What's the webcomickiest webcomic on the internet? DMFA is my current peak webcomic.
-Starts off as noncommittal bullshit about the author's friends in a chat -Starts off fucking ugly -Becomes inexplicably popular because in early internet there wasn't much else to read -Somehow becomes the artist's fucking career -Improves over time but in a kind of stale way -Half the original cast is no longer relevant, the other half is SUPER FUCKING SPECIAL -The new characters are way more important than the old characters -Long ass fucking story arcs that never reach real conclusions -Anime -Furries -A disproportionate level of worldbuilding that'll never make it into the comic proper -Still somehow updating regularly -Definitely a fetish
My runners up are Dominic Deegan and The Wotch
What's MORE WEBCOMIC than this? Because I want to read it.
Except for these, I agree. The original cast is just as important as ever, and some have grown in importance. For instance, Sarah can do shit now. >-Half the original cast is no longer relevant, the other half is SUPER FUCKING SPECIAL-The new characters are way more important than the old characters
Henry Murphy
El Goonish Shive is actually the reason I started posting badly drawn Pokemon transformation/pseudofurry comics to a sprite comic forum when I was fourteen. I wasn't fully aware that EGS was a thinly veiled fetish comic but I was aware that if something that ~weird~ had a solid readership then someone out there would tolerate my story idea where a terrible lolrandom self insert turned people into Pokemon furries. I still read EGS even though the plot moves like a fucking glacier.
Homestuck was My Thing for a while, like I regularly posted fanart to the MSPA forums back when the troll arc was in full swing.
Slightly Damned should be on my RSS list and somehow isn't I should just fucking add it now.
Gunnerkrigg Court was good for a while but I've been fucking bored of it for a long time. Still read it though.
Twokinds I made a halfassed attempt to read once and should probably go back and read past the first ten pages, that's a good suggestion.
Jayden Watson
in that it and 8bt set the standard
Caleb Diaz
Blip because it keeps dying right where Sage left off last time and it relies way too hard on old memes and pop culture for some of the gags. Goddammit Sage pick up the pace on your reuploads.
Ian James
>El Goonish Shive I still have no idea why this exists.