck out and burn my face off.

You should read about all the times they light people on fire and do other sick shit like that.

You've seen the tire-necking webms haven't you?

Or that webm where the 2 year old pukes on the couch and the mom/grandmother beats the shit out of it and steps on it.