You may only post ITT if your province/state has a major seaport
You may only post ITT if your province/state has a major seaport
largest in europe niggers
Alberta reporting in
Just build the fucking pipeline
>due to your poor driving
We will build a Great Wall on our eastern border and we're gonna make Alberta pay for it
Vancouver has the worst drivers in north america
It used to be such a nice city. Now i dont know where to go anymore.
You didn't have to go there.
New York here.
Idk about major but we have ports out the ass in RI.
NOLA here. Please send R2Dindu we need help.
Antwerp represent
Posting because state is on the Mississippi, which is the superior trading hub of all bodies of water.
Manitoba here :)
I say this can count
Largest european FREE OPEN BORDER port reporting in.
If it werent for antwerp seaport the columbians would have no way to get all that sweet cocaine in to euorpe.
Georgia --- port of Savannah
At least people were outraged. In Sweden they'd choose the nigger's sperm
Lighthouse and shiiieeeeet
Thought that was closed off just for Paula Deen's butter supply though?
They were only outraged because not more people got his sperm.
What is the point of this thread and why?
Btw roachport here built by britbongs to transport cotton during american civil war.
>mfw the province i live in exists thanks to confederates.
seems more applicable for US state shit posting not 2nd worlders with an old colonial port
Fuck you and fuck your sea
I wish you seafaggots would all drown one day
Go wash your hands.
Technically Buenos Aires is a river city.
But it's the widest river in the world.
So it's practically a sea.
as a flemish person i want to object against these numbers.
You need to understand that belguim is made up of the first world country flanders and the third world country wallonia.
The niggers and sandniggers in brussels and the walloons are the cunts who dont understand proper hygiene.
>The "should I or should I not shake hands with that guy" map
>Belgium: yep, theres a lot of shit those politicians and bureaucrats have do deal with
Btw, could somebody explain why the American continent ports are so low and little in traffic?
>not knowing what first world country means
A true american.
East Germany is 2 world
To trigger places like Commieberta who have to beg us to use our seaport
Hartlepool - first British sea port attacked in both World Wars based upon its huge industrial capacity.
>Having any notable seaports
you became third world when you elected an Islamist and decided to leave the modern world and return to the middle ages
First off all let me get this straight: USA, western european nations and their allies (nato member countries like turkey) are considered first world. So as long as turkey remains in nato, we are first world deal with it.
Secondly there are more secular cities one can not say it is islamist like izmir, antalya and mersin. I can drink near a mosque during pray times and no one gives a shit.
Glad to help you with your misconception.
>never having heard of Vancouver
>in the top 50 seaports
The fucking "country"s """economy""" rides on this thing right now. Literally the only thing weedman didn't drive into the ground
Yeah those Walloons always bring us down. It's sad.
I wonder how much they fuck up our HDI.
Natives want their payoff first
I've been in many NA cities and fucking this
Rich Chinese bought their licenses and don't give a fuck about tickets or accidents
Bristol, OG seaport, Pirates ur welcome
Ugh I hate living in Vancouver
Also posting for Georgia/Savannah. First planned city in the US.
Fellow nigger-swamp resident, representing. Is every white guy in Savannah on Sup Forums tonight?
Why is Vlexit not a thing?
It could be worse. When it comes to big Canadian cities Vancouver sure as hell comes ahead of Toronto or Cuckgary