THIS?!? This is what criminals were so afraid of?!?

THIS?!? This is what criminals were so afraid of?!?
BWAHAHA I'd be more scared if he was attacking NUDE

>shitting on purple gloves

You got some nerve, user.

>BWAHAHA I'd be more scared if he was attacking NUDE

That Batman also had his cape always propped out, carried pistols and was very likely to cap someone, and frequently tossed people off buildings or straight up murdered a bitch to get what he wanted.

Nice try Joker

You couldn't even hold your laughter in

literally the first GIS result for prostate exam gloves

>Batman wants to rape the joker with his purple fingers of love

>not being scared of prostate exam gloves

they say he breathes fire

>a guy in a bat suit wearing prostate exam gloves runs at you in a dark alley
How is this not terrifying?