I want a cute german boyfriend who teaches me german

I want a cute german boyfriend who teaches me german.

Hello :3

sealed, you can kiss the bride

give discord!

This is cute

responded too late

Don't worry, the emoticon was probably a red flag.
Plenty more krauts out there.

i hate germans
first they ruined the world with ww1
AGAIN they ruined it with ww2
and know the didnt fucking get enough and merkel is trying to ruin europe

Tell us more about which countries are good and which are bad

i never said america was whiter than germany
i just hate the german national identity
harris should have nuked berlin

Even if you're not talking about whiteness, you're still using the same linear logic

memes aside, anyone know where I can learn german online?
Any reference material will be helpful
t. guy in transit


no, I am a pajeet.
I know I will die unloved by anyone but my parents have made my peace with it. Now I want to spend my spare time learning to do cool stuff.

You've always got an arranged marriage to fall back on, son.

If I can't find someone to love me, I am not going to shackle some poor girl to my life either. It would be wrong.

Nah, you're a good lad. Good lads always find someone.

yeah, I am not counting on it.

I want somebody to execute all gay posters


Don't forget about jews and slavs

kys stupid outback chink
im sick of your shit

I fucking hate American posters you are human garbage if you weren't such greedy, dirty fucking filth then you wouldn't have entered WW1 and Germany would've won and the world would be a better place you subhuman cretin

>mh'haaate ger'hmany
>fuckn mh'ancestors
Be careful not to get stuck in your door again, fat fuck.

you have forced my hand Teutonic slime

>im so fat it hurts to move muh haaaand
>now im going to die because of hunger due to calorie loss

You the woman an exception, that's why they made tv show about her. On the contrary you are so fat you can barely move your hand.

I gather this is a pathetic shunting away of culpability, face it, your culture is disgusting, and you must have learned English from a toaster.

>he pays to get called a mutt

did you make this post yesterday? just so you know, we see it!

4.99 a month

Fat fuck confirmed. You only can think of food and a toaster still has a higher IQ than you do.

simply, a toaster is something a German may know of, you are fat and eat bread all day after all

Get rekt you pigeon head Germanocuck. Bible clearly says Jesus is of house of David more than once.

We all want something, but that doesn’t mean we will all get it

Only good thing America ever did was resist the red shield for a hundred years, then it went downhill from there

>tfw too free for a European bf, they can't even handle me
My path may not be easy, but it is rewarding.

not to mention fattening

Checkmate, atheists.

>skinnyfat posting his gross stomach
go and stay go

no u

I am dadbod master race

faggots are fucking disgusting, you don't even deserve a bullet in the brain someone should just bash your head in and be done with it