Why does she look so old and decrepit?
Why does she look so old and decrepit?
Other urls found in this thread:
She is tired, her booobies are hanging...
She's a nervous wreck. She's going down.
She's a shrill, evil old lady.
Because of the vast right wing conspiracy.
Low energy
Theme song:
You'll look old and decrepit too if you were going on 70. Hillary can be 90% of this board's Grandmother.
Trump is the same age and is high energy
she's mentally unstable...
I guess sucking dick really makes you look young
70 isn't that old for her socioeconomic bracket. She's not a bricklayer or a ditch digger.
She hasn't even revealed her true form yet.
Because she's old and decrepit OP
Why is she wearing a wig?
Does she really have cancer and is getting chemo?
Because she is and she is.
90% of 70 year old women can barely stand for more then 5 mins. Hillary is stroking out and under high stress. She won't win but if she did she would make America looks like a decrepit old lady who can't even drive an automobile.
Photoshop will do that to you.
I bet all the posters in this thread other than me have a furry tail buttplug up their ass as they post.
In b4 all the usual insults.
Any bad or negative press against the Clintons= right wing conspiracy
She should have been president 8 years ago.
She's dying. She has oral cancer and she's tried everything. The drugs didn't work. Chemo didn't work and now she wears a wig, the biopsy didn't work and now people scream "hurr durr lizardpepl" so this election she's finally gets to be president. Her illness will be kept in the dark and when she does finally kick the bucket they'll use a stunt double who pretends to be assassinated by a domestic constitutionalist terrorist group. Her vice president will use this as an excuse to declare a state of emergency and the ZoG will have their junta full of people they can recruit at will to fight their wars and protect their shekels