Batman Vs. Samurai Jack

Who'd win in a Death Battle, Samurai Jack or Batman.

Takes place in Gotham
Takes place after "Jack and the Baby"
Neither can receive help
Jack believes Batman is a minion of Aku
Batman thinks Jack is a murderer

To the Death

Does Batman get preptime?
Does Jack get preptime?

No Prep Time, besides Batman finding bodies he think was left by Jack

I don't get it.

If batman was jump in any universe, He should be the most powerful guy ever. Samurai jack literally batman with some cartoon magic.

I don't think Jack's sword would be able to cut Batman deep enough to kill him

Batman wouldn't kill Jack, Jack would understand the meaning if Batman had the moment to ultimately end him and didn't go through with it. It ends in a truce with both alive.

Pick better fights dipshit.

Death Battle rules faggot, not BvS puss out rules

Jack wins. Batman's got nothing Jack hasn't beaten before.

Jack's sword can only be used for good so wouldn't he only be able to use it on batarangs and batman's gadgets?

Jack doesn't need his sword. He's proficient in a wide ranch of weaponry

Jack is Batman, but better training and more experience.

Jack wins.

Why is Batman leaning forward, and why isn't he falling?

Jack's sword literally cannot harm good people, so that would probably end the fight right there.


Jack learned martial arts from the people who taught the people>>> amd then taught batman

Jack's sword cannot harm an innocent in the hands of evil.

In the hands of good, it's just a really sharp fucking sword.

I think you took that saying too literally. The sword can only be used for good.


It can't hurt the innocent in the hands of evil.

It can still cut people. Why do you think Jack stopped the baby from biting into in the episode with the cannibal robots? (before he knew they were robot cannibals)

So his techniques are old and outdated

He doesn't have to know they are good. The sword is the decider, by virtue of being literally made of good by gods.

Not really, the sword has never shown a failure to cut anyone but Jack, while Aku was using it.

Every other time it worked fine, even against non evil entities like the Rock monster, scotsman or portal guardian

Then how come Jack was able to hurt the Lizard monks when he was possessed by Aku?

Clearly they weren't very good people.

But Jack was possessed by Aku and shouldn't have been able to hurt anybody with the sword

To quote Jack directly, it can't be used to harm innocents. not that evil people can't use it.